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Neukirch J. — Class Field Theory |
Предметный указатель |
"Hilbert 90" 14
-extension, cyclotomic 92
-extension 19 91
-extension, cyclotomic 92
Abscissa of convergence 114
Absolute Galois group 1
Absolute value 37 72
Adeles 76
Artin conductor 126
Artin conjecture 126
Artin L-series 123
Artin symbol 105 128
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, conjecture of 119
Character, principal 122
Class field axiom 28 37 39
Class field axiom, global 89
Class field axiom, local 39
Class field theory 18 28
Class field theory over 43
Class field theory, general 18 28
Class field theory, global 72 94
Class field theory, local 37 43
Class field tower problem 110
Class fields 30 31
Class fields, global 96
Class fields, Hilbert 99
Class fields, local 43 63
Class fields, ray 99
Class number 72
Class number formula 119
Cocycle 9
Conductor 44 99 126
Congruence subgroup 98
Critical strip 117
Crossed homomorphism 9
CYCLE 97 120 128
Cycle of declaration 103 104
Cyclotomic extensions 46
Decomposition group 74
Decomposition law of primes 106
Deg 18
Density, "probabilistic", "natural" 130
Density, Dirichlet 130
Directed set 4
Dirichlet density theorem 131
Dirichlet L-series 120
Dirichlet prime number theorem 129
Dirichlet series 113
Dirichlet's unit theorem 72
Division points 61
Double cosets 26
Equidistribution 132
Euler identity 115 118
Existence theorem, global 97
Existence theorem, local 44
exp, p-adic 38
Fixed module 8
Formal -module 57
Formal -module, homomorphism of 57
Formal group 56
Formal group, additive 56
Formal group, multiplicative 56 57
Frobenius 19
Frobenius automorphism 1 7 41
Frobenius endomorphism 57
Frobenius lift 20
Functional equation 116 119 121 127
G-homomorphism 8
G-module 8
G-module, induced 10 83
G-module, trivial 8
Gamma function 116
Group, procyclic 6
Group, profinite 4
Hasse norm theorem 89
Hasse — Arf,theorem of 68
Henselian valuation 20 93
Herbrand quotient 12
Herbrand quotient, multiplicativity of 13
Hexagon, exact 12
Hilbert class field 99 107
Hilbert symbol 50
Hilbert symbol, explicit 54 55
Hilbert symbol, tame 52 53
Ideal class group 72 78
Idele class group 77
Idele group 77
Ideles 76 77
| Ideles, principal 77
Inertia degree 19 33
Inertia group 64
Infinite extensions 32
Infinite Galois theory 1
Infinite galois theory, main theorem of 3
Iwasawa theory 119
Kronecker — Weber, theorem of 45 46 64
Krull topology 2
Kummer extension 15 86
Kummer theory 14 15
L-series 120
L-series, Artin 123
L-series, Dirichlet 120
Langlands Philosophy 129 135
Lattice 73 74
Legendre symbol 53
Leopoldt Conjecture 102
Local components of ideles 77 82
Local field 7 37
log, p-adic 38
Lubin — Tate extension 62 65
Lubin — Tate module 57
Lubin — Tate polynomial 48
Maximal abelian p-extension 100
Norm 9 82
Norm group 9
Norm residue group 9 85
Norm residue symbol 29
Norm residue symbol over 46
Norm residue symbol over 43
Norm residue symbol, explicit 49
Norm residue symbol, global 94
Norm residue symbol, local 42
Norm theorem, Hasse 89
Norm topology 31
p-adic integers 6
p-adic number field 37
p-adic unit rank 102
Pontrjagin dual 7
Power residue symbol 53 110 111
Prime 72
Prime decomposition law 106
Prime element 21 37
Prime, complex 72
Prime, finite 72
Prime, infinite 72
Prime, real 72
Principal ideal theorem 107
Procyclic group 6
Product formula of absolute values 72
Product formula of norm residue symbols 95
Profinite completion 8
Profinite group 4
Projective limit 4
Projective system 4
Pruefer ring 6
Ramification groups 64
Ramification groups, jumps of 68
Ramification groups, upper numbering of 67
Ray 103
Ray class field 99
Ray class group 98 103
Reciprocity law of n-th power residues 111
Reciprocity law, Artin's global 94
Reciprocity law, Gauss 112
Reciprocity law, general 28
Reciprocity law, local 42
Reciprocity map 22
Representation 122
Riemann hypothesis 117
S-ideles 77
S-units 72
Symbol 105
Symbol, Artin 105
Symbol, Hilbert 50
Symbol, norm residue 29 42 43 46 49 94
Tchebotarev's density theorem 132
Trace 9
Units, principal 37
Universal norms 31
Valuation 37
Valuation ring 37
Verlagerung 26
Weil group 69
Zeta function, Dedekind 117
Zeta function, Leopoldt 119
Zeta function, partial 118
Zeta function, Riemann 113
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