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Kono A., Tamaki D. — Generalized Cohomology
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Название: Generalized Cohomology
Авторы: Kono A., Tamaki D.
Аннотация: In the 1950s, Eilenberg and Steenrod presented their famous characterization of homology theory by seven axioms. Somewhat later, it was found that keeping just the first six of these axioms (all except the condition on the "homology" of the point), one can obtain many other interesting systems of algebraic invariants of topological manifolds, such as $K$-theory, cobordisms, and others. These theories come under the common name of generalized homology (or cohomology) theories. The purpose of the book is to give an exposition of generalized (co)homology theories that can be read by a wide group of mathematicians who are not experts in algebraic topology. It starts with basic notions of homotopy theory and then introduces the axioms of generalized (co)homology theory. Then the authors discuss various types of generalized cohomology theories, such as complex-oriented cohomology theories and Chern classes, $K$-theory, complex cobordisms, and formal group laws. A separate chapter is devoted to spectral sequences and their use in generalized cohomology theories. The book is intended to serve as an introduction to the subject for mathematicians who do not have advanced knowledge of algebraic topology. Prerequisites include standard graduate courses in algebra and topology, with some knowledge of ordinary homology theory and homotopy theory.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 272
Добавлена в каталог: 23.05.2008
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Предметный указатель
-term 117
-genus 196
-ring 79
-semiring 79
-local 17
-localization 17
-spectrum 19 35 225
Adams conjecture 89 102
Adams operation 79 81
Adams spectral sequence 153
Adams — Novikov spectral sequence 159
Additivity axiom 30
Algebraic K-theory 105 114
Algebraic K-theory, higher 110
Atiyah — Hirzebruch spectral sequence 164
Bar-type Eilenberg — Moore spectral sequence 166
Base space 7
Becker — Gottlieb transfer 90 92
Blakers — Massey theorem 12
Bott periodicity 20 73
Brown functor 33
Brown — Peterson spectrum 199
BU 20
Canonical line bundle 46 49
Cap product 41
Cell complex 4
Cellular approximation theorem 5
Cellular decomposition 4
Change-of-rings isomorphism 184
Characteristic class 43
Chern character 71
Chern class 54
Chern class, total 55
Classifying map 51 54 67
Classifying space 16 165
Classifying space of a Brown functor 34
Cobar-type Eilenberg — Moore spectral sequence 174
Cobordant, framed 21
Codegeneracy operator 207
Coefficient group 26
Coface operator 207
Cofi bration 3
Cofi bration of cosimplicial space 213
Cofi bration of spectrum 228
Cofiber of map of spectra 228
Cofibrant 161
Cohomology spectral sequence of filtered space 129
Cohomology spectral sequence of simplicial space 161
Cohomology theory 23
Cohomology theory, axioms for 23
Cohomology theory, complex-oriented 46
Cohomology theory, multiplicative 40
Cohomology theory, ordinary 26
Cohomology theory, reduced 27
Cohomotopy group 210
Colimit 217
Compactly generated 1
complete 139
Completion, E-nilpotent 157
Complex cobordism 62
Complex genus 196
Complex K-group 67
Complex K-theory 67
Complex K-theory, connective 77
Complex K-theory, periodic 77
Complex orientable 47
Complex orientation 47
Conner-Floyd isomorphism 195
Converge 140
Converge, conditionally 141
Converge, strongly 140
Converge, weakly 140
Convergence 139
Core 157
Cosimplicial object 207
Cosimplicial space 207 213
Coskeleton 213
Covering homotopy property 6
Covering homotopy property for spectra 228
Cross product 40
Cup product 40
CW-complex 4
CW-pair 23
Degeneracy operator 207
Delooping 38
Derived couple 137
Differential of spectral sequence 117
Dimension axiom 26
DR pair 2
E-nilpotent completion 157
Eilenberg — Mac Lane space 17
Eilenberg — Mac Lane spectrum 37
Elliptic cohomology 198 '
Elliptic genus 197
Etale homotopy theory 114
Euler characteristic 91
Euler class 65
Exact couple 135
Exact couple, Expanded form of 137
Exactness axiom 24 28
Excision axiom 25
Exhaust 139
Face operator 207
Fat wedge 27
Fiber 7
Fiber homotopy equivalent 87
Fiber of map of spectra 228
Fiberwise join 87
Fibrant, cosimplicial space 168 214
Fibrant, topological space 223
Fibration 6
Fibration of cosimplicial space 213
Fibration of spectrum 228
Fibration, Hurewicz 6
Fibration, locally trivial 6
Fibration, Serre 6
Filtration 119
Formal group law 190
Formal group law, additive 191
