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Willers A. — Practical Analysis |
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Abdank-Abakanowitz 153 411 413
Abscissa, mean 149
Absolute error 1 230 271
Accuracy of reading 8
Accuracy of reading of slide rules 21
Adams 128 130 383 396
Addition curve, logarithmic 232
Addition logarithms 232
Adjoint equations 288
Alignment charts 33 38
Amsler 161 195
Analysis of empirical functions 296
Analyzers, harmonic 331
Approximating curves, calculation of 271 296
Approximation by linear functions 300
Arc length, determination of 161
Argument interval, determination of 10
Atzler 135
Avery 60
Bashforth 130
Bauschinger 300
Berg, van der 276
bernoulli 163 170 264
Bernoulli numbers 163
bessel 1
Bessel’s integration formula 119 122 143
Bessel’s interpolation formula 65 107 139 162
Bieberbach 227
Binary scales 41 44
Birge 68
Blaschke 325
Bleich 295
Blochmann 148
Blumenthal 273
Bortkiewitz 189
boundary conditions 289
Boundary value problems in difference equations 286
Boys 395
Brauer 234
Brion 7
Bruns 113
Burkhardt 363
Calculating machines 45
Calculating machines, division techniques on 57
Calculating machines, square and cube roots on 60
Calculating machines, summation techniques on 55
Calculation checks 99 216 267 270 343
Calculation error 2
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method 258
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method for harmonic analysis 345 354
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method for interpolation 90 96 99 103 115 133
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method for numerical integration 386 391 393 409
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method for the method of least squares 303
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method, for the Runge — Kutta method 381 400
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method, for the solution of equations 207 222
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method, for the solution of equations, by Gauss 267 270 272
Calculation scheme for Graeffe’s method, Horner’s 75 92 98 229 239 257 262
Cartesian charts 33
Cartesian charts, coordinates 396
Cassebaum 325
Cauchy 90
Cauchy difference method 377
Center of mass 157 201
Check on accuracy of slide rule scales 16
Chenevier 36
Chenevier tables 36
Christoffel 191
Collins 102 121
Compensation planimeter 195
Complex roots, graphic determination of 251
Complex roots, graphic determination of, mechanical determination of 249
Complex roots, graphic determination of, numerical determination of 208 210 244 257 262
Comrie 64
Constant storage mechanism (CSM) 50
Convergence of interpolation series 102 110 120
Convergence of interpolation series of iteration processes 210 212
Convergence of interpolation series of Newton’s method 219 224
Convergence of interpolation series of the method of stepwise approximation 387 392 407
Coradi 153 161 204
Correction 1
Correction term in the MacLaurin formula 166
Correction term in the MacLaurin formula in Newton’s formula 167
Correction term in the MacLaurin formula in Simpson’s formula 167
Correction term in the MacLaurin formula in the trapezoid rule 166
Correction term in the MacLaurin formula in the Weddle formula 168
Cotes 173
Cote’s mean value formula 173
Cranz 7 375
Crepin 36
Crepin tables 36
Cubature 130
Curve meters 161
Czuber 285 375
Dandelin 227 258
Decay processes 356
Deimler 208 248
Descartes’ Rule of Signs 238
Determinants, calculation of 271
Difference equations, adjoint 288
Difference equations, adjoint, graphical solution of 291
Difference equations, adjoint, homogeneous 286
Difference equations, adjoint, inhomogeneous 286
Difference equations, adjoint, linear 285
Difference schemes, check on 99
Difference schemes, check on, error propagation in 100
Difference schemes, check on, general 90 96 131
Difference schemes, check on, special 99 103 243
Differences 98
Differences, divided 83
Differences, partial divided 133
Differential curve 158
Differential equations, of first order 364
Differential equations, of higher order 394
Differential equations, simultaneous linear 397
Differentiation of tabulated functions 115
Differentiation, graphical 158
Differentiation, Numerical 113
Direct linear interpolation in tables and scales 24 27 29
Direction lines, pencil of 148 365
Direction ruler of von Sanden 338
Directrix 365
Discriminant curve 34
Disk planimeter 198
Distances between scale markings 9
Divided differences 76 83 86
Divided differences with repeated argument 114
Division, line of 292
Dobbeler 45
Duffing 377
Dyck, van 235
d’Ocagne 45 366
Elimination of one unknown, graphical 276
Elimination of one unknown, numerical 265
Emde 325 350
