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Atkinson K.E., Han W. — Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework
Atkinson  K.E., Han W. — Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework

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Название: Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework

Авторы: Atkinson K.E., Han W.


This textbook covers basic results of functional analysis and also some additional topics which are needed in theoretical numerical analysis. For this second edition, a new chapter on Fourier analysis and wavelets and over 140 new exercises have been added, almost doubling the exercise amount from the last edition. Many sections from the first edition have been revised. Some of the other topics covered in this book are functional analysis and approximation theory, nonlinear analysis, Sobolev spaces, elliptic boundary value problems and variational inequalities.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 576

Добавлена в каталог: 10.06.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Linear function      6
Linear functional      79
Linear functional extension      80
Linear integral operator      62
Linear interpolant      395
Linear space      2
Linear system      208
Linear system, iterative method      208
Linearized elasticity      343
Linearly dependent      4
Linearly independent      4
Lipschitz constant      41
Lipschitz continuous      41
Lipschitz domain      279
Load vector      362
Local truncation error      266
Locally p-integrable      274
Lower semicontinuous (l.s.c.) function      130
Mapping      52
Mazur Lemma      133
meas(D)      15
Measurable function      16
Mesh parameter      400
Mesh refinement      408
Method of Lagrangian multiplier      438
Minimal angle condition      403
Minkowski inequality      44
Mixed formulation      352
Modulus of continuity      122
Monomial      38
Multi-index notation      38
Multiresotution analysis      193
Nekrasov's equation      212
Newton's method      230
Newton's method, convergence      231
Newton's method, Kantorovich theorem      232
Newton's method, nonlinear differential equation      234
Newton's method, nonlinear integral equation      233
Newton's method, nonlinear system      233
Node      390
Non-conforming element      386
Nonlinear equation      207 355
Nonlinear equation, Newton's method      230
Nonlinear equation, projection method      515
Nonlinear functional analysis      201
Nonlinear integral equation      233
Nonlinear operator, completely continuous      237
Nonlinear operator, derivatives      219
Nonlinear operator, Taylor approximation      237
Norm      8
Norm operator      57
Normed space      8
Normed space, reflexive      91
Numerical quadrature convergence      76
Nystroem method, asymptotic error formula      487
Nystroem method, collectively compact, operator approximation theory      489
Nystroem method, conditioning      488
Nystroem method, error analysis      481
Nystroem method, iteration method      505
Nystroem method, product integration      492
Obstacle problem      414
Open mapping theorem      73
Open set      10
Operator      52
Operator, addition      52
Operator, adjoint      85
Operator, bounded      54
Operator, closed      326
Operator, compact      93
Operator, compact linear      93
Operator, completely continuous      93
Operator, continuous      54
Operator, continuous linear      55
Operator, contractive      203
Operator, differentiation      53
Operator, extension      72 80
Operator, finite rank      95
Operator, linear      55
Operator, linear integral      62
Operator, Lipschitz continuous      203
Operator, non-expansive      203
Operator, norm      57
Operator, perturbation      66
Operator, projection      141
Operator, scalar multiplication      52
Operator, self-adjoint      87
Orthogonal      28
Orthogonal basis      28
Orthogonal projection      151 153
Orthonormal basis      28
Orthonormal system      28
Parallelogram law      24
PARAMETER      390
Parseval's equality      30
Petrov — Galerkin method      367
Petrov — Galerkin method, convergence      369
Picard iteration      204
Picard — Lindeloef theorem      215
Piecewise polynomial interpolation      121
Piecewise polynomial method      456
Poincare — Friedrichs inequality      297
Point evaluation      81
Poisson equation      324
Poisson ratio      345
Polarization identity      24
Polynomial approximation, relation to trigonometricolynomial approximation      154
Polynomial interpolation, barycentric formula      126
Polynomial interpolation, error formula      119
Polynomial invariance property      397
Primal formulation      348
Primal problem      351
Principle of uniform, boundedness      75
Product integration, error analysis      494
Product integration, graded mesh      498
Projection method      448
Projection method, conditioning      465
Projection method, error bound      454
Projection method, finite problem      520
Projection method, homotopy argument      518
Projection method, iterated      468
Projection method, theory      451
Projection on closed convex set      141
Projection operator      150
Projection operator on closed convex set      141
Projection, interpolation      152
Projection, orthogonal      151
Quasiuniform triangulation      403
RANGE      52
Reference element      388
Reference element technique      384 399
Reference element, rectangular      388
Reference element, triangular      388
Reflexive normed space      91
Regularity condition      387
Regularization technique      436
Resolvent operator      107
Resolvent set      107
Riesz representation theorem      82
Ritz method      363
Ritz — Galerkin method      363
Rotation      518
Rotation of a completely continuous vector field      238
Saddle point problem      349
Scaling equation      195
Schauder basis      13
Schauder's fixed-point theorem      237
Scheme, backward      251
Scheme, backward-time, centered-space      251
Scheme, Crank — Nicolson      252
Scheme, forward      251
Scheme, forward-time, centered-space      251
Scheme, generalized mid-point      271
Scheme, Lax — Wendroff      255
Scheme, two-level      266
Schwarz inequality      22
Semi-norm      8
Separable space      13
Signorini problem      424
Simpson's rule      318
Sine integral function      168
Single layer potential      534
Single layer potential, evaluation      544
Singular elements      408
Smooth test function      324
Sobolev quotient space      298
Sobolev space      18
Sobolev space of integer order      280
Sobolev space of real order      286
Sobolev space over boundary      288
Sobolev space, compact embedding      292
Sobolev space, density result      290
Sobolev space, dual      309
Sobolev space, embedding      291 310
Sobolev space, extension      291
Sobolev space, Fourier transform characterization      303
Sobolev space, norm equivalence theorem      294
Sobolev space, periodic      307
Sobolev space, trace      293
Solution operator      256
SOR method      210
Space of continuously differentiable functions      38
span      5
Spectral method      457
Spectral radius      209
Spectrum      107
Spectrum, continuous      108
Spectrum, point      108
Spectrum, residual      108
Spherical harmonics      105 314
Spherical polynomial      313
Stability      67 262
Stability estimate      327
Stable      74
Stiffness matrix      362
Stiffness matrix, condition number      403
Stokes equations      353
Stone — Weierstrass theorem      114
Strain tensor      343
Stress tensor      343
Strictly convex function      129
Strictly normed space      137
Strong convergence      90
Strongly monotone      327
Sublinear      81
Sublinear functional      81
subspace      3
Superconvergence      475
Surjective      53
Transformation      52
Trapezoidal rule      311
Triangle inequality      8
Triangulation      387
Trigonometric interpolation      124
Trigonometric interpolation, convergence      158
Uniform error bound      154
Unstable      74
Urysohn integral equation      211
Vector space      2
Volterra integral equation      212
Volterra integral equation, second kind      64
Wavelets      185
Wavelets, Daubechies      197
Wavelets, Haar      185
Weak convergence      90
Weak derivative      274
Weak formulation      325
Weakly closed set      130
Weakly lower semicontinuous, (w.l.s.c.) function      130
Weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous function      130
Weierstrass theorem      114
Well-conditioned      74
Well-posed      74 256
Young's inequality      43
Young's inequality, modified      44
Young's modulus      345
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