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Broer H.W., Huitema G.B. — Quasi-Periodic Motions in Families of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 164 |
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Action-angle variables 20
Anisotropic differentiability 39
Approximation function 39
Approximation Lemma 157
Arnol’d determinant 110
Arnol’d diffusion 110
Arnol’d — Moser theorem 137
Aubry — Mather set 113
Bakhtin lemma 167
Birkhoff normal form 89
Birkhoff normal form, partial 89 90
Bochner theorem 21
Bruno condition 164
Bruno matrix 164
Bruno normal form 163
Bruno seminormai form 163
Bruno theory 78 161
Cantor set 11 36
Cantor — Bendixson Theorem 11 36
Cantorus 113
Cauchy estimate 147
Characteristic multiplier 4
Chebyshev polynomials 167
Circle map 9
Compact-open topology 143
Conditionally periodic dynamics 2 123
Conjugacy 10
context 1
Context, dissipative 5 21 124
Context, Hamiltonian 5 18
Context, Hamiltonian, coisotropic 25
Context, Hamiltonian, isotropic 23
Context, reversible 6 20 26 125
Context, reversible, reversible 1 27
Context, reversible, reversible 2 27 28
Context, symplectic 124
Context, symplectic, coisotropic 125
Context, symplectic, isotropic 124
Context, symplectic, volume preserving 5 18 22 124
Coupling Lemma 114
Darboux theorem, generalized 23
Diffeomorphism, -near-the-identity 154
Diffeomorphism, area preserving 14
Diffeomorphism, exact symplectic 125
Diffeomorphism, globally volume preserving 124
Diffeomorphism, r-exact symplectic 125
Diffeomorphism, reversible 125
Diffeomorphism, symplectic 125
Diffeomorphism, vertical 9
Diffeomorphism, volume preserving 124
Differential form, nondegenerate 158
Diophantine approximation lemma 62 165
Diophantine approximations 35
Diophantine approximations of dependent quantities 61
Elliptic normal modes 83
Elliptic normal modes, excitation of 84
Extension operator 156
Floquet matrix 4 124
Floquet multiplier 4
Frequencies, internal 2 46 123
Frequencies, normal 4 46 124
Hamilton function 18
Hamilton function with intrinsic degeneracy 53
Hamilton function with limit degeneracy 53
Hamilton function with proper degeneracy 53
Hamilton function, completely integrable 20
Hamilton function, convex 111
Hamilton function, integrable in the sense of Liouville 20
Hamilton function, nondegenerate in the sense of Kolmogorov 103
Hamilton function, nondegenerate in the sense of Riissmann 102
Hamilton function, nondegenerate isoenergetically 109
Hamilton function, quasi-convex 111
Hamilton function, steep 110
Hamilton function, superintegrable 53
Hausdorff measure vii
Herman theorem 31
Holder condition 155
Holder norm 155
Homological equation 10
Hopf bifurcation 115 118
Hopf bifurcation, for cycles 119
Hopf bifurcation, quasi-periodic 115
Hopf bifurcation, quasi-periodic, skew 121
Hopf — Landau bifurcation 121
Intersection property 46 128
Invariant tori, branching off 117
Invariant tori, finitely Whitney-smooth family of 47
Invariant tori, Whitney-smooth family of 16 45
Invariant tori, Whitney-smooth family of, dressed with other tori 84
Invariant torus 2 123
Invariant torus, -coisotropic 159
Invariant torus, almost (nearly) 113
Invariant torus, coisotropic 19
Invariant torus, Diophantine 3 123
Invariant torus, Floquet 3 124
Invariant torus, isotropic 19
Invariant torus, Lagrangian 19
Invariant torus, lower-dimensional 53 55 128
Invariant torus, lower-dimensional, elliptic 53 55
Invariant torus, lower-dimensional, hyperbolic 53 55
Invariant torus, nonresonant 2 123
Invariant torus, periodically 130
Invariant torus, quasi-periodic 2 123
Invariant torus, resonant 2 123
Invariant torus, stickiness of 112
Invariant torus, with parallel dynamics 2 123
Invariant torus, “phase-lock” 8
Inverse Approximation Lemma 156
| Involution 18
Involution, fixed point manifold of 21
Involution, functions in 19
Involution, type of 21
jet 139
KAM theory 3 11 74
KAM theory, classical 5 53
KAM theory, converse 73
KAM theory, local 90
KAM theory, multiparameter 47
KAM theory, small twist 92 108 133
KAM torus 103
Kolmogorov set 103
Kronecker cascade 123
Kronecker flow 2
Kupka — Smale theorem 8
Lebesgue density point 133
Limit cycle birth/annihilation bifurcation 118
Liouvile — Arnoi’d theorem 19
Liouville tori 20
Lipschitz condition 155
Local Hopf family 116
localization 98
Lyapunov center theorem 96
Lyapunov — Devaney theorem 96
Manifold, exact symplectic 125
Manifold, r-exact symplectic 125
Matrix, Hamiltonian 24
Matrix, infmitesimaiiy reversible 27
Matrix, infmitesimaiiy symplectic 24
Matveev theorem 139
Miniparameter theorems 61
Morbidelli — Giorgilli theorem 112
Moser modifying terms 47
Neimark excitation 119
Neimark — Sacker bifurcation 115 119
Nekhoroshev theorem 110
Newtonian iteration process 145
Normal Form Lemma 89
Normal Form Lemma, quasi-periodic 116 131
Paley — Wiener lemma 37
Parallel dynamics 2 123
Parasyuk theorem 31
Period-doubling bifurcation 115
Persistence 17
Phase oscillations 106
Poincare map for the period 14 131
Poincare return map 9 130
Poincare return map, isoenergetic 130
Poincare section 130
Poincare section, isoenergetic 130
Poincare theorem 105
Poincare trajectory 105
Poincare — Andronov bifurcation 118
Poincare — Dulac normal form 89
Poisson bracket 19
Quasi-periodic attractor 6
Quasi-periodic response 15
Reducibility problem 4 32
Relaxed theorems 55
Resonance layer 103
Resonance zone 103
Rotation number 9
Saddle-node bifurcation 115
Separatrix manifolds 78 111
Small divisors 11 34 35
Small divisors, 1-bite problem with 32
Stability exponents 110
Stability, - 142
Stability, effective 110
Stability, in the sense of Lyapunov 135
Stability, KAM- 17
Stability, of the action variables 110
Stability, quasi-periodic 13 47 142
Stability, structural 12
Stability, weak quasi-periodic 13
Stabilization via resonance 111
Steepness indices 110
Submanifold, -coisotropic 159
Submanifold, coisotropic 19
Submanifold, isotropic 19
Submanifold, Lagrangian 19
Subtorus 2 104 123
Superexponential estimates 38 112 154
Symplectic structure, r-exact 125
Thirring model 144
Treshchev theorem 107
Treshchev torus 107
Twist map 14
van der Pol oscillator 7
Variational equation 4
Variational Principle 113
Vector field, -preserving 159
Vector field, divergence of 18
Vector field, divergence-free 18
Vector field, generic 30
Vector field, globally -preserving 159
Vector field, globally divergence-free 18
Vector field, Hamiltonian 18
Vector field, Hamiltonian, quasi-ergodic 112
Vector field, integrable 17 21 48
Vector field, reversible 20
Vector field, typical 30
Vector field, vertical 16 141
Whiskers 78 111
Whitney extension theorem 156
Whitney-smooth foliation 36
Whitney-smoothness 11 36 44 155 156
Winding number 9
Zygmund condition 156
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