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Conway J.H. — On Numbers and Games |
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1/On 37
Above Class 218
Addition and order, properties of 18
Addition in 50
Addition of games 74 et
Addition of numbers 5
Addition, natural or maximal 28
Addition, ordinal 31 88
Addition, properties of 17
Addition, properties of, in 54
Addition, simplest, in On 50
Algebra and analysis in No 39
Algebraic closure of No(i) 42
ALL rule 173
All small games, the 101 214
All the King’s Horses 183 185
Ambidextrous strong man, the 168
Ambivalent nim-heaps 146
Amusement, Author’s 44
Analysis in No 39 43
Analysis, non-standard 44
Analytic functions in No 43
Analytic properties of x 84 96
Ancestors conjecture 210
Animating functions 155
Animating functions, Nim of 156
Animating functions, poles of 156
Animating functions, Welt of 157 158
Anne — Louise 75
Approximations of numbers 29
Archimedes 98
Arthur 71 173
Artin, Emil 42
Atomic mass thermography 220
Atomic weights 219
Author, amusement of 231
Bach, Clive 22 56
Balanced game 207
Beanstalks, infinite 89
Behaviour of misere nim-heaps 139
Below Class 218
Berlekamp, Elwyn R. 31 90 101 129 165 197
Bertha 71 173
Bird, girl with umbrella and 167
Birthdays 30 64
Borden, Lizzie 165
Boundaries of thermograph 105
Bouton, C. L. 228
Bridge, the lovers’ 169
Bynum, Jim 199
Bynumbers 202
Bynum’s game 199 201—204
Bynum’s game, the twisted version 199
Cancellation theorem for misere games 150
Canonical forms for long games? 209
Canonical forms for misere games (reduced form) 138 149
Canonical forms for short games (simplest form) 111
Cantor Normal Form 28
Cantor, Georg 4
Cantor, Georg, contrasted with Dedekind 13
Cardinal numbers, infinite 3
Cardinal numbers, infinite, of proper Classes 43
Carroll, Lewis 81
Chess players, professional 75 135
Christie, Mike 202
Class, Above and Below 218
Class, proper 27 38
Class, proper, cardinal number of 43
Cohn, Paul M. 33 40
COL, game of 91
COL, game of, dictionary for 93—95
Coleridge, Samuel T. 97
Commensurate numbers 31
Compounds of games 173
Confusion of games 79
Confusion, interval 97
Conjecture, ancestors 210
Conjecture, Grundy’s(?), on misere games 139
Conjecture, Grundy’s, on his game 142
Conjecture, on 209
Conjecture, refinement property 46
Conjunctive compounds 174
Conjunctive compounds, continued 174 176
Conjunctive compounds, who wins? 175
Construction of games 78
Construction of numbers 4
Construction, Malcev — Neumann 33 40
Continued conjunctive compound, who wins? 176
Continued exponentials of Gaps 37
Continued exponentials of irreducible numbers 34
Continued fraction(s) 47 83
Continued fraction(s) of 85
Contorted fractions 82
Conway 135 228
Cooled game 103
Cooling and supercooling 218
Cooling, equality 107
Cooling, function 103
Cooling, games 102 108
Cutcake 200
Dad, my 79
Day zero 10
Day zero, day 12 25
de Bruijn, N. G.J. 131
Dedekind, Richard on numbers 3
Dedekind, Richard, sections 29 91
Dedekind, Richard, sections in No 37
Definitions, inductive 5 64
Deletions, Digital 190
Delian Problem, resolved 132
Digital Deletions 190
DIM, game of 130
Diminished disjunctive compound 174 178
Diminishing rectangles 132
Disjunctive compound 173 174
Disjunctive compound of misere games 136—152 178
Disjunctive compound, sums 74 177
Divine games 150
Divisible integers 46
Division, properties of 20
Division, properties of, in 56 57
Dollar, Silver, game with 130
Dollar, Silver, game with, game without 123
Dominated options (moves) 110
Dominoes, game of 74 114—121
Dominoes, game of, dictionary for 119—121
Dryden, John 153
Dyadic rationals 24
Embedding property of No 42
Empty set 7 16
Epsilon numbers 34 135
Equality and order, properties of 16
Equality of games 15 76
Equality of numbers 4
Equality, an identity 5 15
Equality, cooling 107
Equality, head-shrinking 90
Equality, upstart 77
Equation, Pellian 47
Estate, Hackenbush 165
Estate, Hackenbush, High 153
Euclid or Eudoxus 3
Even alteration theory 160
Even alteration theory and odd misere games 151
Expansion, sign- 30 36
Explosive nodes and edges 119
Exponential function in No 43
Exponentials, continued 34 37
| Extension theorems in , simplest 56—59
Extra verted and introverted games 150
