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Link G. (Ed) — One Hundred Years of Russell's Paradox: Mathematics, Logic, Philosophy
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Название: One Hundred Years of Russell's Paradox: Mathematics, Logic, Philosophy
Автор: Link G. (Ed)
Аннотация: These 31 papers come from the June 2001 international conference held to commemorate the centenary of the discover of the famous "Russell's Paradox," and include contributions from Russell scholars, mathematical logicians, set theorists, and scholars in the philosophy of mathematics. Papers include an introduction by Godehard Link that credits Russell with the invention of the new mathematical philosophy, W. Hugh Woodin on set theory after Russell, Harvey Friedman on a way out of Russell's paradox, Sy Friedman on completeness and iteration in modern set theory, and John S. Bell on "Russell's Paradox and Diagonalization in a Constructive Context." Other papers include examinations of aspects of the Principia Mathematica, Russell on method, and critiques of works related to Russell's fields of study.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 662
Добавлена в каталог: 19.05.2008
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Friedman, Sy D. 18
Fries, Jacob F. 510
Fulfillment 107
Functor category 146
Fundamental assumption of contemporary physics 554
Fundamental theorem of algebra 236
Galilei, Galileo 4 16
Garciadiego, Alejandro 350
Gentzen, Gerhard 455
Gentzen’s Hauptsatz 475
Gestalt-qualities 111
Geuvers, Herman 236n
Goedel fixed point 182
Goedel, Kurt 2 6f 12f 18 85 93 97 98 101 142n 146n 449 587
Goedel’s completeness theorem 37
Goedel’s incompleteness theorems 2 159 182
Goesch, Heinrich 511f
Goldfarb, Warren 252
Goodman, Nelson 15 449 617
Grattan-Guinness, Ivor 350
Grelling, Kurt 510n 511f
Grelling’s paradox 510n 512
Griffin, Nicholas 2n 21 489
Grim, Peter 261
Grishin, V.N. 275
Grothendieck, Alexander 148
Grundgesetze 248
Gupta, Anil 595
Hacker, Peter M.S. 496
Haecceities 570
Hale, Robert 248n
Hauser, Kai 18
Hazen, Allen P. 10n 22 452
Heck, Richard 248n 251
Hellinger, Ernst 506
Hellman, Geoffrey 23
Helmholtz, Hermann von 529
Hempel, Carl G. 496 497
Hermeneutic circle 193
Hersh, Reuben 578
Herzberger, Hans 595
Hessenberg, Gerhard 5n 510f
Hilbert circle 507
Hilbert, David 2f 93 102 159f 162 351 455 517 533 551
Hilbert’s paradox 2 22 504ff 510f
Hilbert’s program 159 517ff 551
Hodes, Harold 581
Huerter, Tobias 19
Hume’s Principle 11n
Husserl, Edmund 18 104 110 507f
Hylton, Peter 393n 489 490 496
Idealist 524 527
Identity statement 582
Ignorabimus 22 523
Impredicative 254
Impredicative class theory 313
Impredicative definitions 191
Inclusion subtlety 52
Incomplete symbol 8 385 419 436 453
Inconsistent multiplicities 350
Indescribable cardinal 18 51
Individuals 407f 410
Infinitaercalcael 522
Infinitary mathematics 551
Infinite game 30 98
Infinite game, determined 31 98
Infinite, actual 549 558
Infinite, the actual 166
Infinite, the potential 154 166
Infinitesimal number 320
Infinitesimals 522 525 527
Infinity axiom 45 438 451
Inscrutability of reference 612 621
Inseparability 268
Insolubilia 376
Intensional interpretation 435
Intensional logic 12 464 594
Intentional paradox 464
Intentionality 104
Interactive prover Coq 236
Intermediate theory (Russell) 21 401ff
Intermediate theory (Russell), formal language of 408f
Intermediate Value Theorem 234
Intra-sentential 631
Intrinsic evidence 102
Intuition 94 542
Intuitionism 22 517 530 540 543
Intuitive act 107
Inwagen, Peter van 581
Irvine, Andrew D. 15 22
Isaacson, Daniel 587
Iterative concept of set 95 111
Jaeger, Gerhard 14 18
Jane, Ignacio 586
Jensen, Ronald 86 149f
Jonsson, Olafur 617 621
Jordan, Camille 612
Jubien, Michael 592
Justification of extrapolation 553 558
Kaiser, Karl 510
Kant, Immanuel 4 102
Kaplan, David 395n
Keraenen, Jukka 570
Klaua, Dietrich 321n
Kleene, Stephen 288n
Klein, Felix 5
Kneser, Martin 236
Knowledge by acquaintance 483
Knowledge by description 483
Koenig/Dixon paradox 378
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz 537
kp see Kripke — Platek set theory
Kreisel, Georg 200 585n
Kripke — Feferman self-referential truth 278
Kripke — Platek set theory (KP) 18 120 199
Kripke, Saul 193 288 317n
Kripke’s theory of truth 21 193 288 317n 595
Kunen, Kenneth 87 534
L 112
Lambda abstraction 261
Landini, Gregory 8n 11n 21f 439 442n 452 472 476
Large cardinal 96
Large cardinal axioms 31
Large cardinal hierarchy 100
Large ordinal 315
Largest fixed point 209
Lavine, Shaughan 15 19 22 153 163 165f 173 177n
Law of excluded middle 289
