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Rich B., Schmidt Ph. — Schaum's Outline of Elementary Algebra (Schaum's Outline Series) |
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Ratio(s), proportions as equal 306
Rational numbers 264
Rationalizing the denominator 274—275
Rays 106
Reciprocal(s), defined 244
Reciprocal(s), rules of 244
Rectangle(s) 108 109
Rectangle(s), area of a 116
Rectangle(s), direct variation applied to a 228
Rectangle(s), inverse variation applied to a 231
Rectangular solid(s) 109—110
Rectangular solid(s), surface area of a 116
Rectangular solid(s), volume of a 121
Reducing fractions to lowest terms 246
Reflection(s) in the line 331—332
Reflection(s) in the point 334
Reflection(s), properties of 336
Regular polygons 107
Regular pyramid 110
Rhombus 108 109
Right member, right-hand side (of equality) 21
Right prism 109
Right triangle(s) 108
Right triangle(s) and Pythagorean Theorem 301—302
Right triangle(s), angles of a 180
Right triangle(s), legs (arms) of 108
Root(s) of a quadratic equation 285
Root(s) of an equation 21
Root(s), extraneous 276
Root(s), index of a 262
Rounding of a decimal 348
Rounding of whole numbers 343
Rule of transposition 90
Rule(s) of equality 25
Rule(s) of equality, addition 31
Rule(s) of equality, division 26
Rule(s) of equality, multiplication 28
Rule(s) of equality, subtraction 30
Scale triangles 308
Scalene triangle 108
Secant (sec) 315 316
Sector (of a circle) 107 108
segments see “Line segment(s)”
Side(s), congruent 107
Side(s), corresponding 307
Signed number(s) for indicating position 45
Signed number(s), absolute value of a 44
Signed number(s), adding 48—19 50
Signed number(s), comparing 45—16
Signed number(s), defined 43
Signed number(s), dividing 56—57
Signed number(s), evaluating expressions having 58
Signed number(s), finding powers of 55
Signed number(s), multiplying 53—54
Signed number(s), opposite 49
Signed number(s), subtracting 51
Signed number(s), summary of rules for computations involving 58—59
Signed number(s), using number scales for 44—16
Similar (like) terms 13—14
Similar polygons 307
Similar triangles 307—308
Simultaneous equations, solving by addition or subtraction 163
Simultaneous equations, solving by substitution 166
Sine (SIN) 315 316
Slope of a line 324—325
Solid(s), defined 109
Solid(s), names of 109—111
Solid(s), rectangular 109—110
Solid(s), surface area of a 116
Solid(s), volume of a 120
Solution (to an equation) 21
Solution (to an equation), common solution 147
Speed, rate of 191
Sphere(s) 109 110
Sphere(s), surface area of a 116
Sphere(s), volume of a 121
Square root(s) as rational numbers 264
Square root(s) of a fraction 217 269
Square root(s) of a monomial 217
Square root(s) of a number 216 262
Square root(s) of a product, simplifying 267—268
Square root(s) of powers 268
Square root(s), adding and subtracting 271
Square root(s), dividing 273—274
Square root(s), finding, using a calculator 266—267
Square root(s), finding, using a graph 265—266
Square root(s), multiplying 272
Square root(s), negative 262
Square root(s), principal 216 262
Square unit 115
Square(s) 108 109
Square(s) of a binomial 223
Square(s) of a monomial 216
Square(s) of a number 215
Square(s), area of a 12 116
Square(s), factoring the difference of two 218—219
Standard form (of a quadratic equation) 284
straight lines 106
Substitution 8
Substitution, solving a pair of equations by 166
Subtraction and order of operations 8
Subtraction of fractions, with different denominators 251—252
Subtraction of fractions, with same denominator 250
Subtraction rule of equality 25 30
Subtraction with decimals 349
| Subtraction with fractions 347—348
Subtraction with mixed numbers 347—348
Subtraction with monomials 67
Subtraction with polynomials 68
Subtraction with signed numbers 51
Subtraction with square roots 271
Subtraction, addition as inverse of 24 126
Subtraction, algebraic representation of 5
Subtraction, checking 344
Subtraction, order of numbers in 5
Subtraction, solving a pair of equations by 163
Subtraction, symbol for 4
Subtraction, terms used in 344
Subtraction, words denoting 5
Subtrahend 344
SUM 1 344
Supplementary angles 179—180
Surds 265
Surface area of a cube 116
Surface area of a cylinder of revolution 116
Surface area of a rectangular solid 116
Surface area of a sphere 116
Symmetry 330—331
Symmetry, axis of 330—331
Symmetry, center of 330
Symmetry, line/line of 332
Symmetry, point 333—334
Table of values, deriving a linear equation from a 150—151
Tangent (TAN) 315 316
Tangent (tan), slope of line as 325
Term(s) of a fraction 241 345
Term(s), defined 64
Term(s), factors of 10
Term(s), like (similar) 13—14 64
Term(s), reducing fractions to lowest 246
Term(s), solving equations by transposing 90
Term(s), unlike 64
Thales 105
Transformations, defined 331
Transformations, reflections as 331—332 334 336
Transformations, translations as 336—337
Transformed Pythagorean Theorem 302
Transforming formulas 126
Translations 336—337
Transposition 90
Trapezoid(s) 108 109
Trapezoid(s), area of a 116
Trapezoid(s), isosceles 108 109
Triangle(s) 107
Triangle(s), acute 108
Triangle(s), area of a 116
Triangle(s), congruent 326—328
Triangle(s), corresponding angles/sides of a 307
Triangle(s), duplicating/copying 329
Triangle(s), equilateral 108
Triangle(s), isosceles 108 180
Triangle(s), obtuse 108
Triangle(s), scale 308
Triangle(s), scalene 108
Triangle(s), similar 307—308 (see also “Right triangle(s)”)
Trigonometric functions of , , and 316
Trigonometric functions of an acute angle 315
Trigonometric functions of complementary angles 316
Trigonometry 315
Trinomial(s), defined 53
Trinomial(s), factoring in form of 221
Trinomial(s), factoring in form of 221
Trinomial(s), perfect-square 223—224 289
Unconditional equalities 21
Unisolated unknowns 128
Unit(s), cubic 110 120
Unit(s), square 115
Unknown(s) with fractional coefficients 244
Unknown(s), isolated 128
Unknown(s), solving number problems, having one 169—170
Unknown(s), solving number problems, having two 171
Unknown(s), unisolated 128 (see also “First-degree equations in one unknown” “First-degree in
Unlike radicals 271
Unlike terms 64
Variable(s), defined 226
Variable(s), measuring change in a 226
Variation, direct 226—228
Variation, inverse 226 230—231
Verbal statements, creating equations from 22
Volume of a cone 121
volume of a cube 12 121
Volume of a cylinder 121
Volume of a prism 121
Volume of a pyramid 121
Volume of a rectangular solid 121
volume of a sphere 121
Whole numbers 343—345
x axis 138
x intercept 142
y axis 138
y intercept 142
Zero in fractions 241—242
Zero on number scale 46
Zero, division by 4 57 242
[] (brackets) 69
{} (braces) 69
“Canceling” 246
“Inversely proportional” 230—231
“Satisfying the equation” 21 143
— (fraction bar) 4 69
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