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Whittaker E.T., Robinson G. — The calculus of observations |
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Abel's integral equation 376
Abel, N.H. 376
Ackland, T.G. 280
Adams method of solving differential equations 363
Adams, J.O. 363
Aitken, A.O. 375
Algebraic equations 78
Alternants 380
Ampere, A. 20
Andoycr, H. 369
Argument 1
Arithmetic mean of absolute deviations 184
Arithmetic mean postulate of 215 217 321
Arithmetic mean probable error of 196 206
Asymptotic expansion of error function 181
Axioms for postulate of arithmetic mean 216
Baer, W.S. 228
Baillaud, I.S. 283
Balls, W.L. 362
Barlow, P. 94
Barycentre, symmetric 249
Bashforth, F. 363
Bateman, H. 376 381
Baycs, T. 219
Bcinstcin, F. 228
Bcssel, F.W. 39 206 224 264
Beitraud, J. 224 321 327
Berger, A. 163
Bernoulli's method of solving equations 98
Bernoulli's method of solving equations compared with root-squaring method 112
Bernoulli's polynomials 141
Bernoulli, D. 98 112 121
Bernoulli, James 138 141
Bernoullian numbers 134
Bertrand's proof of normal law for two variables 321
Bessel function 119
Bessel's formulae for probable error of arithmetic mean 206
Bessel's interpolation formula 39 47
Biavais, A 323
Biiggs, H. 2
Binomial theorem 15
Biodetsky, S. 128
Biormann, O. 372
Bockwmkel, H.B.A. 369
Borel, K 119
Brims, H. 172
Broggi, U. 216
Bromwu, B. 169
Bronwin's formula for integration 159
Brounckcr, W. 368
Brouncker's series 368
Brown, E.H. 373
Brownian motion 208
Buigess, J. 181
Buinside, W. 375
Bum, J. 373
Burnside's formula for double integrals 375
Buys-Ballot, C.H.D. 361
Carse, G.A. 360
Catalan, E.C 369
Cauchy's formula for trigonometric interpolation 282
Cauchy, A.L. 25 86 169 282 380
Cavalieri, B. 156
Central differences 35
Central-difference formula for numerical integration 146
Chebyshcf, P.L. 158
Chebyshef's formulae for integration 158
Clairaut, A.C. 263
Clasen, B. 236
Coefficient of correlation 329 335
Coefficients, Fourier 263
Coefficients, Fourier probable error of 280
Coin, frequency distribution of tosses of 176
Coincident loots of an equation 117
Collins, J. 12 79 144
Complex roots of an equation 113
Compound deviation, modulus of precision of 175
Condition, equations of 209
Conjunctive probability 317
Conservation, theorems of 307
Constituent tides 343
Contingency methods 338
Correlation 317—342
Correlation as a test for periodicity 315
Correlation coefficient 329 335
Correlation ratio 336
Cotes' assumption 322
Cotes, R. 154
Craig, J.I. 361
Cubic, numerical solution of 124
Daibishire, A.D. 330
Dale, J.B. 360
Dandelin's method of solving equations 106
DandeUn, G.P. 94 106
Dary, M. 79
Data, smoothing of 285
Davis, W.B. 61
de la Vallee-Poussrn, C.J. 259
de Moivre, A. 176
De Morgan, A. 18 80 86 106 120 130 149
Derivatives of a function 62
Derivatives of a function in terms of central differences 64
Derivatives of a function in terms of divided differences 65
Descartes, R. 123
Determinants 71
Deviation 168
Difference tables 2
Differences central 35
Differences divided 20 96 104 371
Differences in terms of derivatives 364
Differences leading 3
Differences of data, probable value of 297
Differences, for functions of two arguments 371
Differentiation, generalised 376
Direct measurements of a single quantity 220
Divided differences 20 96 104
Divided differences for functions of two arguments 371
Divided differences with repeated arguments 27
Dodd, E.L. 218
Dodgson, W. 361
Double integrals, computation of 374
Douglass, A.E. 362
d’Ocagne, M. 128 248
Edgewoith's method 259
Edgeworth, F.Y. 172 259
Encke roots 107
Equal coefficients, method of 236
Equations linear 75 231 234 236 239
Equations of condition 209
Equations reduction to linear foini 214
Equations simultaneous 88 90
Equations, algebraic and transcendental 78—131
Erlang, A.K. 203
Error function 179
Error mean 183 184
Error mean, of a determination 243
Error of mean square 183
Error probable 184
Error probable of Fourier coefficients 280
Errors 210
Errors of observation, effect on frequency curves 206
Euler — Maclaurin formula 134 140
Euler, L. 98 112 135
Everett's formula 40 46
Everett, J.D. 40
Exponentials, interpolation by 369
Faber, G. 86
Factorial Stirling's approximation to 138
Factorial, differences of 8
False position, rule of 92
| Fechner's psychophysical law 217
Fechner, G.T. 217
Fidelity to data, expression of 305
Fisher, R.A. 199
Fitting inverse powers 248
Fitting normal frequency curves 186—196
Forcing of numbers 187
Format, P. 317
Forsyth, C.H. 69
Fourier analysis 260—284
Fourier, J.B. 123 169 260 263
