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Berlekamp E.R., Conway J.H., Guy R.K. — Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
-ppositions 84
-positions 84
Accounts-payable 127
Action, in hottest game 167
Active position 149 150
Acute triangles 254
Adams, E.W. 117
Addition of games 31 32
Addition of switches 122
Addition, nim- 58 59 73 74 90 109 110 116 199 246
Addition, ordinal 220
Addition, two kinds 191
Additives of no atomic weight 225
Adjacency matrix 222
Air on a -string 96
Alice in Wonderland 1 56 57 229
All small games 229
Alternating moves 46 47
Althoefer, I. 86 117
Amazing jungle 208
Amazons 15 16
Ambient temperature 164 165 188
Anatomy of Toads-and-Frogs 63
Andersson, Goran 119
Animals, dead 135
Animals, tracking 202
Annihilation games 224
Argument, Poker-Nim 55 56
Argument, Snakes-in-the-Grass 191
Argument, Tweedledum and Twecdledee 2 72
Arithmetic periodicity 99 113—117 144
Arithmetically periodic 187
Asymmetrical heating 173
atom 229
Atomic weight = uppitiness 200—202 204 206 208 209 211 220—222 225 230—232 234 236—240 242—244 246 248 251 253 256 258 259 261
Atomic weight calculus 231 232 234 237 239 242 247 249 256 259
Atomic weight of lollipops 238
Atomic weight of nimbers and of up 232
Atomic weight properties 236
Atomic weight rules 242
Atomic weight, eccentric 231 232 237 251
Atomic weight, fractional 234 236
Austin. Richard Bruce 52 96 109 117
Average versus value 10
Averages, playing the 167 173
Backgammon 14
Bad move 16
Bad moves 16
Ball, officers' 96
Ball, W.W.Rouse 117
Baron, J.G. 52
Basketball 15
Battle 3
Battle, hot 145
Battle, Nim-like 230
Battleships 15
Beasley, John D. 18
Bed, redwood 211 213—217 222
Benson, E.C 117
Berge, Claude 78
Berlekamp's rule 77 78
Berlekamp, Elwyn Ralph 16 18 77 78 123 144 187 188 224 225
Bicknell — Johnson, Marjorie 79
Big game 65 75 202 206 222
Binary (base 2) 73
Bipartite graph 217 224
Black, Farmer 145 146
Blass, U. 78
Blockbusting 187
Blossom 198 199 240
BLue edge 2 198 230 237
BLue edges 2
Blue Flower Ploy 199 201 240 242
Blue Jungle Ploy 201 210
BLue tinted nodes 48
Blue-Red Hackenbush 1—6 15—17 20 22 27 29—33 35 36 42 77 179 198 200 211—217 224
Bodlaender, H.L. 117 225
Bogus Nim-heap 56
Bond, James = 007 95
Bottle 218 225
Boundary 158
Boundary, Left 154—156 164 169
Boundary, Right 154—156 164 169 170
Bouton, Charles L. 42 52 78
Breakthrough 188
Breuker, D.M. 144
Bridge 15 190 194—196
Bueltermann, J. 86 117
Bulls 145 146
Bushaw, Donald W. 52
Bynum's Game = Eatcake 136 234
Bynum, James 136 234
Bypassing reversible options 60 62—64 66 70 71 75 77
Byrom, John 53
Byron, Henry James 81
Caines, Ian 117
Cake 26 51 196 220 221
Calculus, Atomic Weight 231 232 234 237 239 242 247 249 256 259
Calistrate, Dan 188
Canonical forms for numbers 22
Card sharp 16
Cards, shuffling 14
Carroll, Lewis 229
Cash flow 126
Cashing Cheques 122—124 145 158 159 240
Celoni, James R. 226
Centralizing switches 123
Chain, green 40
Chain, Snort 147 149—151 153 156—158 161 167 168 177 180—183
Chair, redwood 211
Chalk-and-blackboard game 1
Chance moves 14
Chandra, Ashok K. 224 227
Change, phase 167 168
Charge, electric 253 254
Checkers 18
Checkers = Draughts 224 226 227
Cheque-market exchange 158 159
Chess 14 18 224 226
Chess, Dawson's 89—92 101 109
Childish Hackenbush 43 52 157
Childish Hackenbush Hotchpotch 236—238
Childish lollipops 237—240
Childish picture 43
Children's party 132 179
Chilling 187
China 16
Chytie, M.P. 227
Class, outcome 28 84
Cloud 31 36 121 149 150
Coalitions 15
Code digits 92 93 99 101 103—105 107 108 113 117
Coinage, Sylver 15
Coins 123 124
col 38 39 47—51 67 68 75 145 224
Colon notation 243 244
Colon principle 191 193 194 220
Coloring 38 145 147 187
Common coset 110
Common values 110
Comparing games 35 36 122
Compendium 109
Complete in exponential time 225
Complete in Pspace 224
Complete information 14
