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Borwein J., Bailey D. — Mathematics by Experiment: Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century |
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Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 240
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), quantized images 241
Joyce, David 30 32
Joyce, Jeff ix
JPEG see Joint Photographies Experts Group
Julia sets viii 32 238
Julia sets, 16,000 Poles of B(v) 238
Kakeya's hypocycloid 82
Kakeya's problem 81
Kamata, Yoshikiyo 113
Kanada, Yasumasa 7—8 30 62 110—112 114 115
Kanada, Yasumasa, frequency of digits of 144
Kantian experiment 255
Kelly, L.M. 18
Kelly, L.M., proof illustration 19
Kepler, Johanes 35
Keynes, John Maynard 38 43 101
Khintchine's constant 144 235
Klein, Ester 78
Klein, Felix 16 17
Knots 92
Knuth, Donald 30 121
Kuhn, Thomas 12
Lakatos, Imre 40 41 251
Lam, Clement 4
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 107
Land, Edwin 44
Landen, John 210
Laplace transform 196
Law and Order 117
Legendre's relation 117 200
Legendre, Adrien-Marie 107 200
Lehmann, W. 113
Lehmer's polynomial 8
Lehrer, Tom 37
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 104 241
Lenstra — Lenstra — Lovasz algorithm see LLL
Lenstra, Hendrik 29 37
Levy, Silvio viii 246 247
Lewin, Leonard 89 210 211
Lewis, Adrian ix
Li, Xiaoye x
Life of Pi 116 142
Liljedahl, Peter 41
Lindemann, Ferdinand von 107
Liouville, Joseph, Liouville numbers 165
Liouville, Joseph, Liouville's theorem 171 177
Lisonek, Petr ix
Littlewood, John Edensor 6 65 80—81 81 96
Liu Hui 113
LLL 52 230
Log sine integral 88
Logistic iteration 50 50—53
Logistic iteration, Bifurcation plot 51
Lucas numbers 239
Luke, Russell ix
Lykken, David 43
Machin formula 105 135
Machin, John 105 113
Macklem, Mason x
Madelung's constant 144
Madhava of Sanganiagramma 107 113
Mandelbrot set 32
Mandelbrot, Benoit 46 144
Mann iteration 78
Mathematics, humanist philosophy of 40
Mathematics, standards of rigor in 40
Matrix Reloaded 116
Matsunaga, Yoshisuke 113
Mattel, Yann see Life of Pi
Mayer, Ernst 7
Mean iteration 203
Mean iteration, Archimedian iteration 204
Mean iteration, Gaussian iteration 203
Mean iteration, logarithmic mean 203
Medawar, P.B. 255 255 256
Merit factor problem 6
Mersenne primes 4
Meterology 42
Millennium Prize 4 38
Milnor, John 11
Minovitch, Michael 37
Monte Carlo simulation 141
Montgomery, Hugh, Riemann zeta function 69—72
Montgomery, Hugh, zero spacing plot 71
Moody, Robert 85
Moore's law vii 2 4
Moore, Gordon 3
Morin, Mathew ix
Mueller, Julia 69
Multivalued function 182
Mumford, David ix 86
Napier, John 71
Nemeth, Tomas 86
Newcomb. Simon 148
Newton, Isaac 42—44 103 104 113
Newton, Isaac, calculation of 106 105—106
Newton, Isaac, Newton's method 176 226—229
Niven, Ivan 139
Normal number 143 143—163 260
Normal number, absolutely normal 143
Normal number, addition 166
Normal number, graphical statistics 263
Normal number, multiplication 165
Normal number, topological properties 165
North, Joseph Hoy 48
O'Donnell, James 97
Odlyzko, Andrew ix x 70
Otho, Valentius 113
P versus NP problem 4—5
Papadopoulos. Jason 7
Parallel computer plat forms 4
Paris — Harrington Theorem 34
Parseval's equation 56
Pascal, Blaise, Pascal's triangle 45—47
Pascal, Blaise, Pascal's triangle, binomial coefficients 45—46
Pascal, Blaise, triangles mod 2 47
Penrose. Roger. Ill perceptual dipper effect 240
Percival, Colin 7 124 127
Perelman, Grigori 38
Periodic attractor 160 162
Peters, Klaus x 98
Physics 2
Pi (movie) 116
Pick's theorem 17—18
Planck, Max 12
Platonism 211
Plouffe, Simon 49 119 120
Poincare conjecture 38 97
Poincare, Henri 211
Pollak. Henry 62
Polya, George vii
Polya, George, change illustration 21
Polya, George, pictorial representations 21—22
Polygamma function see Psi function
