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Dudley R.M., Fulton W. (Ed) — Real Analysis and Probability |
Предметный указатель |
Savage, L.J. 112 274 278
Scarf, H.E. 435
Schaerf, H.M. 247
Schauder basis 169
Schauder, J. 219
Schay, G. 434
Schmidt, E. 183—184
Schneider, I. 331
Schroeder, E. 22
Schwartz, Jacob T. 78 219 277
Schwartz, Laurent 138
Schwarz, H.A. 182
Schweder, T. 184 332
Second category 59
Second-countable topology 31 119
Section 495
Segal, I.E. 112 481
Seidel, P.L. von 77
Selection axiom 506
Semi-inner product 160—161
Semicontinuous 44
Seminorm 155—156
Semirings 94—96
Seneta, E. 276
Separable 31
Separable range of measurable function 130 492
Separated uniform space 70
Separation of convex sets 197 434
Sequential convergence 27—28 33
Series of independent variables 320—325
Sesquilinear 161
Set 2—3 505
Set theory 1—23 503—520
Set variable 505
Sherbert, D.S. 433
Sheu, S.S. 482
Sheynin, O.B. 276 332
Shift transformation 271
Shiryayev, A.N. 274
Shortt, R.M. 148 434
Siegmund-Schultze, R. 76 184
Sierpinski, W. 148 149 500 519
Signed measures 178—182 232
Simple functions 114—117
Singleton 3
Singular (signed) measures 174 179
Skorohod imbedding 469—476 482—483
Skorohod, A.V. 434 482
Smaller cardinality 16
Smirnov, N.V. 274 482
Smith, H.L. 76
Smoluchowski, M. 480
Solovay, R.M. 112
Spanier, E.H. 481
Stable laws 319 328 330
Standard deviation (square root of variance) 252
Standard measurable space 440
Stanley, R.P. 183
Statistic 426
Statistical mechanics 276—277
Steinhaus, H. 183 219
Stieltjes, T.J. 112
Stigler, S.M. 149 331
Stirling's formula 331
Stirling, J. 331
Stochastic integral 481
Stochastic processes 353 439—476 480—482 531—540
Stokes, G. 77—78
Stone — Cech compactification 74 80
Stone — Daniell integral 142—148 149
Stone, D.M. 246
Stone, M.H. 76 78 80 149
Stone-Weierstrass theorem 54—56
Stopping time 358 453 500
Stout, W.F. 482
Strange attractors 232
Strassen, V. 434 482—483
Strict ordering 10
Stromberg, K. 528
Strong Law of Large Numbers 261 263 266 276
Strong Markov property 450—458 481
Struik, D.J. 503
Subadditive ergodic theorems 374—381
Subadditive function 49 160
Subbase 37
Subcover 34
Submartingale 353
Submartingale, convergence 366 373
Submartingale, Doob decomposition 354 373
Submultiplicative function 379
Subsequences, convergence of 28 33 45
Subsequences, laws 292—293
Subsequences, random variables 288
Subset 3
Substitution axiom 509
Substitution rules 505
Successor 2—3 515 516 518
Sums in topological vector spaces 166
Supermartingale 353
Supermartingale, convergence of 366 373
Suppes, P. 520
Support hyperplane 199
Support of a function 182
Support of a measure 227 238
Supremum 8 34—35 517
Suslin, M. 500
Symmetric: difference 5
Symmetric: functions 426
Symmetric: group 319
Symmetric: relation 10
Symmetric: set 203
Syntactic variables 504
System of bets 357
Szekely, G.J. 276
| Szpilrajn, E. 434
Szulga, A. 435
Tail events 270
Taylor series 522—525
Temple, G. 76
ter Haar, D. 277
Thick (nonmeasurable) sets 107
Thompson, D'Arcy 480
Three-series theorem 322
Tietze — Urysohn extension theorem 65
Tietze, H. 79
Tight measures 224—225 293 402—404 434
Tjur, Tue 540
Todhunter, I. 331
Tonelli, L. 149
Topological: group 69 530
Topological: space 25
Topological: vector space 214
Topologically complete 59—60
topology 24—25
Total variation 179 184 230
Total variation, convergence in 292
Totally bounded 45
Totally disconnected 492
Transfinite induction 12—13
Transformation 121
Transitive relation 10
Transportation problems 420 435
Triangle inequality 26
triangular arrays 315—319
Trigonometric (Fourier) series 171—173 184 240—243 246—247 314
Truncation inequality 325
Tychonoff — Cech compactification 74 80 530
Tychonoff, A.N. 76—77 79—80
Tychonoff: plank 67
Tychonoff: space 73
Tychonoff: theorem 39 76—77
U-statistics 426—433 435
Ulam's theorem 225 245 530
Ulam, S.M. 245 274 275 480 500
Ultrafilter 35—36
Ultrametric space 33
Unbiased estimators 426 432
Unconditional basis 169
Unconditional convergence 29 166
Uncountable 16
Uniform spaces 67—70
Uniform spaces: for laws 413—419
Uniform: boundedness principle 212
Uniform: convergence 53
Uniform: distribution 254
Uniform: measure 251
Uniformities 67—70
Uniformly: continuous 49
Uniformly: equicontinuous 51—52
Uniformly: integrable 134 355—357
Uniformly: tight 293—294 305 402—406 434
Unilateral shift 271
union 5—7 506
Universal sets 495
Universally measurable 402—403 405—406 440 497
Universe 518
Unordered pairs 506
Upcrossings 382
Upper bound 8 20—22 516
Upper semicontinuous 44
Urysohn's lemma 64
Urysohn, P. 76 79
Usual topology of R 26
Van der Waerden, B.L. 183
Van Vleck, E.B. 112
Varadarajan, V.S. 434
Varberg, D.E. 219
Variance 252—253
Vector lattice 142 211
Vector space 142 521—522
Vershik, A.M. 435
Ville, J. 382
Vitali, G. 112 148—149 246 382
Volume 139 141 142 203 216 311 315
von Mises, R. 435
von Neumann, J. 112 184 246 274 275 435 517
Vulikh, B.Z. 435
Wald's identity 369
Wasserstein distance 420—421 425
Watson, G.N. 184
Weak * topology 194
Weak law of large numbers 261 275—276
Weierstrass, K. 78
Weil, Andre 79
Weiss, B. 281
Weldon's dice data 273
Well-formed formulas 504—505
Well-ordered 11
Well-ordered sets 11—15 511 514—515 518—519
Welsh, D.J.A. 379
Whitehead, A.N. 518
Wichura, M.J. 434
Wiener process 445
Wiener, N. 183 480—481 518
Wintner, A. 482—483
Wolfowitz, J. 482
Yorke, J.A. 248
Yosida, K. 277
Young, W.H. and G.C. 80
Youschkevitch [Yushkevich], A.P. 275 500
Youschkevitch, A.A. 276
Zaanen, A.C. 149
Zakon, E. 247
Zermelo — Fraenkel set theory 20 505—510 517
Zermelo, E. 22 505
Zero-one laws 270 272
Zorn's lemma 20—22
Zorn, M. 22
Zygmund, A. 246 481
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