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Pickover C.A. — Wonders of Numbers: Adventures in Mathematics, Mind, and Meaning |
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153 (number) 357
3 (number) 272—273
33333331 (number) 340
365, 365, 365, 365, 365, 365 (number) 197
450-pound problem 207—208
666 (number) 133 184 340
73, 939, 133 (number) 184 340
abcdefghij problem 204 358
Abundant numbers 364
Ackermann's function 290
Agnesi, Maria 69 72
Aleph naught 91
Algebraic topology 99
Alhazen 310
Alien snow 124
Aliens 29 60—63 198
Amateurs 2—6
Amicable numbers 212—215 360 363
Ana sequence 168
Ants 15 285
Apocalyptic numbers 176—177 337
Apocalyptic powers 195 348
Archery 275—276
Arnold, Vladimir 88
arranging objects 333
Arrow, Cupid's 22
Artin conjecture 77 309
Ashbacher, Charles 97 338
Audioactive decay 134—138 321
Banach spaces 99
Bari, Nina 72—73
Bastions 28
Batrachions 220 366
Beal, Andrew 3
Becker, Craig 377
Bible code 12 284
Big numbers 20—21 287—292
Binary numbers 172
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture 77
Blood 13 285
Borcherds, Richard 88
Brahmagupta numbers 180—182 339
Bree, David 4
Brick problem 369
Brothers, Harlan 4
Cake cutting 158—161 265—266
Cakemorphic numbers 158—161
Cantor set 169
Cantor, Georg 82 308
Cardano, Gerolamo 82
Cardinals 99
cards 11 217 284
Carpet, Khosrow 119 312
Cartwright, Mary 73
Catalan numbers 331—333
Catalan's constant 104
Caverns 229—230
Cellular automata 124—130
Chaitin's constant 90 104
Champernowne's number 105
Chang, Sun-Yung Alice 73
Cheerios 201
Chemistry xii
Chinchillas 257
Clarke, Arthur 352
Clarkson, Roland 3
Clay Mathematics Institute 66
codes 267
Cohomology theory 99
complex numbers 243—245
Continued fractions 247
Conway, John 87 135 321
Coprime 315 359
Coxeter, Harold 85
Creator numbers 187—188 343
Cycles 52—53 305
de Fermat, Pierre 3
Decillion 201
Descartes, Rene 81
Discriminant 311
Dissection 260—261 271—272
Doughnut loops 224
Dudley triangle 144
e 4 68 104—106 307
Eggs 239—240
Einstein, Albert vi xii 66
Emerald gambit 259—260
Emirps 178 338
Emordnilap numbers 142—144
Erdos, Paul xii 63 109—113
Euclid 79
Euler's constant 90 104
Euler, Leonhard 79
Factorial, Arabian 183
Factorions 356
Feigenbaum numbers 105
Fermat's last theorem 3 85
Fermat, Pierre See de Fermat Pierre
Fibonacci numbers 173—175 177 219 335—336 352
Five 27—32
Formulas, influential 93—96
Forts 28—29
Fractal/Fractals 5 131—132 169 217—218 222 314 318—320 334
Fractal/Fractals, antennas 319
Fractal/Fractals, checkers 222
Fractal/Fractals, game 38—39
Fractal/Fractals, Internet traffic 319
Fractal/Fractals, number sequences 217—218 376
Fractal/Fractals, Pollock art 319
Fractal/Fractals, practical 318—320
Frame, Michael 320
Freedman, Michael 87
Frogs 217 366
Galois, Evariste 80—81
Games, dream-worm 50—51
Games, fractal 38—39
Gamma 90. See also Euler's constant
Gardner, Martin 12 87—88
Gauss, Johann 79
Gaussian rationals 243—245
GCD 313—315
Gears 277
Germain, Sophie 71
God, proof of 82—83
Godel, Kurt 82—83 308
Goldbach conjecture 75
Golden ratio 106
Goliath number 349
Googol (number) 288
Googol, Francis viii
Gordon, Dennis 311
Gowers, William 88
Graham's number 291
Grenade stacking 206
Grothendiek, Alexander 87
groups 99
Gyration 316
Hawking, Stephen 66—67
Hexagonal numbers 152—154
Hexamorphic numbers 154 159
Hexgons 166
Hilbert's number 105
Hilbert, David 77 79
Hodge conjecture 77
Hopper, Grace 73
Huascaran box 252
Hypatia 58—60 69
Hyperspace prisons 147—149
Iccanobif numbers 338
imaginary numbers 89 105
| IQ-Block 42—43
Irrational numbers 90 365
Kaczynski, Theodore 65 91—92
Katydid sequences 164 331
