Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Swallow J. — Exploratory Galois Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Action, group 17
Adjoined 25
Affine translation 44
Algebra, fundamental theorem of 12
Algebraic closure 179
Algebraic element 85 179
Algebraic extension 85 179
Algebraic number 22
Algebraic number, degree of 23
Algebraic number, representation of by an arithmetic combination 25
Algorithm, division 7
Algorithm, Division, for integral domains 20
Algorithm, Euclidean 9
Arithmetic combination 25
Associated polynomial 22
Associates 10
Automorphism, field 16
Automorphism, Frobenius 190
Automorphisms, independence of 157
Characteristic of a field 19
Circle, constructible 165
Closure, algebraic 179
Coefficient, leading 6
Combination, arithmetic 25
Combination, K[X]-linear 9
Conjugacy class of subgroups 130
Conjugate element 105
Conjugate number 42
Conjugate subgroup 130
Constant 6
Constant polynomial 6
Constructible circle 165
Constructible number 166
Constructible point 165
Criterion, Eisenstein irreducibility 21
Criterion, mod p irreducibility 20
Cyclotomic extension 153
Cyclotomic polynomial 154
Dedekind's Lemma 160
Degree of a polynomial 6
Degree of an algebraic number 23
Derivative 50
Discriminant 115 125 139
Discriminant resolvent 125
Division algorithm 7
Division Algorithm for integral domains 20
Division, polynomial 7
Divisor, greatest common 9 11
Domain, integral 10
Domain, principal ideal 11
Domain, unique factorization 10
Eisenstein irreducibility criterion 21
Element, algebraic 85 179
Element, conjugate 105
Element, primitive 64 84
Element, separable 181
Elementary symmetric polynomial 121
Euclidean algorithm 9
Evaluation 25
Evaluation homomorphism 32 68 69
Exponent of a group 174 189
Extension of isomorphism 78
Extension, algebraic 85 179
Extension, cyclotomic 153
Extension, field 26
Extension, finite 85
Extension, Galois 104 184
Extension, generated field 25 84
Extension, normal 103 182
Extension, radical 171
Extension, separable 181
Extension, simple 64 84
Extension, splitting 66 71 181
Extension, transcendental 85
factor [Maple] 13
Factor [Mathematica] 13
Factor, linear 12
Factor, polynomial 6
FDeclareExtensionField 53 91
FDeclareField 33 52 90
FDeclareSplittingExtensionField 92
FDeclareSplittingField 92
FFactor 55 94
FFindFactor 58
FFindFactorRt 58 96
FGaloisGroup 137
FGaloisResolvent 141
Field automorphism 16
Field extension 26
Field extension, algebraic 85 179
Field extension, generated 25 84
Field extension, normal 103 182
Field extension, separable 181
Field extension, simple 64 84
Field extension, splitting 66 71 181
Field generated by an algebraic number 25 43
Field generated by several algebraic numbers 63
Field monomorphism 16
Field of rational functions 85
Field operations 25
Field, characteristic of 19
Field, fixed 107
Field, Galois 189
Field, intermediate 108
Field, multiply generated 63
Field, number 86
Field, perfect 185
Field, splitting 66 71 181
Finite extension 85
Finitely generated field extension 84
FInvert 33 54 93
First Isomorphism Theorem for rings 15
Fixed field 107
FMakeTower 59 97
FMap 100
FMapIsIsoQ 99
FMinPoly 57 96
Form, reduced 26 30 87
FPolynomialExtendedGCD 57 95
FPolynomialGCD 57 95
FPolynomialOrbit 141
FPolynomialQuotient 56 94
FPolynomialRemainder 56 94
Frobenius automorphism 190
Frobenius map 185
FRootNumber 57 96
FSimplifyE 33 54 93
FSimplifyP 55 94
fsolve [Maple] 12
FSubstitutelnGaloisResolvent 143
Fundamental theorem of algebra 12
Galois extension 104 184
Galois field 189
Galois group 105
Galois resolvent 117
gcd [Maple] 14
gcdex [Maple] 14
Generated field 25
Generated field extension 84
Generated group 17
Generated ideal 24 67
Generation by an algebraic number 43
Greatest common divisor 9
Group action 17
Group, exponent of 174 189
Group, Galois 105
Group, generated 17
Group, permutation 17
| Group, solvable 174
Group, symmetric 17
