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Zoladek H. — Monodromy Group
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Название: Monodromy Group
Автор: Zoladek H.
Аннотация: In singularity theory and algebraic geometry the monodromy group is embodied in the Picard-Lefschetz formula and the Picard-Fuchs equations. It has applications in the weakened 16th Hilbert problem and in mixed Hodge structures. In the theory of systems of linear differential equations one has the Riemann-Hilbert problem, the Stokes phenomena and the hypergeometric functions with their multidimensional generalizations. In the theory of homomorphic foliations there appear the Ecalle-Voronin-Martinet-Ramis moduli. On the other hand, there is a deep connection of monodromy theory with Galois theory of differential equations and algebraic functions. All this is presented in this book, underlining the unifying role of the monodromy group.
The material is addressed to a wide audience, ranging from specialists in the theory of ordinary differential equations to algebraic geometers. The book contains a lot of results which are usually spread in many sources. Readers can quickly get introduced to modern and vital mathematical theories, such as singularity theory, analytic theory of ordinary differential equations, holomorphic foliations, Galois theory, and parts of algebraic geometry, without searching in vast literature.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 580
Добавлена в каталог: 22.05.2008
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
Number, Stokes 280
Number, unipotent 120
Number, variation, till 301
Number, Weil 250
Ohasi S. 509 545
Okamoto K. 322
Okonek G. 302 551
Oleinik O.A. 250
Onsager L. 328
Oort F. 551
Operator, annihulation 325
Order of holomorphic form 147
Orhifold 110. see V-manifold
Orientation 39
Ortis-Bobadilla L. 417 554
Ossa de la X. 201
Oval 77 118
P-set see set sub-analytic
Painleve P. vii 318 322 513 551
Pair of groups 481
Pair of groups, almost normal 481
Parallel transport 112
Parkes L. 261 540
Partition of unity 53
Partition, baricentric 43
Partition, simplicial 39
Paul E. 551
Pauli W. 327
Perez-Marco R. 333 391 551
Period 254 273 275 439
Periodic trajectory see solution periodic
Perron O. 367 439
Petrov G.S., ix 128 168 170 173 175 551
Petrovski I.G. 250 418 547 551
Petrovski — Oleinik inequalities 250
Pfaff J.H. 183 185 393
Pham F. 26 115 136 251 360 536 551
Phase 151
Phase portrait 159
Phragmen E. 433
Picard E. vii 65 67 70 71 110 128 130 133 401 442 491 507 515 523 552
Plemelj J. vii 296 305 306 434 552
Pliicker J. 408
Pochhammer L. vii 484 494 515 552
Poincare domain 347
Poincare H. vii—ix 9 43 45 54 168 190 347 382 552
Point, conjugate (on geodesic) 49
Point, critical 3 4 15 57 62 68
Point, critical of differential equation, movable 321
Point, critical of differential equation, nonmovable 321
Point, fixed 55 161
Point, fixed, hyperbolic 161
Point, non-degenerate 3 4 58
Point, periodic 113
Point, ramification 2 472
Point, singular of analytic set 27 59 107
Point, singular of differential equation of Fuchs type 271
Point, singular of differential system 269
Point, singular of differential system, irregular 269 279
Point, singular of differential system, of Fuchs type 271 311
Point, singular of differential system, regular 146 269 270
Point, singular of holomorphic foliation 394
Point, singular of holomorphic foliation, dicritical 340
Point, singular of holomorphic foliation, elementary 339
Point, singular of holomorphic foliation, resonant 340
Point, singular of vector field 7 160
Point, singular of vector field, degenerate 8 9
Point, singular of vector field, hyperbolic 160
Poisson bracket 436
Poisson S. 435 436
Polya G. 552
Pontryagin L.S. 168 552
Potential Gromow — Witten 261
Potential Yukawa 260
Prelle M.J. 469 552
Presheaf 51
Primitive element 473
Primitive parametrization 28
Principal part of geometrical section 148
Principle, argument 171
Principle, Descartes 176
Principle, Rolle 175
Problem of center 193
Problem of small limit cycles 193
Problem of Thorn 411
Problem, center-focus 342
Problem, inverse in differential Galois theory 466
Problem, nonlinear Riemann — Hilbert 412 413
Problem, Riemann — Hilbert 296 297 299 305 307 314 324 328
Problem, VH-th Hilbert 236
Problem, XVI-th Hilbert 163 418
Problem, XVI-th Hilbert, weakened 168
Proper preimage see strict transform
Pseudo-group 418
Pseudo-reflection 86
Puiseux V.A. 28
Pure braid group see group braid colored
Put van der M. 465 552
Pyartli A.S. 382 432 545 552
Pyramid 91
Quadrature 455
Quasi-isomorphism 207
R-matrix 533 534
R-rank 526
Radical of ideal 24 106
Radical, unipotent 460
Raghunathan M. 552
Ramis J.-R. ix—xi 333 360 366 372 379 433 464 508 549 550 552
Rank of vector field at singularity 344
Ray of division 283
Rebelo J.C 415 549
Reed M. 553
Relation, anti-commutation 326
Relation, commutation 326
Relation, Gauss 495
Relation, Hodge — Riemann 202 254—256