Fairly small and fairly large numbers 212
Farey fractions 82
Field of numbers 4 22
Finite order games 207
First transcendental, numbers below 59
Fischer, Bobby 75
Followers see “Options”
Foreclosed game 178
Foreclosed game, Grundy number 179
Form and value of game 76
Form, canonical? 209
Form, Cantor’s Normal 28
Form, Normal, for general number 32
Form, simplest, for misere games 149
Form, simplest, for short games 111
Fractions, continued 47 83
Fractions, contorted 82
Fractions, Farey 82
Fraenkel, Aviezri 134 228
Function, animating 155
Function, cooling 103
Function, exponential 43
Function, outcome 73 147
Function, remoteness 176
Function, sop and wop 189
Function, supercooling 218
Function, suspense 177
Function, Welter’s 157
Function, x 84
Fuzzy game 73
Game(s) in Gaps 212
Game(s) of odd order 207
Game(s), , 76 77
Game(s), 0, 1, —1, * 72
Game(s), addition of 74
Game(s), all small 101 214
Game(s), atomic weight of 219
Game(s), balanced 207
Game(s), Bynum’s, etc 199
Game(s), COL 91
Game(s), compounds of 74 173
Game(s), construction of 78
Game(s), cooling of 102—108
Game(s), Cutcake 200
Game(s), Digital Deletions 190
Game(s), divine 150
Game(s), Dominoes 74 114—121
Game(s), even, odd, and prime 151
Game(s), extraverted and introverted 150
Game(s), fairly large and small 212
Game(s), form and value of 76
Game(s), fuzzy 73
Game(s), gamut of 212
Game(s), Grundy’s 125 177
Game(s), Hackenbush, etc. 86 165 188
Game(s), halving arbitrary 198
Game(s), impartial 122—135
Game(s), incentive of 207
Game(s), infinite 77 214
Game(s), infinitesimal, etc. 100 117 214
Game(s), Kayles 127 145
Game(s), Left and Right sections and values 97 98
Game(s), like and linked 147
Game(s), long 97
Game(s), mean values, etc. 101
Game(s), multiples and submultiples of 207
Game(s), negative 73
Game(s), negative of 75
Game(s), Nim 122
Game(s), Northcott’s 131
Game(s), octal 128 129
Game(s), options of 71
Game(s), order between 15 73 78
Game(s), ordinal addition of 192
Game(s), outcome of, etc. 73 147
Game(s), playing several at once 71 173
Game(s), positions of 71
Game(s), positive 73
Game(s), remoteness of 176
Game(s), Rims and Rayles 131
Game(s), short 97
Game(s), simplifying, etc. 109
Game(s), small, etc. 100
Game(s), SNORT 91 96
Game(s), stopping position of 99
Game(s), submultiples of 207
Game(s), sums of 73
Game(s), suspense number of 177
Game(s), tame 145 178
Game(s), temperature of 107
Game(s), thermograph of 104
Game(s), Traffic Jams 135
Game(s), unimpartial (cf. impartial) 78 209
Game(s), values and form of 76
Game(s), values, Left, Right, mean 97
Game(s), very small and large 212
Game(s), Welter’s 153
Game(s), zero 76
Gamut of games 212
Gaps in number line 37
Gaps, games in 212
Garden, Hackenbush 166
General number, structure of 29—38
Girl with unbrella and bird 167
Goldsmith, Oliver 23 64 231
Group of games 78
Group of numbers 18
Grundy numbers (values) 125 177
Grundy numbers (values) of Digital Deletions 191
Grundy numbers (values) of Grundy’s game 129 142
Grundy numbers (values) of Hackenbush 171
Grundy numbers (values) of Kayles 128
Grundy numbers (values) of octal games 128—129
Grundy numbers (values) of restless games 146—147
Grundy numbers (values) of Welter’s game 153
Grundy numbers (values), foreclosed 179
Grundy numbers (values), misere 140 144—145
Grundy, P. M. 228
Grundy, P. M., conjectures 139 142
Grundy, P. M., game 129 142
Grundy, P. M., principle 138
Grundy, P. M., theory, with Sprague 122 124
Guy, Richard K. 128 129 196 228
Hackenbush, Hotchpotch 188
Hackenbush, restrained 86
Hackenbush, theorem 171
Hackenbush, unrestrained 165
Hanner, Olof 101 228
Horses, All the king’s, etc. 173 et
Ice, mast-high 97
Ice, thin, treading on 37
Identity and equality 5 15
Incentive 207
Inductive definitions for games 78
Inductive definitions for numbers 4 5 64
Inductive definitions of operations in 53
Inductive proofs 5 64
Infinite beanstalks 89
Infinite cardinal numbers 3
Infinite games 77 214
Infinite Nim 124
Infinite numbers 12
Infinite sums 39
Infinitesimal games 100 117 214
Infinitesimal numbers 12
Infinitesimal with respect to ft 214 216
Infinity ( ) 37 213
Integers as games 81
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