Homomorphism, evaluation 32 68 69
Homomorphism, trivial 16
Ideal 11
Ideal, generated 24 67
Identities, Newton's 121
Independence of automorphisms 157
Integral domain 10
Integral domains, Division Algorithm for 20
Intermediate field 108
Inverse Galois problem 106
Irrationalities, Natural, Theorem on 128
Irreducibility criterion, Eisenstein 21
Irreducible element 10
Irreducible polynomial 6
Isomorphism, extension of 78
Kronecker's theorem 178
Law, Tower 50
Leading coefficient 6
Least common multiple 20
Lemma, Dedekind's 160
Linear factor 12
Linear polynomial 12
Map, Frobenius 185
Minimal polynomial of 23
Mod p irreducibility criterion 20
Monic 6
Monomial occurrence 122
Monomorphism, field 16
Multiple, least common 20
Multiplicity of a root 40
Multivariate polynomial 67
N [Mathematica] 13
Natural Irrationalities, Theorem on 128
Newton's identities 121
Normal extension 103 182
NSolve [Mathematica] 12
Number field 86
Number of operations 36
Number, algebraic 22
Number, algebraic, representation of by an arithmetic combination 25
Number, conjugate 42
Number, constructible 166
Number, root 89
Number, transcendental 23 86
Occurrence, monomial 122
Operations, field 25
Orbit 17
Orbit of a polynomial 117
Over 6 23 25 26 42 63 71 78 105
Perfect field 185
Permutation 17
Permutation group 17
Permutation representation 17
Point, constructible 165
Polynomial 5
Polynomial division 7
Polynomial factor 6
Polynomial orbit 117
Polynomial Quotient 7 20
Polynomial remainder 7
Polynomial ring 5
Polynomial ring in //variables 67
Polynomial solvable by radicals 172
Polynomial stabilizer 117
Polynomial, associated 22
Polynomial, constant 6
Polynomial, cyclotomic 154
Polynomial, elementary symmetric 121
Polynomial, irreducible 6
Polynomial, linear 12
Polynomial, minimal 23
Polynomial, monic 6
Polynomial, multivariate 67
Polynomial, quotient 20
Polynomial, reducible 6
Polynomial, remainder 20
Polynomial, separable 180
Polynomial, split 72
Polynomial, symmetric 120
PolynomialExtendedGCD [Mathematica] 15
PolynomialGCD [Mathematica] 14
PolynomialQuotient [Mathematica] 14
PolynomialRemainder [Mathematica] 14
Prime subfield 19 87
Primitive element 64 84
Primitive Element, Theorem of the 186
Primitive root of unity 152
Principal ideal domain 11
Problem, inverse Galois 106
Problem, subfield immersion 59 97
Product, semidirect 161
quo [Maple] 14
Quotient polynomial 7 20
Quotient, polynomial 7
Radical extension 171
Rational functions, field of 85
Rational root theorem 20
Reduced form 26 30 87
Reducible polynomial 6
Reduction modulo n\,^ 28
rem [Maple] 14
Remainder polynomial 7
Remainder, polynomial 7
Representation of a number by an arithmetic combination 25
Representation, permutation 17
Resolvent, discriminant 125
Resolvent, Galois 117
Ring generated by an algebraic number 26
Ring, polynomial, in n variables 67
Ring, polynomial, in one variable 5
Root number 89
Root of unity 152
Root [Mathematica] 13 89
Root, multiplicity of 40
Rootof [Maple] 13 89
Semidirect product 161
Separable element 181
Separable extension 181
Separable polynomial 180
Simple extension 64 84
Solvable by radicals, polynomial 172
Solvable group 174
Split polynomial 72
Splitting field 66 71 181
Stabilizer 17
Stabilizer of a polynomial 117
Subfield immersion problem 59 97
Subfield, prime 19 87
Subgroup, conjugate 130
Subgroup, transitive 135
Symmetric group 17
Symmetric polynomial 120
Theorem of the Primitive Element 186
Theorem on Natural Irrationalities 128
Theorem, First Isomorphism, for rings 15
Theorem, Fundamental, of Algebra 12
Theorem, Kronecker's 178
Theorem, Rational Root 20
Tower Law 50
Transcendental 23
Transcendental extension 85
Transcendental number 86
Transitive subgroup 135
Translation, affine 44
Trivial homomorphism 16
Unique factorization domain 10
Unity, primitive root of 152
Unity, root of 152
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