Relation, Serre 533
Rellich F. 197
Remmert R. 186 544
Residue class 106
Residuum of Gauss — Manin connection 233
Residuum, Poincare 220
Resolution of hypersurface 102 239
Resolution of singularity of function 102
Resolution of singularity of holomorphic foliation 339 427
Resolution of singularity of holomorphic foliation, good 340
Resolvent 204
Resonant relation 276 278
Resonant relation for diffeomorphisms 347
Retraction 56
Rey J. 353
Rham de G. 49 50
Riccati J. 321 460
Riemann G.F.B. vii 1 202 254 255 295 296 412 471 472 553
Riemann P-equation see equation Riemann
Riemann surface 1 4 67 117 119 179 471 472 474 480
Rigidity 434
Ring of analytic functions 106
Ring of discrete valuation 293
Ring of invariants 107
Ring, differential 442
Ring, integrally closed 106
Ring, local 13 106
Ringed topological space 106
Risch R.H. 468 553
Ritt J.F. 154 365 468 553
Roehrl H. vii 296 553
Rolle M. 175 185
Root 82 85
Root, negative 82
Root, positive 82
Root, simple 82
Rosales-Gonzalez E. 417 554
Rosenlicht M. 468 553
Rossi H. 299 544
Roussarie R. 553
Rousseau C 553
Ruffini P. 478
s-function 479
Sad P. 333 404 411 540
Saddle 179 340
Saddle, generalized 427
Saddle-node 340
Saddle-node, generalized 427
Saito M. 553
Salem E. 413 550
Satake I. 266
Sato M. vii 324 553
Sauvage L. 305 553
Scardua B.A. 488 553
Schauder J. 377
Schechtman V.V. 535 543
Scherk J. 251 553
Schlesinger L. vii 316 441 462 554
Schmid W. ix 195 224 225 235 553
Schneider H. 302 551
Schneider T. 236 554
Schwarz derivative 498
Schwarz H.A. vii x 262 428 467 501 509 516 554
Sebastiani M. 140 554
Section of bundle 51
Section, geometrical 144 146
Section, horizontal 143 144 147
Sector of fall 370
Sector of jump 370
Seidenberg A., ix 187 333 342 554
Seifert H. 72 165
Self-intersection see index of intersection
Semi-continuity of spectrum conjecture 150
Semi-invariant 451
Semi-stable morphism 108
Semi-stable reduction 108
Separatrix 162 411
Sequence, central deriative 418
Sequence, Gysin 56
Sequence, long exact of homotopy groups 56
Sequence, long exact of pair 40
Sequence, spectral 203
Sequence, spectral, Leray 208 209
Sequence, spectral, of hypercohomology groups 206
Sequence, spectral, weight 217 221
Sequence, Wang 56 238
Series, Gevrey 365
Series, hypergeometric 493
Serre, J.-R 85 201 554
Set, constructive 446
Set, forbidden 480
Set, irreducible 27 see
Set, real analytic 59 186
Set, real semi-analytic 186
Shaefke R. 540
Shafarevich I.R. 554
Shcherbakov A.A. x 333 412 417 418 432 542 554
Sheaf 51
Sheaf, coherent 51
Sheaf, cohomological 207
Sheaf, constant 51 210
Sheaf, direct image of 52 see
Sheaf, flabby 53 204
Sheaf, inverse image of 52
Sheaf, Leray 141 208 209
Sheaf, of holomorphic functions 51
Sheaf, of holomorphic logarithmic forms 220
Sheaf, of holomorphic logarithmic relative forms 226
Sheaf, of ideals 301
Sheaf, of relations 51
Sheaf, of sections of bundle 51
Sheaf, of smooth forms 50 51 53
Sheaf, of smooth functions 51
Sheaf, of vector fields 51
Sheaf, Stokes 286
Shimomura S. 546
Sibirski K.S. 193 554
Sibuya Y. 281 287 554
Siegel C.L. 254 381 554
Siegel upper half-plane 254 265
Sigma-process 340 see
Simart G. 67 552
Simon B. 553
simplex 39
Simplex with coefficients in local system 517
Singer M.F. x 469 552 554
Singularity of type 13 30 34 99 243
Singularity of type 14 33 34
Singularity of type , , , 34
Singularity, Bogdanov — Takens 341
Singularity, cusp 104 109 see
Singularity, fold 34 76 see
Singularity, Lagrangian of type A3 48
Singularity, m-modal 33
Singularity, nilpotent of holomorphic foliation 426
Singularity, normal crossings 96 103 216 224
Singularity, of type , , 13 34
Singularity, parabolic 34 76
Singularity, Pham 115 136 536
Singularity, Picard-Fuchs 145
Singularity, simple 33 76 100 157
Singularity, unimodal 34 76
Singularity, Whitney 18
Skoda H. 252 539
Soares M.G. 548 554
Sobolev S.L. 197
Solution, periodic 160 167
Solution, periodic, hyperbolic 161
Solution, separating 184 185
Space of resurgent functions 361
Space, Chebyshev 170
Space, Chebyshev, with accuracy 170
Space, classifying of Hodge structures see space period matrix
Space, Eilenberg — MacLane 56 99
Space, Fock 325
Space, Fock, Bose — Einstein 325
Space, Fock, Fermi — Dirac 325
Space, moduli 252 351 355
Space, moduli, of algebraic curves 255
Space, moduli, of analytic varieties 258 260
Space, moduli, of elliptic curves 253
Space, period matrix 254 256 257
Space, Sobolev 197
Space, weighted projective 247
Spanier E. 555
Spectrum of critical point 148 252
Spectrum of ring 107
Spencer D.C 259 547
Spherical triangle 498
Spindler H. 302 551
Stabilizer 476 480
Star of a vertex 43 53
Star operation 196
Star operation, Hodge 199
Steenbrink J.H.M. viii ix xi 195 219 224 225 232 235 247 249—252 553 555
Stein K. 221
Stereographical projection 503
Stirling J. 158
Stokes G.G. vii 53 555
Stokes phenomenon, linear 283
Strelcyn J.-M. 549
Strict transform 104 105
Strozyna E. xi 426 555
Structure, almost complex 336