Formal group law, homomorphism of 191
Formal group law, isomorphism of 192
Formal group law, multiplicative 191
Formal group law, strict isomorphism of 192
Frame 112
Framed submanifold 21
Framing 21
Freudenthal suspension map 12
Freudenthal suspension theorem 11
Functor, homotopy 33
Functor, representable- 33
Generalized cohomology theory 23
Generalized homology theory 26
Genus 196
Genus, - 196
Genus, complex 196
Genus, elliptic 197
Genus, Todd 196
Geometric bar construction 165
Geometric cobar construction 174
Geometric realization 160 222
Grothendieck construction 80
Grothendieck group 67
Gysin sequence 64
Hausdorff filtration 139
Hausdorff, weak 1
Homology spectral sequence of cosimplicial space 173
Homology spectral sequence of filtered space 125
Homology spectral sequence of simplicial space 161
Homology theory 26
Homology theory, generalized 26
Homotopical algebra 117
Homotopy associative 15
Homotopy axiom 25 28
Homotopy colimit 126 221
Homotopy excision 12
Homotopy extension property 2
Homotopy extension property for spectra 228
Homotopy functor 33
Homotopy lifting problem 6
Homotopy limit 221
Homotopy set 11
Homotopy spectral sequence 149
Homotopy spectral sequence of cosimplicial space 169
Homotopy spectral sequence of fibration tower 149
Hopf algebra 14
Hopf algebroid 154
Hopf space 13
Hurewicz map 9
Hurewicz Theorem 9
Ind uced homomorphism 24
Index theorem 77
Infinite cycle 124
Infinite loop machine 110
Infinite loop space 19 38
J-equivalent 87
J-homomorphism 87
J.H.C.Whitehead Theorem 10
K-theory 20 67
K-theory, Morava 177 199
KO-group 77
L-spectrum 231
Landweber Exact Functor Theorem 196
Lazard ring 193
Leray — Hirsh theorem 43
Leray — Serre spectral sequence 75 132 167
localization 17
Logarithm 192
Loop space 11
Mapping cylinder 3
Mapping track 8
Maximal torus 96
Mayer — Viet oris exact sequence 25
Mayer — Vietoris axiom 33
Milnor exact sequence 31
Mittag — Leffler exact sequence 219
Model category 117
Model category of cosimplicial spaces 214
Model category, Strom 4
Monoid 67
Monoid, commutative 67
Monoid, topological 16
Moore complex 209
Morava K-theory 177 199
Multiplication of cohomology theory 39
Multiplication of spectrum 40
Multiplication, external 40
Multiplication, internal 40
Natural transformation of cohomology theories 30
ND R structure 2
NDR pair 2
NDR representation 2
Newton's formula 70
Nondegenerate base point 12
Operad 230
Pairing of cohomology theories 39
Pairing of spectra 40
Permanent cycle 124
Plus construction 108
Pontrjagin — Thom construction 21
Postnikov decomposition 148
Prespectrum 226
primitive 14
Quaternionic vector bundle 65
Reduced homology theory 28
Reduced suspension 27
Representable functor 33
Representation 95
Ring 96
Ring spectrum 23 236
Ring, induced 97
S-algebra 236
S-module 234
Simplicial group 206
Simplicial object 205
Simplicial set 206
Simplicial space 160 206
Skeletal filtration 4 160
Skeleton 4
Skeleton of cosimplicial space 213
Smash product 11
Smash product of pointed spaces 11
Smash product of spectra 152 225 231
Smash product of spectrum and space 227
Smash product, external 229
Solid ring 157
Spectral sequence 115
Spectral sequence with entering differential 143
Spectral sequence with exiting differential 143
Spectral sequence, Adams 153
Spectral sequence, Adams — Novikov 159
Spectral sequence, Atiyah — Hirzebruch 164
Spectral sequence, bar-type Eilenberg — Moore 166
Spectral sequence, co bartype Eilenberg — Moore 174
Spectral sequence, convergence of 139
Spectral sequence, homotopy 149 169
Spectral sequence, Leray — Serre 75 132 167
Spectral sequence, unstable Adams 159 172
Spectrum 23 35 225
Spectrum in the sense of EKMM 226
Spectrum, - 19 35 225
Spectrum, Brown — Peterson 199
Spectrum, Eilenberg — MacLane 37
Spectrum, L- 231
Spectrum, sphere 37 227
Spectrum, suspension 37 227
Sphere spectrum 37 227
Splitting principle 48
Stable cohomology operation 30
Stable homotopy category 229
Stable homotopy group 38
Stably equivalent 69
Steenrod algebra 182
Steenrod algebra, dual of 182
Suspension 11
Suspension axiom 28
Suspension spectrum 37
Suspension, reduced 27
Suspension, spectrum 227
Telescope 222
Thorn class 45
Thorn class for quaternionic vector bundle 66
Thorn complex 22
Thorn isomorphism 45 60
Todd genus 196
Topological monoid 16
TOT 168
Total Chern class 55
Total space 7
Totalization functor 168 222
Tower of fibrations 147
Tower of fibrations for fibrant cosimplicial space 168
Triad 25
Triple 25
Unstable Adams spectral sequence 159
Weak equivalence 5
Weak equivalence of cosimplicial space 213
Weak equivalence of L-spectrum 232