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Gabbay D.M. (Ed), Woods J. (Ed) — Logic and the Modalities in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 7
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Название: Logic and the Modalities in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 7
Авторы: Gabbay D.M. (Ed), Woods J. (Ed)
Аннотация: Logic and the Modalities in the Twentieth Century is an indispensable research tool for anyone interested in the development of logic, including researchers, graduate and senior undergraduate students in logic, history of logic, mathematics, history of mathematics, computer science and artificial intelligence, linguistics, cognitive science, argumentation theory, philosophy, and the history of ideas.
This volume is number seven in the eleven volume Handbook of the History of Logic. It concentrates on the development of modal logic in the 20th century, one of the most important undertakings in logic's long history. Written by the leading researchers and scholars in the field, the volume explores the logics of necessity and possibility, knowledge and belief, obligation and permission, time, tense and change, relevance, and more. Both this volume and the Handbook as a whole are definitive reference tools for students and researchers in the history of logic, the history of philosophy, and any discipline, such as mathematics, computer science, artificial intelligence, for whom the historical background of his or her work is a salient consideration.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 719
Добавлена в каталог: 22.05.2008
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FCS 575
Feys, R. 5 9
File change semantics 575
Filtration 39 42
Filtration of LTS 524
Findlay, J.N. 400 414—415
Fine, K. 28 40 45 46 53 58 61 455 458 459
Finite model property 9 12 40 48 71 523
Finitely branching non-determinism 83
Fischer, J.M. 468
Fisher, M. 63 517 523 528 543
Fisher-Ladner closure 523
Fitch, F. 76
Fixed point 66 70 73
Fixed point axiom 169
fixpoint 70
Floyd — Hoare calculus 514
Floyd — Hoare logic 502 512 516 522
Floyd, R. 500 512
FMP 523
Follesdal, D. 229
Forcing 36
Forrester's Paradox 242
Forrester, J.W. 242 244 245
Frame 28 42
Frames, categories of 56
Franzen, H. 40
Free choice permissionparadox 228
Free will 399 401 403 411—420
Frege, F.L.G. 402
Frobenius, G. 16
Functional bisimulation 572
Future contingency 449 462—475 490
G-operator 429
Gabbay, D. 48 64 68
Gaodel, K. 440
Gardenfors, P. 590
Gardent, C. 518
Gble, L. 243
gcd program 506 553
Geach, P.T. 25 401 403 430 436
Generated model 44
Gentzen sequent 23
Genuine singular terms 146
Geometric modality 78
Geometric necessity 29
Gerbrandy, J. 540 591
Gerson, M. 48
Ghilardi's formula 148
Global element 77
global state 122
Goble, L. 215 236
Gochet, P. 501
Godel, K. 7—9 72
Goldblatt, R. 41 45 52 56—61 75 78 79 85 217 488 548 554
good 197
Good Samaritan Paradox 230 231
Good Samaritan Puzzle 243
Gordon, M. 516
Gowans, C. 206
Graph colouring 61
gratuitous 197 202 217 224 253
Green, M. 469 470 473
Gribomont, P. 501
Gries, D. 565
Groenendijk, J. 552 556 574576 585 592 593
Groeneveld, W. 592
Grothendieck, A. 37 77
Group announcement 540
Grumberg, O. 517
Grzegorczyk, A. 43 75
Guarded iteration 506
Gumm, P. 83
Guy, R. 508
H-operator 429
Halmos, P. 14
Halpern, J. 50 68 594
Hamblin, C. 404 428—429 432 456 478 479 481
Hamilton, W.R. 447
Hansen, J. 236
Harel, D. 64 499 527 537 548 554
Harrop, R. 9
Hartmann, N. 251
Haskell programming language 503
Hayes, P.J. 479—482
Hedenius, I. 227
Heguiabehere, J. 564 565
Heim, I. 501 573 575
Hendricks, V.F. 489—492 494
Henkin, L. 23 38 73
Hennessy — Milner property 84—85
Hennessy, M. 65—67
Heredity condition 165
Herrestad, H. 202 251 252 255 256
Heyting, A. 8
Hilbert, D. 73
Hilpinen, R. 216 228 229 251
Hindley, R. 585
Hintikka, J. 207 501 573
Hintikka, K.J.J. 22 30—35
histories see “Chronicle”
Hoare, C.A.R. 62 500 502 512
Hodkinson, I. 61
Hollenberg, M. 535 536 571 572
Horty, J. 236 251 252
Horty, J.F. 492 494
Hrushka, J. 244
Hughes and Cresswell 6 8 23 62
Hughes, G. 61
Human freedom 463—465
Humberstone, I.L. 244
Huntington, E. 10
Huth, M. 516
Hybrid contexts 143
Hybrid logic 399 441 456 458 476