Component 20 22 31 32 35
Compound game 31
Compound thermograph 164
| Computing power 163
Confused 31 68 69 71
Confusion interval 121 149—151 158 163
Conjecture 112
Connell, Ian G. 78
contract 120
Convention, normal play 14
Conway, John Horton 18 22 52 78 117 123 144 188 225 262
Cook, Stephen A. 224 225
Cooling 151 152 154 167 179 231
Cooling formula 151
Corinthians I 13 12 69
Coset, common 110
Cost 161
Counters, heaps of 41
Couples, Seating 44 45 132 133
Cousin 101 103—105 107 109 114 116
Cowley, Abraham 119
Cows 145—147
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald 78 117
Cram 142
Cram = Impartial Domineering 142 144
Cricket 15
Criminal, minimal 194 214
Critical temperature 167 168 171
Crosscram = Domineering 119
Cucle 213
Cutcake 25 26 31 32
Cutcake, Hickerson's 51
Cycles 192—194 214
Damb, J.E. 225
Dawson's Chess = -137 89—92 101 109
Dawson's Kayles 261
Dawson's Kayles = -07 15 90 93 95 101 109
Dawson, Thomas Rayner 89 117
Dead animals 135
Death Leap Principle 127—130 135
Deleting dominated options 62 63 75 77
Delphinium 47 199 242
Demaine, Eric 225
Demaine, Martin 225
Descartes, Blanche 96 117
Devil's label 195
Dice, rolling 14
Difference Rule 74
Digits, code 92 93 99 101 103—105 107 108 113 117
Dilemma 132
DIM 98
Disarray 95
Discount 161
Disguise 95
Disincentive 147 148
Dissection 128 129 134
Dissociation, thermal 168
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge 1 229
Dog with leftward leanings 4
Dominated option 62 63 75 77 126 149
Domineering 178 187
Domineering = Crosscram 119—122 139 142 144 153 177
Domineering, Impartial = Cram 142 144
Dominoes 119
Dominoes = Domineering 119
Don't-Break-It-Up Theorem 213 214 216
Dots-and-Boxes 15 95 225
Double Duplicate Nim 114
Double Kayles 99
Double-down, 68 69 71
Double-up, 68 69 71 230
Doubling of nim-values 94
Down, 63—65 68 151
Down-second 236
Down-third 236
Downstar 66 242
Drawn 14
Dress, Andreas 117
Dudeney, Henry Ernest 82 117
Duplicate Kayles 99
Duplicate Nim 114 116
Duplication of nim-values 94 98 99 114 116
Duvdevani, N. 79
Eatcake = Bynum's Game 136 234
Eatcakes 234
Eccentric cases of atomic weights 231 232 237 239 249 251
Economy, underlying 151
Edges 40 43 135
Edges for moves 40
Edges, bLue and Red 2—6 29 30 77 198 201 230 237
Edges, grEen 29 30 33 40 41 190—196 198—202 204—206 210 211 218 220 221 225 237 251
Ehrenborg, R. 117
Electric charge 251 253 254
Elkies, Noam D. 14 18 79
Empty set 82
Endgames, Go 187
Ending condition 14 35 46 47
Enlarged flow 204
Enough Rope Principle 16
Epp, R.J. 117
Eppstein, David 225
Equably favorable 35
Equally uppity 242 245
Equitable 157—161 169—172
Erickson, Jeff 138 144
Eternal games 46
Even, Shimon 224 225
Evil numbers 110
Ex-Officers Game = 06 101 103
Exactly periodic 86
Exceptional values 90—92 101 108
Exchange Principle 246
Excitable 157—161 169—172
Excluded values 111
Exemptions, tax 151
Explosive nodes 49 50
Exponential time algorithms 224
Extended thermograph 161 162
Extras 14 46 73 101 134 180 220
Fairy chess 117
Favorite 262
Ferguson's Pairing Property 86
Ferguson, Thomas S. 86 117
Field 145
Fine Print 126
Finicky look 91
First cousin 101 103—105 107 109 114 116
First player wins 28—30
fit 22 251
Flammenkamp, Achim 86 112 117
FLOOR 51 75
Flow 202 204—206 208 209 222
Flow method 238
Flow rule 201 202 204 210
Flow, cash 126
Flower 29 30 33 35 36 47 66 67 190 195 199—201 210 230 240 242 245 246
Flower garden 190 199 229 230 240
Flowerbed 242 244 246
Flowerbed should be posy 33
Flowerstalk = stem 36
Foot 211 212
Ford, Lester R. 205 212 225
Forest 33 34
Form, canonical 22
Form, simplest 22
Form, standard 101 103—105 107—109 114
Formula, Cooling 151
Foundations for thermographs 155
Fox-and-Geese 15
Fractional atomic weight 234 236
Fractional multiples 256
Fraenkel, Aviezri S. 18 78 224 226
Freezing point 154 168—172
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