Klingon paths 46—47
Knots 266
Knox, John 4
Kovalevskaya, Sofia 69—71
Kurchan array 237
La Pileta 9
Langlands Functoriality 99
Langlands Philosophy 76 309—310
Langlands, Robert 86—87
Large numbers 20—21 287—292
Laser battle 258—259
Latin squares 295
Leviathan number 196 350
Lienhard, John 28
Likeness sequence 321
Liouville's number 104
Lobsterman 254
Lovelace, Ada 307
M-theory 101
Madonna sequence 194—194 348
Magic squares 4 233—244
Magic tesseracts 238
Mandelbrot set 5
Mansfield, Brian vii
Mathematicians, female 69—73
Mathematicians, influential 78—83 84—87
Mathematicians, scandals about 73—75
Mathematicians, strange 63—66 307—308
Mathematics, difficult 98—102
Mazes 55—56 114 248—249
McLean, Jim 371
McMullen, Curtis 88
Monster simple group 291
Morse — Thue sequence 35—36 105 297—298 300
Moser 291
Motivic cohomology 99
Mozart numbers 146
Mulcrone formulation 199
Murder 58—60
Napier, John 82
Narcissistic numbers 204 356 357
Nash, John 65—66
Navier-Stokes existence 77
Newton, Isaac 78
Nicaragua 93—96
Noether, Emmy 71
Non-abelian reciprocity 99
Number cave 9
Number sequences 44—45 47 194
Number sequences, fractal 217—228 364—365
Number theory xi—xii 111
Numbers, abundant 364
Numbers, amicable 212—215 360 363
Numbers, apocalyptic 176—177
Numbers, binary 172
Numbers, Brahmagupta 180—182 339
Numbers, cakemorphic 158—161
Numbers, Catalan 331—333
Numbers, complex 243—245
Numbers, creator 187—188 343
Numbers, Emirp 178 338
Numbers, Fibonacci 173—175 177 219 335—336 352
Numbers, Goliath 349
Numbers, gyrating 202 317
Numbers, hailstone 116—119 312
Numbers, hexagonal 152—154
Numbers, Iccanobif 338
numbers, imaginary 89
Numbers, interesting 88—93
Numbers, irrational 90
numbers, large 20—21 287—292
Numbers, Leviathan 196 350
Numbers, Mozart 146
Numbers, narcissistic 204 357
Numbers, parasite 193—194 346—347
Numbers, perfect 212—225 360—364
Numbers, prime 3 76 76 92 138—139 216 322 338 340 359—360.
Numbers, Princeton 189—191 346
Numbers, Safford 197
Numbers, schizophrenic 210
Numbers, Smith 247
Numbers, smooth 314
Numbers, square-free 315
Numbers, sublime 212—215 360
Numbers, symbols 10
Numbers, tower 290
Numbers, transcendental 103—105
Numbers, triangular 149—151 328
Numbers, Ulam 185—186
Numbers, undulating 202 316 353—356
Numbers, untouchable 28
Numbers, vampire 49 304
Numbers, X-Files 156—157 329
Obsessive-compulsive disorder 106—108
Ollerenshaw, Dame Kathleen 4
Omega prism 121
Ornaments 31
Ouroboros 47
P = NP 76
Palindromes 140—144 324
Parasite numbers 193—194 346—347
Pascal's triangle 130—132 144
Pascal, Blaise 82
Penrose, Roger 85
Pentagonal shapes, pie 165—166
Pentagonal shapes, symmetry 27—32 165—167
Percival 3—4
Perfect numbers 76 212—215 360—364
Persistence 54—55 306
Peterson, Ivars vi
PI 3 68 89 92 104—106 307 315 359
Pipes 34
Pizza cuts 260—261
Platonic solids 28
Poincare conjecture 75
Poincare, Jules 80
Pollock, Jackson 319
Posidon arrays 23
Praying triangles 369
PRIMES 3 76 92 138—139 216 322 338 340 354 359—360.
Primes, cycles 216
Primes, records 322 341
Princeton numbers 189—191 346
Prism, omega 121
Problems, mathematical 74—77
Program codes xiii
Pyramids 206
Pythagoras x 65
Pythagorean triangles 27 226—228 368—369
Quantum groups 99
Questions, math 112
Quincunx 27—32
Raedschelders, Peter 31—32 170—171
Raisowa, Helena 72
Ramanujan, Srinivasa 64—65 66—67
Replicating Fibonacci digits 174—175 335
Rice, Marjorie 3
Riemann hypothesis 75
Riemann, Georg 80
Robinson, Julia 73
Roman numerals 6—10 282
RSA code 323
Safford number 197 352
Scales 24—26
Scandals, mathematical 73—75
Scheherazade 183
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