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Moerdijk I., Mrcun J. — Introduction to Foliations and Lie Groupoids |
Предметный указатель |
-cocycle 50
-cocycle, normalized 50
10 83
Action of a Lie groupoid on a Lie groupoid 126
Action of a Lie groupoid on a manifold 125
Anchor of a Lie algebroid 151 153
Arrows of a groupoid 111
Atiyah sequence 156
Atlas 1
Atlas, foliation 5
Atlas, orbifold 38
Aut(M, F ) 82
Automorphism of a foliated manifold 82
B(M, F ) 161
Base manifold of a Lie algebroid 153
Base manifold of a Lie groupoid 112
Basic function 83
Bis(G) 115
Bisection, global 114
Bisection, local 114
Bundle map 93
Bundle, complex frame, of an orbifold 44
Bundle, flat 17
Bundle, foliated principal G- 98
Bundle, frame 93
Bundle, frame, of a manifold 42
Bundle, frame, of an orbifold 43
Bundle, normal, of a foliation 12
Bundle, orientable 3
Bundle, orthogonal frame 43
Bundle, orthogonal frame, of an orbifold 43
Bundle, positive frame, of an orbifold 43
Bundle, positive orthogonal frame, of an orbifold 43
Bundle, principal G- 93 145
Bundle, principal G-, trivial 93
Bundle, tangent, of a foliation 10
Bundle, tangent, of a manifold 1
Bundle, transverse frame, 99
Bundle, transverse orthogonal frame 100
Bundle, transverse principal G- 98
Bundle, trivial principal G- 145
Bundle, unit principal G- 145
Bundle, unitary frame, of an orbifold 44
Canonical form 94
Canonical form on OF (M ) 94
Canonical form, transverse 100
Canonical local form 2
Canonical local form of a submersion 2
Canonical local form of an immersion 2
Canonical parallelism 98
Change-of-charts homeomorphism 1
Chart 1
Chart, foliation — 5
Chart, orbifold — 37
Codimension of a foliation 5
Compatible orbifold charts 38
Connection 94
Connection, F -partial 148
Connection, flat 95
Connection, flat F -partial 148
Connection, Levi-Civita 97
Connection, torsion free 97
Connection, transverse Levi-Civita 101
Connection,projectable 99
Critical point 58
Critical value 58
Curvature form 95
Darboux cover 104
De Rham cohomology 2
Derivative 2
Diff (M ) 21
Diff (M ) 21
Diff(M ) 35
Diffeomorphism 2
Diffeomorphism, local 2 134
Differential form 2
Differential form, integrable 12
Differential form, Maurer — Cartan 102
Differential ideal 9
EFF 136
Effect of an etale groupoid 137
Embedding 3
Embedding between orbifold charts 37
Equivalence of categories 127
Equivalence of pseudogroups 139
Equivalence, Morita, of Lie groupoids 130
Equivalence, strong, of Lie groupoids 128
Equivalence, weak, of Lie groupoids 128 130
Equivariant map of principal bundles 145
Essentially surjective functor 127
Etale map 2 134
Exterior differentiation 2
Exterior product 2
F 84
Fibred product of Lie groupoids, strong 123
Fibred product of Lie groupoids, weak 124
Flow 16
Foliated action of a Lie group 16
Foliation 5
Foliation of the Moebius band 6
Foliation, associated to a Lie group action 16
Foliation, associated to a submersion 6
Foliation, basic 84
Foliation, developable 161
Foliation, homogeneous 82
Foliation, invariant 15
Foliation, Kronecker 6
Foliation, Lie 102
Foliation, lifted 99
Foliation, orientable 12
Foliation, quotient 15
Foliation, Reeb 7
Foliation, Reeb, of 8
Foliation, Riemannian 26
Foliation, simple 6
Foliation, strictly simple 6
Foliation, transversely orientable 12
Foliation, transversely parallelizable 88
Foliation, trivial 6
Full and faithful functor 127
G(x, y) 112
Gauge group 114
Germ 20
Germ, one-sided 57
Godbillon — Vey class 13
Groupoid 111
Groupoid, action 113
Groupoid, effective 137
Groupoid, etale 134
Groupoid, etale holonomy 135
Groupoid, etale monodromy 135
Groupoid, fundamental 113
Groupoid, gauge 114
Groupoid, Haefliger 134
Groupoid, Hausdorff Lie 112
Groupoid, holonomy 118
Groupoid, induced 121
Groupoid, kernel 113
| Groupoid, Lie 112
