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Golubitsky M., Guillemin V. — Stable Mappings and Their Singularities |
Предметный указатель |
-structure 3
-atlas 3
1-form 21
1-generic 144
2-generic 155
Baire space 44
Boardman map 157
Borel Extension Lemma 98
C* topology 42
Canonical bundle 21
Chart 3 74
Condition 116
Condition NC 157
Contact class 173
Contact equivalence germs 1 72
Contact equivalence k-jet submanifold germs 173
Contact equivalence k-jets 173
Coordinate neighborhood 5
Corank 33 60
Cotangent bundle 20
Covering 15
Critical point 33 115
Critical point, critical value 34
Critical point, non-degenerate 63
Cross cap 179 181
Curve 12
Cusp 146
Cusp simple 146 147
Deformation 118 120
Diffeomorphism 7
Differentiable 1 6
Differentiable class 1 6
Embedding 7
Equivalent mappings 72
EXP 195
Family of vector spaces 18
Fiber bundle 41
Finite mapping 167
Fold locus 87
Fold point 87 146
Frechet space 74
General position 83 85
Generalized Malgrange Preparation Theorem 106
Generic property 141
Germs function 103
Germs mapping 111
Germs submanifold 170
Grassman manifold 4
hessian 64 132
Homogeneous space 198
Homotopic stability 119
Immersed submanifold 10
Immersion 6
Implicit function theorem 7
Index, bilinear form 65
Index, non-degenerate critical point 65
Infinitesimal generator 27
Infinitesimal stability germs 111
Infinitesimal stability mappings 73
Infinitesimal stability, local 111
Intrinsic derivative 64 150 151
Inverse function theorem 2
Isotropy subgroup 198
Jacobian 2 13
Jet bundle 37
Jet bundle of sections 112
Jets mappings 37
Jets submanifolds 172
k-deformation 120
kth order contact 37
Lie group 194
Lie group action 198
Lie group subgroup 196 207 208
Local coordinates 5
Local homeomorphism 2
Local infinitesimal stability 111
Local ring 103
Local ring of contact 170
Local ring of germs 173
Local ring of k-jets 173
Local ring of mappings 165
Local transverse stability 134
Manifold 3
Manifold class 3
Manifold differentiable 3
Manifold smooth 3
Manifold, Banach 74
Manifold, Frechet 74
Manifold, orientable 3
Manifold, real analytic 3
Manifold, topological 3
Mather Division Theorem 95
Measure zero 30
Metric 21
Metric, Riemannian 21
Module 104
Module, finitely generated 104
Morin singularity 174
Morse function 63
Multijet bundle 57
Multijet transversality theorem 57
Multiplicity 168 169
Nakayama's lemma 104
| Nirenberg Extension Lemma 98
Non-degenerate fixed point 59
Normal bundle 71
Normal crossings 82 157
Normal space 71
One parameter group 27
Orbit 72 198
Paracompact 15
Partition of unity 16
Product family 18
Proper mapping 11 25
Pseudogroup 2
Pull-back function 1
Pun-back bundle 73
Rank 6
refinement 15
Refinement, locally finite 15
Regular point 34
Regular value 34
Residual 44
s-fold k-jet bundle 57
Sard's theorem 34
Section 18 21
Singularity 143
Singularity contact class 173
Singularity critical point 33
Singularity cross cap 179 181
Singularity cusp 146
Singularity fold 87 88 146
Singularity multiplicity 168 169
Singularity simple cusp 146 147
Singularity swallow's tail 176 177
Singularity, elliptic umbilic 183 187
Singularity, hyperbolic umbilic 183 188
Singularity, Morin 174
Singularity, Morse 63
Singularity, non-degenerate 63
Singularity, parabolic umbilic 183 190
Singularity, type 143
Singularity, type 152
Singularity, umbilic 182
Smooth function 1 6
Smooth functor 19
Smooth manifold 3
Source 37
Stability 72
Stability mappings 72
Stability transverse 139
Stability under deformations 119
Stability under k-deformations 120
Stability, homotopic 119
Stability, infinitesimal 73
Stability, local infinitesimal 111
Stability, local transverse 134
Subbundle 26
Subbundle complementary 27
Submanifold 9
Submanifold, immersed 10
Submersion 6
Submersion with folds 87 88
Support functions 16
Support vector fields 28
Symmetric function 108 2
Tangent 12 75
Tangent bundle 14
Tangent space 12
Thorn Transversality Theorem 54
Thorn — Boardman stratification 159
Transversality 50 54
Transverse stability 139
Trivial deformation 118 120
Trivial deformation family of vector spaces 18
Trivial deformation vector bundle 18
Trivial deformation, k-deformation 120 124
Tubular neighborhood 69
Tubular neighborhood theorem 69
Umbilic 182
Umbilic, elliptic 183 187
Umbilic, hyperbolic 183 188
Umbilic, parabolic 183 190
Vector bundle 18
Vector bundle base mapping 26
Vector bundle canonical bundle 21
Vector bundle cotangent bundle 20
Vector bundle homomorphism 18 26
Vector bundle isomorphism 18
Vector bundle tubular neighborhood 69
Vector bundle, jet bundle 41
Vector bundle, normal bundle 71
Vector bundle, pull-back bundle 73
Vector bundle, tangent bundle 12 75
Vector bundle, trivial bundle 18
Vector field 21
Vector field along f 73
Vector field left invariant 195
Vector field, compactly supported 28
Weierstrass division theorem 91
Weierstrass preparation theorem 91
Whitney Topology 42
Whitney Topology 42
Whitney embedding theorem 62
Whitney immersion theorem 61
Whitney sum 20
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