Emden 411
Empirical functions, analysis of 296
Encke 190 264
Equation machines 235 249 285
Equation system, reduced 266 275
Equation system, reduced, symmetric 271 289 309
Equidistant function values, tables with 137
Error, absolute 1 230 271
Error, absolute in difference schemes 100
Error, absolute of calculation 210
Error, absolute of data 1 29
Error, absolute, equations for 296 302 358 362
Error, absolute, estimation in integral formulas 166 175 180 183 189
Error, absolute, in iteration methods 393
Error, absolute, interpolation 24 110
Error, absolute, mean square 297 317 321 327 336 358 362
| Error, absolute, percentage 1 230 273
Error, absolute, propagation in difference schemes 100
Error, absolute, relative 1 230
Error, absolute, rounding off 1 27 101
Error, absolute, total 29
Euler 162 265
Euler formula 162
Everett 113
False position, method of 205 207 209 219 253
Feldmann 285
Finely divided scales 9
Foppl 285
Forster 113
Fourier analysis 325
Fricke 244
Friesecke 333
Frivold 91
Fuhrmann 305
Functional scales 9 12 22 33 36 154 201 304
Fundamental theorem of algebra 246
Funk 295 377
Galle 416
Gauss 30 190 265 297
Gauss interpolation formula 105 138
Gauss logarithms 30 232 261 269
Gauss scheme for the solution of linear equations 267 269 277
Gergonne 161
Gerstenbrandt 161
Goldziher 227
Gonella integrating mechanism 198
Graeffe 258
Graeffe’s method 258
Gregory 102 121
Groeneveld 204 338 394
Gronwall 45
Gugler 159
Hamel 386
Happach 285
Harmonic analyzer 331
Harriott’s rule of signs 238
Hayashi 206 221 411
Heine 190
Helmert 1 285
Hermann 340
Hertwig 295
Herzog 285
Heun 377
HORNER 75 235
Horner’s method 75 92 98 228 239 240 257 262
Horner’s method, more general form of 76 92 98
Hurwitz 249
Improvement of approximation values 205 209 290 387 406
Inaccuracy of roots of equations 230 271
Inaccuracy of roots of equations in readings 11
Index lines 41
Inertia, moment of 157 202
Inertia, moment of product of 203
Instantaneous values from mean values 119
Integral curves 146
Integral curves of differential equations 364 389 395
Integral curves, higher order 155
Integrals, multiple 128 155
Integrating wheel 194
Integration base 146 151 390
Integration formulas for multiple integrals 128
Integration formulas for odd ordinates 163
Integration formulas for the doubie interval 163
Integration formulas for volume integrals 144
Integration formulas of Adams 128 383 401 402
Integration formulas of Bessel 119 122 143 390 409
Integration formulas of Euler 163
Integration formulas of MacLaurin 165
Integration formulas of Newton 121 383 402
Integration formulas of Stirling 119 124 144
Integration mechanism of Gonella 198
Integration of differential equations 364
Integration of differential equations, graphical 146
Integration of differential equations, numerical 120 397
Integration of differential equations, of empirical functions 189
Integration pole 148
Integration triangle 148
Integrators 148 153 411 413
Intermediate values 118
Interpolation error 24 110
Interpolation formulas, general 83 131
Interpolation formulas, of Bessel 65 107 139 162
Interpolation formulas, of Gauss 105 138
Interpolation formulas, of Lagrange 88 171 184
Interpolation formulas, of Laplace 109
Interpolation formulas, of Newton 102 103 116 137 243 317
Interpolation formulas, of Stirling 106 119 138 162
Interpolation formulas, special 96
Interpolation parabola 90 93 171
Interpolation with several variables 130
Interpolation, direct, in tables 24 27
Interpolation, inverse, in tables 25 28
Interpolation, linear 23 205
Interval widths in differentiation 120
Interval widths in graphical integration 150
Isoclines 364
Iteration 22 205 209 290 386 406
Jacob 235 285 413
jacobi 158 215 244 264
Jacobi’s formula 158 186 319
Jahnke 325
junction points 280 292
Kepler 125 144
Kepler’s barrel rule 125 144 175
King 113
Knorr 411 413
Koch 397
Konig 22 363 386
Krilloff 411
Kutta 377
Ladenburg 2
Lagrange 88 264 287
Lagrange interpolation formula 88 171 184
Laguerre 264
Lalanne 37
Lalanne tables 37
Lambert 145 159
Laplace 109
Laplace’s formula 109
Larkey 64
Least squares, method of 2 213 265 269 297 320 358
legendre 129 187
Legendre polynomials 187 243 319 323
Leonelli 30
Liiroth 32
Lill 79
Lill’s method 79 94 231 251
Limit of accuracy 22
Lindeloff 387
Lindow 113 120 130 386 394
Line of division 292
Linear equations 215 265
Linear equations, form 269
Linear equations, functions 300
Linear equations, planimeter 191 199
Load numbers 273
Lobatschevsky 258
Lobatto 190
Loewy 227
Logarithmic graphs 233
Logarithmic graphs, papers 12
Logarithmic graphs, scales 11 14 24
Logarithmic graphs, tables 24
Lorenz 285
Lubbock 166
Mac Laurin’s formulas 165 177 189
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