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Smith L., Meyer D.M. — Poincare Duality Algebras, Macaulay's Dual Systems, and Steenrod Operations |
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41—42 63—64 94 99 160
41—42 63—64 94 99 160
81 82
88 89
83 85
94 96
94 96—97
-product 35 36
56 58
-operations 33 71
-equivalent 75
-indecomposable 6 73 93 139
-invariant 64 97 105 109
Double Annihilator Theorem see “Double Annihilator Theorem
-absorbing 67
-decomposable 65
-equivalence class 68
-equivalent 65
-indecomposable 65 170—171
-invariant 65
-invariant ideal see “Ideal
-invariant subalgebra see “Subalgebra
88 89
-primary 19
14 15—16 41 95
2-adic expansion 102
2-adic valuation 111—112
Absorbing subspace 67—68
Adem — Wu relations 109
Ancestor ideal 17—18 38—39 133
Ancestor ideal, big 17 18 21 76 137
Ancestor ideal, little 17 137—138
Augmentation ideal 9 42
Big ancestor ideal see “Ancestor ideal big”
Bilinear pairing 10
Binomial coefficient 98
Block parameters 118 121
Boundedness conjecture 74
Canonical anti-automorphism 56 58
Cartan formula 86
Catalecticant 39 133 136 137—140 155
Catalecticant equations 137
Catalecticant matrix 7 76 78 136
Cauchy — Frobenius lemma 23 24
Change of rings 7 155 157 162
Characteristic classes 60
Cocommutative 65
Cocontraction pairing 155
Codimension one subspace 18—19 158
Coexact 50 51 86—87 151—153 157
Coexact sequence see “Coexact”
Cofactor matrix 41 84 91
Cofibration 152
Cohen — Macaulay 145
Cohen — Macaulay algebra 12
Cohomology 95
Coinvariants 81 86
Complete intersection 2 11 141
Comultiplication 32
Conjugacy class 27
Conjugate Mitchell — Stong element 167
Conjugate Wu class, total 61 64 117
Conjugate Wu classes 61 62 97 108—109 167
Conjugate Wu classes, k-th 61
Conjugate Wu classes, trivial 61 62
Connected sum 11 49 69 138 141
Contraction pairing 36 6
Coproduct 32
Cramer’s Rule 43
Cup-product 53
Cyclic 48
D(2) 160 168 170 172
D(3) 173
D(n) 81 85 160 171
Degree one 17
Diagonal 32
Dickson algebra 7 81 85 87 160 168 170—173
Dickson algebra, fractal of 87
Dickson coinvariants 6 83 85
Dickson polynomial 6 41 63 81—82 85 94—96 100 105
Dickson polynomial, formulae for 82
Dickson polynomial, power of 93 95—96 105 107—109
Dickson — Euler class 83
Differential operator 53
Divided power algebra 5 32
Divided power operation 32 33 38
Divided powers see “Divided power operation”
Double annihilator 12
Double Annihilator Theorem 5 37 58 65 134—135
Double Annihilator Theorem, -version 59 67
Double duality 10
Dual principal system 5 37 40 42—44 49 62 89 135
Dual system 5 12 31 35 37 47—49
Elementary symmetric polynomial 42—43 81
Expansion, dyadic 120
Finite extension 146 148 150—151 155—156 158 165 169—170
Finite type 1
fit 149
Fit extension 149 150—151 156 165 169—170
Fitness 154
Flat 44—45
Formal dimension 1 9 17—18 23
Fractal 87
Frobenius automorphism 158
Frobenius functor 44 51
Frobenius homomorphism 5 45 53
Frobenius operator 72
Frobenius periodicity 96 99
Frobenius power 31 41 44 64 77 97 164
Fundamental class 1 6 9—10 15 17—19 44 47 49 66 68 77—78 85—86 90 93—94 100 131 152 170
G-set 25
Galois field 5 23 41—42 53—54 56 90
Gorenstein algebra 5 9 12 13 16 57 146 148 150—151 155
Hall subgroup 29
Hasse — Schmidt differentials 53
Hilbert ideal 81 91
Hit Problem 4—7 54 65 74 93 100 123 160
Homogeneous component 94—95
Hopf algebra 5 12 31—32 35 65 135 162
Ideal quotient 45
Ideal, -invariant 93 95—97 99 105—110 112—113 117 128 131 171
Ideal, -invariant 54 56 62—63 162—163 165 169—170
Ideal, ancestor see “Ancestor ideal”
| Ideal, irreducible 4—5 7 9 12 13 15—19 31—32 35 40 42 46 49—50 53—54 56 62—63 90 133 135—136 139 146 148 150—151 155—156 158 163 169—170
Ideal, over see “Over ideal”
Ideal, parameter see “Parameter ideal”
Ideal, principal 13 15
Ideal, regular 7 12 142 171
Ideals, decreasing chain 97
Indecomposable Poincare duality algebra 11
Index sequence 34
Injective hull 135
Instability condition 161
Integral domain 147
Integrally closed 147
Inverse polynomial 31 133—134 137 158
