Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Aliprantis Ch.D. — Positive Operators |
Предметный указатель |
Positive part of set 6
Positive projection 33
Prime ideal in Boolean algebra 199
Principal band 35
Principal ideal 31
Principal projection property 35
Product topology 138
Projection 33 67 93 211
Projection band 32 69 85
Projection element 35
Projection order 67 85
Projection property 33 105
Projection, canonical 93
Projection, positive 33
Property, -order continuity 96
Property, (u)- 222
Property, countable sup 52 97
Property, Dunford — Pettis 333 334
Property, Grothendieck 211
Property, order continuity 96
Property, principal projection 35
Property, projection 33
Property, reciprocal Dunford — Pettis 347
Property, Riesz decomposition 14
Property, Schur 200 338
Quasi-interior point 259
Quotient Riesz space 94
Quotient topology 149
r-norm 248
Rademacher functions 161 213 277 288
Rank one operator 60
Reciprocal Dunford — Pettis property 347
Reflexive Banach space 151 240 287 294
Regular norm 248
Regular operator 10
Relative uniform convergence 95
retract 40
Retractable Riesz space 40
Riesz algebra 116
Riesz decomposition property 14
Riesz dual system 166
Riesz homomorphism 88
Riesz isomorphic spaces 89
Riesz seminorm 162
Riesz space 2
Riesz space with -order continuity property 96
Riesz space with countable sup property 52 97
Riesz space with order continuity property 96
Riesz space with principal projection property 35
Riesz space with projection property 33
Riesz space, -Dedekind complete 12
Riesz space, Archimedean 7
Riesz space, Dedekind complete 12
Riesz space, laterally complete 100 120
Riesz space, locally convex-solid 163
Riesz space, normed 174
Riesz space, perfect 59
Riesz space, quotient 94
Riesz space, retractable 40
Riesz space, super Dedekind complete 52
Riesz space, uniformly complete 104
Riesz space, universally complete 120
Riesz subspace 22 163
Riesz subspace, generated by a vector space 197
Riesz subspace, order dense 29
Riesz subspace, super order dense 53
Ring ideal of an operator 322 326
Rosenthal's Theorem 241
Saturated family of seminorms 132
Schauder basis 216
Schur property 200 338
Second dual 147
Second order dual 58
Semicompact operator 324
Seminorm 132
Seminorm, -order continuous 178 197
Seminorm, lattice 162
Seminorm, order continuous 168
Seminorm, Riesz 162
Separable space 152 198 221
Separation of points 54 55
Separation of sets 134
Sequence with property (u) 222
Sequence, basic 216
Sequence, decreasing 7
Sequence, disjoint 73 180 183
Sequence, increasing 7
Sequence, k-disjoint 181
Sequence, uniformly Cauchy 104
Sequence, uniformly convergent 95
Sequence, weakly Cauchy 190 222
Set, absorbing 128
Set, balanced 128
Set, bipolar 140 141
Set, bounded from above 10
Set, bounded from below 10
Set, circled 128
Set, clopen 191
Set, convex 24 128
Set, directed downward 13
Set, directed upward 13
Set, Dunford — Pettis 343
Set, equicontinuous 142
Set, extremal 137
| Set, order bounded 10
Set, order closed 30
Set, polar 140
Set, solid 23 162
Set, topologically bounded 129
Set, uniformly closed 95
Shift operator 86
Simple component 75
Singular component 45
Singular operator 44
Smallest extension 24
Solid hull 164 202 205
Solid set 23 162
Space, - 187 192
Space, AL- 187 192
Space, AM- 187 188 194
Space, Banach 149
Space, dual 55
Space, extremally disconnected 191 200
Space, Grothendieck 211
Space, KB 225 226
Space, locally convex 131
Space, locally convex-solid 163
Space, normed 149
Space, normed Riesz 174
Space, quotient 94 149
Space, reflexive 151
Space, Riesz 2
Space, separable 152
Space, Stone 200
Spectral theorem 82
Step function 81
Stochastic matrix 105
Stone Representation Theorem 191 200
Stone space 200
Strict separation of sets 134
Strictly positive functional 87 183
Strictly positive operator 52
Strong topology 147
Sublinear function 20
Sublinear function, monotone 22
Sum of Banach spaces 176
Sum of Riesz spaces 18
Sum of sets 29 127 136
Super Dedekind complete Riesz space 52
Super order dense Riesz subspace 53
Supporting functional 132
Supremum of elements 2
Supremum of functionals 55
Supremum of operators 12 38 39
Tauberian operator 349
Topological dual 133 166
Topological vector space 128
Topologically bounded set 129
Topology of uniform convergence 142
Topology, - 142
Topology, absolute Mackey 167
Topology, absolute weak 166 169 274
Topology, compatible 143
Topology, consistent 143
Topology, euclidean 150
Topology, hull-kernel 200
Topology, linear 128
Topology, locally convex 131
Topology, locally convex-solid 163
Topology, Mackey 144
Topology, order continuous 168
Topology, product 138
Topology, quotient 149
Topology, strong 147
Topology, weak 138 139 151
Topology, weak* 151
Totally bounded set 129 146 164 268
Transpose operator 62 146
Triangle inequality 6
Uniformly Cauchy sequence 104
Uniformly closed ideal 95
Uniformly closed set 95
Uniformly complete Riesz space 104
Uniformly convergent sequence 95
Unit ball 150
Unit, order 188
Unit, weak 36
Universal completion 120 125
Universally complete Riesz space 120
Upward directed set 13
Vector lattice 2
Vector space, locally convex 131
Vector space, normed 149
Vector space, ordered 1
Vector space, topological 128
Weak Cauchy sequence 190 222 286
Weak Dunford — Pettis operator 342
Weak order unit 36
Weak sequential completeness 225 286
Weak topology 138 139 151
Weak* topology 151 157 211 233
Weakly compact interval 179 309
Weakly compact operator 284 314
Weakly compact set 156 179 200 309
Weakly compactly generated Banach space 308
Weakly continuous operator 146 284
Weakly metrizable topology 153
Weakly sequentially continuous lattice operations 196 338
Zero carrier 4
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