Hypercubes 122
Hypertheories 138
i-acceptable 211 212 216
i-acceptable world 211 214
I-accessible world 213 223
i-best 216
i-best world 215 236
I-operator (now) 430
Identity 150
Identity-intersection property 123
Image-finite relation 66 83
Immunity 197
Impermissible 197 202 203 212 253
Impossibility operator 6
IMPp 223
Incomplete logics 46—49 75
Incompleteness 16
Incremental type logic 585
Indifference 243
Indifferent 197
Indirect discourse 144
Indistinguishability 112
Infinitary epistemic logic 176
Infinitary extensions of modal propositional logic 176
Infinitary first-order logic 176
Infinitary language 84
Information flow 128
Initial object 82
Inner substructure 58
Input set 84
Instant-propositions 439—441
Instants 27
Integer time 41
Interior operator 13
Intuitionistic logic, IPC 13 43 75 76 78 79
Intuitionistic logic, Kripke semantics 8 14 75
Intuitionistic logic, modal 76
Intuitionistic logic, propositional Intuitionistic logic, calculus 8
Intuitionistic logic, second-order 81
Intuitionistic logic, topological interpretation 13 76
Invariance for bisimulation 535
Irreversibility 484
Iteration 63
ITL 585
Jacobs, B. 82 84
Janin, D. 536
Jansche, M. 585
Japaridze, G. 75
Jennings, R.E. 235
Jephthah 233
Jespersen, O. 450
Joerden, J.C. 244
Jones, A.I.J. 228 245 252
Jones, S. 503
Jonsson — Tarski Extension Theorem 15 18 56
Jonsson, B. 15 17 18 22 29 35 48 60
Jorgensen's Dilemma 226
Jorgensen, J. 226
Jurisdictional Problem 245
Jutla, C. 69 72
K 217 219
Kamp, H. 68 227 450 475 476 501 573—575 579 582 585
Kanazawa, M. 576
Kanger, S. 22 28—30 35 216 221 222 245 252
Kant's Law 219 233
Kant, I. 22 234
Kantian principle 409 410
Kaplan, D. 37 38
Karttunen, L. 501
Kawahara, Y. 83
KD 217 220 257
Keisler — Shelah Theorem 53
Keisler, H. 534
Kempson, R. 227
Kenny, A.J.P. 399 401 403 404 411
Kierkegaard, S. 400
Kleene's Recursion Theorem 74
Knaster, B. 70
Knuuttila, S. 199
Kohlhase, M. 585
Kolakowski, L. 402
Kolmogorov, A. 79
Kooi, B. 537 540 543 545
Kozen, D. 64 70—72 499 527 530 531 537 548
Kracht, M. 518
Kripke model 1 18 63 500
Kripke models 235
Kripke polynomial functor 85
Kripke, S.A. 9 14 18—22 30 34—37 40 43 44 51 60 403 404 432 433 460 482
Kripke-style possible world 211
Kripke-Style Semantics for Kd 225
Krogh, C. 202 251 252 255 256
KTd 219
Kuratowski, K. 12
Kurz, A. 84
Kuschert, S. 585
Kuznetsov, A. 75
l-calculus 26
Labelled transition system 500
Ladner, R. 50 63 517 523 528 543
Lambda calculus 37
Lambek, J. 83
Langford, C. 5
Laob, M. 73
Large step semantics 509
Larsen, K. 67
Lascarides, A. 592
Lavenham, R. 463—465 475
Lawvere, F.W. 36 77 79
Leakage Problem 255 256
Leibniz, G.W. von 18 22 424 425 464 473
Leibnizian semantics 474
Lejewski, C. 403
Lemmon Notes 37 38 52
Lemmon, E.J. 9 17 36—40 44 46 204 231 233 403 428
Lewis, C.I. 5 7 36
Lewis, C.S. 410
Lewis, D. 404
Liberty 197
Limit Assumption 215 216 224
Limit Assumption Problem 236
Lindahl, L. 245 252
Linear tense logic 41 68
Local operator 77
Local state 121
Local variable 565
Locally true 77
Logic of action 499 536
Logic of agency 251
Logic, deontic 3 32—34
Logic, doxastic 3
Logic, dynamic 3
Logic, epistemic 3
Logic, geometric 3
Logical consequence relation 54
Logical necessity 29 150
Lokhorst, G.-J. 199 204 221
Long, D. 517
Long-term memory 167
LTS 500
Lucas, J.R. 487 489
Lukasiewicz, J. 10 402 415 426
Luther, M. 412
Lyndon, R. 18
Mac Lane, S. 81 357
MacBeath, M. 457
MacColl, H. 4
Mackie, J.L. 420
Macnab, D. 77
Macro-operations 168
Magari, R. 47
Makinson, D. 38 46 48 56 227
Maksimova, L. 58
Mally, E. 197 199 204
Manes, E. 81
Manna, Z. 68
Marcus, R.B. 421 440
Mares, E.D. 222 245
Marx, M. 518 527
Massey, G. 488
Master Argument, The 416 426428
Material implication 6
Mates, B. 415 426
Mathieu, E. 582
Matrix model 10
McKenzie, R. 48
McKinsey axiom 52 60 61
McKinsey, J. 8—10 12 14 17 36
McNamara, P. 197 201 202 206 211 217 236 244 245 251 252 255 256
McTaggart's Paradox 449 454—459
McTaggart, J.M.E. 436—437 449 454—459
Meinong — Chisholm Analysis 252
Meinong — Chisholm Reduction 251 252
Meinong, A. 251
Mellor, D.H. 455 457 484
Mendler, M. 80 83
Menger, K. 8
Meredith, C.A. 25—27 403 431
Meredith, D. 403
Metalogic 3
Methodism 411 414
Meyer Viol, W. 518
Meyer, A. 49
Micro-operations 168