Groupoid, monodromy — 117
Groupoid, of an orbifold 142
Groupoid, over 112
Groupoid, pair 113
Groupoid, proper effective 141
Groupoid, source-connected Lie 157
Groupoid, source-simply-connected Lie 157
Groupoid, transitive Lie 129 132
Groupoid, translation 113 125
Groupoid, unit 113
Groupoid, weakly equivalent to a discrete group 133
Haefliger cocycle 9
Haefliger’s theorem 57
Hessian matrix 58
Hol(L, x) 23
Hol(M, F ) 118
Holonomy 21
Holonomy class 23
Holonomy cover 31
Holonomy group 23
Holonomy group of a flat connection 96
Holonomy group of a Lie foliation 103
Holonomy group, linear 23
Holonomy groupoid 118
Holonomy groupoid, etale 135
Holonomy homomorphism 23
Holonomy homomorphism of a Lie foliation 104
Holonomy homomorphism, linear 23
Holonomy pseudogroup 139
Holonomy, one-sided 57
Homomorphism of groupoids 112
Homomorphism of Lie groupoids 112
Horizontal vectors 95
Immersion 2
Infinitesimal action 155
Integrable subbundle 9
Integral of a Lie algebroid 154
Inverse map 111
Iso (Q) 40
Isomorphism of Lie groupoids 127
Isotropy groups, discrete 136
Isotropy in a groupoid 112
Isotropy of a leaf 16
Isotropy of a point 16
Isotropy of a point of an orbifold 40
Isotropy of a subset 35
L(M, F ) 86
Leaf 5
Leibniz identity 153
Lie algebroid 153
Lie algebroid of a Lie groupoid 152
Lie algebroid, basic, of a transversely parallelizable foliation 161
Lie algebroid, integrable 154
Lie algebroid, regular 156
Lie algebroid, transformation 155
Lie algebroid, transitive 156
Lie subalgebroid 158
Line field 12
Manifold 1
Manifold, foliated 6
Manifold, homogeneous 82
Manifold, non-Hausdorff 1
Manifold, non-second-countable 1
Metric, bundle-like 29
Metric, Riemannian 3
Metric, Riemannian, on an orbifold 41
Metric, transverse 25
Molino’s structure theorem 108
Mon(M, F ) 117
Morphism of Lie algebroids 153
Morse function 58 60
Morse index 59
Morse lemma 58
Morse theory 58
Multiplication map 111
Natural transformation 122
Novikov’s theorem 66
Objects of a groupoid 111
Orbifold 39 141
Orbifold map 39
Orbifold, orientable 43
Orbit in a Lie groupoid 115
Orbit of a Lie group action 16
Orientation cover of a foliation 15
Orientation cover of a foliation, transverse 15
Orientation of a bundle 3
Orientation of a foliation 12
Orientation of an orbifold 43
Orientation, transverse, of a foliation 12
Plaque 5
Poincare — Hopf theorem 61
Poisson manifold 156
Product of foliations 14
Product of Lie groupoids 123
Proper groupoid 140
Proper groupoid, effective 141
Proper map 140
Pseudogroup 138
Pseudogroup, holonomy 139
Pull-back of a foliation 14
Pull-back of a principal bundle 145
Reeb component 66
Reeb stability theorem, global 45
Reeb stability theorem, local 31
Reeb — Thurston stability theorem, global 50
Reeb — Thurston stability theorem, local 50
Saturated subset 31
Semi-direct product of Lie groupoids 125 126
Singular locus 40
Singularity 58
Singularity, Morse 58
Singularity, non-degenerate 58
Source of an arrow 111
Space of leaves 6
Space of orbits of a Lie groupoid 143
Stabilizer subgroup 16
Stable subset 35
Structure maps of a groupoid 111
Submanifold 3
Submersion 2
Sum of Lie groupoids 123
Suspension 16
Tangent space 1
Target of an arrow 111
Torsion form 97
Transition 138 139
Transversal section 21
Transversal section, complete 135
Transversality 3
Transverse parallelism 88
Tubular neighbourhood 3
Unit map 111
Units of a groupoid 112
Vanishing cycle 66
Vanishing cycle. negative 66
Vanishing cycle. positive 66
Vanishing cycle. simple 70
Vector field 2
Vector field, basic 29
Vector field, foliated 29
Vector field, G-invariant 150
Vector field, normal 29
Vector field, projectable 29 86
Vector field, tangent 10
Vector field, transverse 86
Vertical vectors 95
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