Fraser, D.C 12 46 49 50
Fredholm's integral equation 381
Frequency distribution 164
Frequency distribution involving correlation 319
Frequency distribution, not normal 173 334
Frequency function, approximation to 171
Frequency general law of 172 324
Frewin, G.L. 375
Function 1
Function given as series, roots of 118
Function interpolatory 20
Galton's quincunx 167
Galton, F. 167 184
Gauss and Seidel's solving process 255
Gauss' formulae for integration 159
Gauss' formulae for interpolation (trigonometric) 283
Gauss' formulae of interpolation 36 46
Gauss' formulae of interpolation backward 37
Gauss' method of solution of normal equations 231
Gauss' postulate of the arithmetic mean 215 217
Gauss' Theoria Combination fa proof of the Method of the Least Squares 224
Gauss' Theoria Motus proof of the normal law 218
Gauss, K.F. 37 159 160 175 183 185 199 201 203 215 224 227 228 234 241 242 243 247 255 257 283 300 374
Genie of entire functions 119
Gerling, O.L. 257
Glaisher, J.W.L. 144 252
Gocdseels, P.J.E. 259
Graduation 285
Graduation formula, by interlaced parabolas 300
Graduation formula, comparison of 315
Graduation formula, Higham's 289
Graduation formula, Rhodes's 316
Graduation formula, Sheppard's 291 300
Graduation formula, Spencer's 290
Graduation formula, Whittaker's 303
Graduation formula, Woolhouse's 286
Graeffe's method of solving equations 106
Graeife, C.H. 106
Grain, J.P. 172
Gregory — Newton formula 10
Gregory — Newton formula generalised to two arguments 373
Gregory's formula of integration 143
Gregory, J. 2 12 79 144 154 156
Grubor, O. 167
Haidy, G.P 151 193 286 288
Hardy's formula for integration 151
Hausdoril, F. 177 204
Havelock, T.H. 378
Hermite's formula for trigonometric interpolation 283
Hermite's functions 174
Hermite, C 174 283
Higham, J.A. 289
Hilbert's integral equation 381
Hopfuer, F. 362
Horner's method 100
Horner's method and divided differences 104
Horner, W.G 100
Hutton, C 100
Incomplete data for normal curve 196
Incomplete gamma function 377
Indirect observations, Gauss' Theoria Motus discussion 223
Infinite series, roots of 118
Ingram, A. 100
Integral equations 376
Integrals, double, computation of 374
Integration, numerical 132
Interlaced parabolas, graduation formula 300
Interpolation by exponentials 369
Interpolation by sine series 263
Interpolation formula for functions of two arguments 371
Interpolation formula for quinquennial sums 57
Interpolation formula, Everett's 40 46
Interpolation formula, Gregory-Newton 10 26
Interpolation formula, Gregory-Newton, backward 365
Interpolation formula, Lagrange's 28
Interpolation formula, Lagrange's, remainder term in 32
Interpolation formula, Newton — Bessel 39 47
Interpolation formula, Newton — Gauss 36 46
Interpolation formula, Newton — Gauss, backward 37
Interpolation formula, Newton — Stirling 38 43 46
Interpolation formula, Newton, for unequal intervals 24
Interpolation inverse 60
Interpolation trigonometric 263
Interpolation trigonometric, for unequal intervals 282
Interpolatory functions 20
Inverse interpolation 60
Iteration 79
Jackson, D. 197
Jacobi's theorem in Least Squares 251
Jacobi, C.G.J. 140 251 257
Jotfe, S.A. 36
Kapteyn, J.C. 329
King's formula for quinquennial sums 57
King, A.E. 151
King, G. 57 59 303
Kldorton, W.P. 339 373
Kncke, J.F. 107 234
Knloff, A. 363
Knott, C.G. 376
Kummcr, E.E. 369
Kutta, M.W. 367
Lagrange's interpolation formula 28
Lagrange's interpolation remainder term in 32
Lagrange, J.L. 29 53 98 263 282 360 373
Lambert, J.H. 373
Laplace's hypothesis on frequency distributions 167
Laplace's proof of Method of Least Squares 224
Laplace, P.S. 167 168 172 184 224 227 259 300
Larus, J.R. 300
Least squares, method of 209—259
Legendre polynomial 71
Legendre's principle of Least Squares 209
Legendre, A.M. 210 259
Lidstoue, G.J. 41 49 59 193 288
Linear equations, solution of 75 231 234 236 239
Linear function of deviations, probability of 168
Linear function of unknowns, weight of 242
Lippmann, G. 179
Lobachevsky's method of solving equations 106
Lobaohevsky, N.I. 106
Lozenge diagram 43
Lubbock's formula for summation 149
Lubbock, J.W. 149
Maclaurin, C. 135 155
Markoff, A.A. 369
Martin, O. 280
Mayer's method 258
Mayer, T. 259
Mean absolute deviation 184
Mean contingency 338
Mean error 183 184
Mean error of a determination 243
Mean of observations, weight of 222
Means, allowance for, in Fourier analysis 279
Means, connected with normal distributions 182
Median 188
Median, probable error of 197
Meidell, B. 218
Method of equal coefficients 236
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