Inverse polynomial algebra 134
Inverse principal system 135
Inverse system 5 31 135 156 158 163 170
Involution 16 27 38 41 95
Irreducible ideal see “Ideal irreducible”
Isomorphism classes 19
Isotropy subgroup 22
Jordan form 24
Krull dimension 146
Lighthouse 95 100
Linear form 57
Little ancestor ideal see “Ancestor ideal little”
Lying over 7 145—146 148
m-primary ideal 51
Macaulay dual 6 37 41—42 47—48 85
Macaulay dual of the ideal 101
Macaulay dual of the ideal 101—102
Macaulay inverse 135
Macaulay’s double annihilator correspondence 37
Macaulay’s Double Annihilator Theorem see “Double Annihilator Theorem”
Macaulay’s dual principal system see “Dual principal system”
Macaulay’s inverse system 135
Map of degree one 17
Middle associative 10
Middle dimension 100
Mitchell — Stong element 167
Mitchell — Stong element, conjugate see “Conjugate Mitchell — Stong element”
Modular case 2
Module of -indecomposables 65
Moduli space 19 23
Molien’s theorem 27
Monomial 66 68 70 72 75 78 89 93—94 138
Monomial action 70
Monomial ideal 37 42
Nil radical 32
Node 94
Noether Isomorphism Theorem 44
Noetherian algebra 15
Nondecreasing sequence 100
Nondegenerate 10
Number theoretic function 111
Obstruction 109
Orbit 22 26 39 88
Orbit space 19 23
Over ideal 14 41
P 49 71 74 77
p-adic expansion 34
Palindromic 37 137
Paradigm, 5 31 40 88—89 113
Parameter ideal 12 13 16 41 47 55 57 145 148—149 151 159
Parameter ideal, -invariant 55
Periodicity map 74
Periodicity operator 49 71 74 77 100
Poincare dual 15—17 35 131 152 154
Poincare duality 17—23 26—29 31 35 37—40 44 49 51 53—54 57—58 60—63 65—66 68—70 73—74 76—79 81 83 85—86 90 93—94 99—100 105 123 131 146—148 151—154 158 160 164 168
Poincare duality algebra 1 2 5 9 11 17—23 26—29 31 35 37—40 44 49—51 53—54 57—58 60—63 65—66 68—70 73—74 76—79 81 83 85—86 90 93—94 99—100 105 123 131 146—148 151—154 158 160 164 168 173
Poincare duality quotient 6 17—18 21 23 39 49 53—54 63 65—66 70 73 77 79 90 93 95 100 170
Poincare duality quotient of 12
Poincare polynomial 95
Poincare series 20 27—28 99 137 141
Polynomial algebra 155—156
Prime ideal 7 146
Primitive element, Milnor 83
Principal 47
Principal ideal see “Ideal principal”
Projective space 19
Pseudoreflection group 2
Rank 12
Rank of a Poincare duality quotient of 12
Rank sequence 138
Regular ideal see “Ideal regular”
Regular sequence 12 49 66 81 86—87 94 142 145 148
Relative transfer 148
Ring extension, finite see “Finite extension”
Ring of invariants 81
Row-echelon form 137
Spike 6 93
Split 50—51 147—148 151—152
Sq 64 94
Steenrod algebra 4—7 53—54 58 66 79 100 160 163 169—170
Steenrod operation, total 56 57 71 105 109
Steenrod operations 7 54 66 71
Steenrod square, total 64
Steinberg, R. 2
Stiefel — Whitney class, power of 93
Stiefel — Whitney classes 6 62 93 123
Stong — Tamagawa formulae 82
Stripping operation 35
Subalgebra, -invariant 86—87
Subspace, codimension one see “Codimension one subspace”
Support 36 70 78
Sylow subgroup 29
symmetric 10
Symmetric coinvariants 6
System of parameters 12 42 146 148
Thom class 56 57 63—64 66 95—96 105 109 165
Thom — Wu formulae 4
Topological space 95
Total Steenrod operation see “Steenrod operation total”
Total Steenrod square see “Steenrod square total”
Totalization 13
Transition element 14 15 41 43 142 149 151
Transition invariant 14
Transitive 155
Transversal 27
Trivial conjugate Wu classes see “Conjugate Wu classes trivial”
Trivial Wu classes see “Wu classes trivial”
Type, finite 1
Unstable algebra 53—54 56 163
Unstable algebra (over ) 54
Unstable Poincare duality algebra 54
Unstable polynomial agebra 162 169—170
Upper triangular 141
Wu class 5—6
Wu class, total 60 64 170
Wu class, total conjugate 61
Wu classes 3 60 64 66 68 71 77 83 86 90 165
Wu classes, conjugate see “Conjugate Wu classes”
Wu classes, k-th 60
Wu classes, nontrivial 99
Wu classes, trivial 54 60 61 63 65 68—70 73 79 86 93—99 105—109 121 123 125 128 131 169—170 173
Wu Wen Tsuen 54
Wu’s formula 124—125
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