Lebesgue measurability 16 30
Leblanc, Hugues 462
Lehman, Hugh 586
Leibniz, Gottfried 96n 484 489
Leonard, Henry 617
Lesniewski, Stanislaw 165n 617
Levy, Azriel 141
Lewis, David 193 600 601 613n 619
Liar paradox 2 191 317 379 505 512
Limit ordinal 315
Lindstroem, Ingrid 202
Linguistic paradox 349
Link, Godehard 136n 138n 140n 150 183n
Linsky, Bernard 21 435n
Litorial 315
Locally finite theory Fin(T ) 163
Locke, John 96n
Logical atomism 8 21 417 485
Logical paradox 376
Logical product 259
Logical syntax 7
Logicism 14 543
Lorenzen, Paul 167 200
LR see reflexion logic
Lycan, Bill 490
Mac Lane, Saunders 146 147 578
Mach, Ernst 523
Maddy, Penelope 288n
Mahlo cardinal 18 51 97
Many-valued logic 614
Martin — Loef type theory 12 196 202 629
Martin, Donald 440
Material conditional 288
Material conditional, paraconsistent approach 288
Mathematical induction 22
Mathematical induction, Russell’s proof of 452 472
Mathematical object 23 105 584
Mathematical practice 579
Mathematics, explicit 148 193
Mathematics, finite 154 165 549 557
Mathematics, infinitary 551
Mathematics, reverse 15
McCarty, David Charles 22 394
McGee, Vann 23
McLaughlin, Brian P. 613 621
Measurable cardinal 90
Measurement 552 555ff
Measurement, scientific 22
Meinong, Alexius 579
Mellor, D.H. 592
Menne, Albert 584
Mental construction 535
Mental mechanism 536
Mereology 617
Metapredicative Mahlo 19 119 122
Metatheory 7
Meyerhof, Otto 511
Mines, Ray 233
Mirimanoff, Dimitry 193
Modal operators 168
Modal paradox 260
Monism 419
Montague, Richard 141 594
Moore, George E. 421 432 489 577
Moore, Gregory 3n 350
Morse — Kelley set theory 308
Moss, Lawrence 149n 194
Move in the language-game 630
Mueller, Johannes 529
Muller, Frederik 147n
Multi-valued semantics 21 292
Multiple relation theory of judgement 420 431 453
Multiplicative axiom 438
Mycielski, Jan 15 19 22 153 163f 173 177n 549 552n
Mycielski-translation into Fin(ZF) 173
Myhill, John 195
Naive category theory 148
Naive comprehension 285
Naive theory of properties 285
Natural language philosophy 495
Natural ontology 592 606
Natural property 309
Naturalistic conception of properties 607
Naturalized epistemology 495
NBG see Neumann — Bernays — Goedel set theory
Nelson circle 509f
Nelson, Edward 181
Nelson, Leonard 22 509ff
Neo-Hegelian 4
Neue Fries’sche Schule 510
Neumann — Bernays — Goedel set theory (NBG) 12 86 308
Neurath, Otto 496 497
Neutral monism 375
New Foundations (NF) 19 20 136 273 535
New Foundations (NF) subsystems 275ff
New Foundations (NF) with urelements (NFU) 149 260
Newcomp (comprehension axiom scheme) 50 52
NF see New Foundations
NFU see New Foundations with urelements
Niebergall, Karl-Georg 19 150
No-classes theory 9 192 265 435
Noema 105 109 114
Nominalism 15 597
Non-standard analysis 12
Non-well-founded sets 193
Nonstandard continuum 526
Number 0, definition of 441
Object sense 105 106
Objective 112
Objective world 554
Objectivity 104
Objectual quantification 374
Ockham’s razor 8
Ontological atom 484
Ontological commitment 597
Ontological development 466
Ontological eliminativism 374
Ontology 21
Open (truth value) 317
Order (vs. type) 405
Order completeness 232 234
Order indiscernibles 556
Ordinal analysis 18
Ordinal, 18 200
Ordinal, acceptable 301
Ordinal, large 315
Ordinal, limit 315
Ordinal, proof-theoretic 119
Ordinal, subtle 52
Ordinal, successor 315
Ordinal, transdefinite 315
Palmgren, Erik 232n
Paradox of propositions 401
Paradox, Berry 378
Paradox, Bradley 21 419 426 429 432
Paradox, Burali — Forti (greatest ordinal) 191 349 378
Paradox, Cantor (greatest cardinal) 1 349 350 378 502f 506
Paradox, Curry 286
Paradox, epistemic 464
Paradox, Grelling 510n 512
Paradox, Hilbert 2 22 504ff 510f
Paradox, intentional 464
Paradox, Koenig/Dixon 378
Paradox, liar 2 191 317 379 505 512
Paradox, linguistic 349
Paradox, logical 376
Paradox, modal 260
Paradox, of propositions 20 377
Paradox, po/ao 377 388
Paradox, recurrence 2
Paradox, Richard 378
Paradox, Russell 1 29 49 137 191 247 265 285 349 350 501f 505 511 512 593 600 605
Paradox, Russell, in a constructive context 221
Paradox, Russell, predicational variant 364
Paradox, selfreferential 349
Paradox, semantic 317 349 376 464
Paradox, semantic, fixed point approach 288
Paradox, set-theoretic 464
Paradox, Skolem 534
Paradox, Zermelo 501 505 507 510
Parsons, Charles 578
Parsons, Terence 251
Patterns, mathematical structures as 565
Pawlikowski, Janusz 549
pd see projective determinacy axiom
Peano, Giuseppe 351 379 412 508
Peckhaus, Volker 2n 5 6n 22
Peirce, Charles S. 453 577
Perception 106
Perspective variations 106
Phenomenology 104 114
Physical quantity 554 556