Polylogarithms, Euler sums 58
| Pomerance, Carl 64 156
Pope John-Paul II 97
Primality checking 6
Prime counting function 64 69
Prime number theorem 13 63—64
Primitive prime factor 132
Principal-valued function 182
probability 42
Projective plane 4
Proper power 132
Pseudorandom generators 141 154
Psi function 207
PSLQ 52 53 123 127 130 230—232
PSLQ, calculation of 122
PSLQ, Feynman diagrams 58 59
PSLQ, multipair 232—234
PSLQ, statement of algorithm 230
Psychology 2
Ptolemy 113
Q-linear Machin-type BBP arctangent formula 132
Quantum computing 5 6 41
Quantum physics 2 12 42 72
Qubit 41
Quinn, Frank 257 257
Rademacher, Hans 97
Ramanujan, Srinivasa 42 108 115 172
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 75th birthday stamp 109
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, calculation of 108—109
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, Catalan's constant 238
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, lost notebook 213
Ramsey's theorem 33—34
Record, Robert 12
Reese, George 31
Riemann zeta function 56
Riemann zeta function, Euler sums 58
Riemann zeta function, Feynman diagrams 59
Riemann zeta function, Hurwicz zeta function 236
Riemann zeta function, modulus 95
Riemann zeta function, Modulus plot 96
Riemann zeta function, normal numbers 167
Riemann zeta function, normality of 144
Riemann zeta function, prime numbers 68—69
Riemann zeta function, zero spacing plot 70
Riemann, Georg Bernhard 10 98
Riemann, Georg Bernhard, manuscript 2 67
Riemann, Georg Bernhard, Prime Number Theorem 65—68
Riemann, Georg Bernhard, Riemann Hypothesis 6 68 70 72 95 97 117 253 254
Robinson, John, Firmament sculpture 84
Romanus, Adrianus 113
Roth's theorem 153
Rudolph, Daniel ix
Russell, Bertrand 10 32 84 84 241
Rutherford, W. 113
Salamin, Eugene 109 136 227
Santayana, George 101
Sarnak, Peter 39
Scharein, Rob x 17
Schwalbe, Dan 86
Schwarz inequality 184 185
Sebah, Pascal 30
Seki Kowa 113
Sendov, Hristo ix
Serrano, Luis ix
Shanks, Daniel 110 114
Shanks, William 105 107 113
Sharp, Abraham 113
Shor, Peter 5 41
Siddhanta 113
Siegel, Carl Ludwig 68
Sierpinski, Waclaw 164
Sierpinski, Waclaw, paper triangle 94
Sierpinski, Waclaw, random triangle 48
Sierpinski, Waclaw, Sierpinski cube 31 31
Sierpinski, Waclaw, Sierpinski triangle 46—48 94
Sierpinski, Waclaw, Sierpinski's number 169
Simple connectedness 38
Simpson's paradox 256
Singular value 117
Skewes number 65
Sloane, Neil ix 29 49
Sociology 2
Square Root Bug 180
Star Trek 116
Stephanos 19
Stirling's formula 197 197—198
Stoicheff, Boris 95
Stoneham, R.G. 155
Stormer, F.C.W. 111
Strong Law of Large Numbers 164
Supernovas, Sylvester, James 18—19
Supernovas, Sylvester, James, Sylvester's theorem 17—18
Szekeies, George 78
Takano, K. 111
Takebe, Katahiro 113
Tangent numbers 49—50
Tartaglia, Niccolo Fontana 182
The Joy of Pi 116
The Simpsons 116
Thurston, Bill 98
Topology, experimental 92
Torus and 2-sphere 39
Trapezoidal formula 198
Trefethen, Nick x 22 30
Trilogarithm 210
Tsu Chung-Chih 104 107 113
Tukey, J.W. 215
Turing, Alan 1 241 242
Turing, Alan, Turing machines, halting problem for Turing machines 170
Ulam, Stanislaw 141
Uncertainty principle 183—188
Van Ceulen, Ludolph 113
Vertesi, Janet x
Vierling. Angela 16 31
Viete. Francois 113
Viete. Francois, Viete's product 212
von Neumann, John 1 42 241 242
von Neumann, John, calculation of 108
Von Vega, Georg F. 113
Wagon, Stan 86 141
Wang Fau 113
Weeks, Jeff 31 92
Weeks, Jeff, 2-bridge discovery 93
Weisstein, Eric 28
Wiles, Andrew 9
Wilf — Zeilberger algorithm 245 250
Will Roger's phenomenon 256
Witten, Edward 97
Wolfram, Stephen 47
Wrench, John W. 114
Wright, Tim 30
Wriss, Asia ix x 86
Z-linear Machin-type BBP arctangent formula 132
Zagier, Don 64
Zeilberger, Doron 245 251 252 252—254
Zucker, John ix
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