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Coornaert M., Papadopoulos A. — Symbolic Dynamics and Hyperbolic Groups |
Предметный указатель |
Bernoulli shift 20
Bernoulli shift, one-sided 31
Bernoulli shift, two-sided 31
Boundary of a hyperbolic group 15
Boundary of a hyperbolic space 9
Bounded geometry (simplicial graph with bounded geometry) 60
Busemann function 46
Canonical metric on a graph 15
Cantor set 20
Cayley graph 15
Cocompact action 15
Cocycle 44
Convergent quasi-geodesic field 74
Curve, Menger 113
Curve, Sierpinski 112
Cylinder 26
Diagonal 22
Dimension (topological dimension) 104
Dynamical system 22
Elliptic isometry 16
Expansive system 22
Expansivity constant 22
Finite presentation 29
Finite type, subshift of 28
Finite type, system of 29
Function, ( -function) 35
Function, (Busemann function) 46
Geodesic polygon 7
Geodesic ray 6
Geodesic segment 6
Geodesic space 6
Gradient line 50
Graph with labelled vertices 36
Graph, Cayley 15
Graph, simplicial graph with bounded geometry 60
Graph, transition 34
Gromov product 6
Group, acting cocompactly 15
Group, acting properly discontinuously 15
Group, hyperbolic 8
Hausdorff distance 14
Hyperbolic group 8
Hyperbolic isometry 16
Hyperbolic metric space 6
Internal points of a triangle 7
Isometry, elliptic 16
Isometry, hyperbolic 16
Isometry, parabolic 16
Line (gradient line) 50
Lipschitz map 16
Markovian subshift 28
Matrix (transition matrix) 32
Menger curve 113
Menger sponge 113
Metric spacel, geodesic 6
Metric spacel, hyperbolic 6
Metric spacel, proper 10
Metric, canonical on a simplicial complex 15
Metric, visual on the boundary 12
| Metric, word 8
N-equivalence 119
n-type 119
Narrow ( - ) geodesic polygon 7
Parabolic isometry 16
Perfect set 20
Point at infinity of a cocycle 50
Pointed subtree 120
Polygon (geodesic polygon) 6
Polyhedron 17
Presentation (finite presentation) of a dynamical system 28
Presentation (semi-Markovian presentation) of a compact set 108
Primitive of a cocycle 45
Product (Gromov product) 6
Projection 96
Projective sequence of sets 92
Proper metric space 10
Properly discontinuous action 15
Quasi-geodesic 13
Quasi-isometry 13
Quotient system 24
Real tree 6
Segment, geodesic 6
Segment, topological 6
Semi-Markovian, presentation 108
Semi-Markovian, space 108
Semi-Markovian, subset 108
Semigroup 19
Sequence, convergent sequence at infinity 9
Sequence, projective sequence of connected sets 92
Set of symbols 20
Sierpinski, carpet 112
Sierpinski, set 112
Sierpinski, sponge 112
Sofic, subshift 36
Sofic, system 37
Subshift of finite type 28
Subshift of order n 31
Subshift, Markovian 28
Subshift, sofic 36
Symbols (set of symbols) 20
System of finite type 29
System, dynamical 22
System, expansive 22
System, finitely presented 29
System, quotient 24
System, sofic 36
Theorem of approximation by trees 13
Theorem of stability of quasi-geodesics 14
Theorem, Manning’s rationality 36
Thin ( -thin triangle) 7
Topological dimension 0 25
Topological dimension n 104
Topologically conjugate systems 25
Totally disconnected space 20
Transition, graph 34
Transition, matrix 33
Transitive action 21
Visual metric 12
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