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Phelps R.R. — Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability
Phelps R.R. — Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability

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Название: Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability

Автор: Phelps R.R.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1989

Количество страниц: 114

Добавлена в каталог: 14.05.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\alpha$-cone meager      21
$\beta$-differentiable      65
$\beta$-smooth      64
$\beta$-smooth norm      69
$\beta$-subdifferentiable      65
$\beta$-superdifferentiable      65
$\delta$-tree      73
Absorbing point      29
Absorbing set      29
Affine function      1
Angle-small      21
Asplund space      14 24—26 33—35 72 75 80
Asplund space, weak      14 35 37
Asplund's theorems      23 37
Bishop — Phelps theorems      45 51 53 54
Bornology      64
Borwein — Preiss theorem      64 66
Borwein's theorem      50 55
Bounded, locally      5
Bourgin's lecture notes      108
Brondsted — Rockafellar theorem      45 51
Concave function      1
Convex function      1
Convex usco map      97
Cyclically monotone      26
Cyclically monotone, maximal      60
Dentability      25 72
Dentability, weak*      72
Derivative, Frechet      8
Derivative, Gateaux      3
Dick's lecture notes      108
Directional derivative      2
Distance function      1
Duality mapping      28
e-subdifferential      48
Effective domain, function      40
Effective domain, monotone operator      17
Effective domain, saddle function      61
Ekeland — Lebourg theorem      70
Ekeland's variational principle      47 55 83
Epigraph      40
Exposed point      76
Extreme point      76
Farthest distance function      1
Frechet derivative      8
Functional, gauge      1
Functional, Minkowski      1 94
Functional, sublinear      1
Gateaux derivative      3
Gateaux differentiability space      90
GDS      90
Ghoussoub — Maurey theorem      88
Hilbert space norm      9
Indicator function      40
Inf-convolution      33
Infinite $\delta$-tree      73
Infinite tree      73
James' theorem      44 71
John Rainwater      107
Kenderov's Theorems      32 36 103
Kuo's theorem      39
Lipschitzian, locally      4 8
Locally bounded      4
Locally bounded operator      29
Locally bounded subdifferential      7
Locally Lipschitzian function      4 8
Lower semicontinuous function      40
M-differentiability space      91
Maximal cyclically monotone      60
Maximal monotone      27 59 99
Maximal point      45
Mazur's theorem      12
MDS      91
Metric projection      9
Minimal usco map      97
Minkowski gauge      1 86
Monotone operator      17 99
Monotone set      27
Monotone, cyclically      26
Monotone, maximal      27 99
Nearest point mapping      9
Parallel hyperplane lemma      94
Perturbed optimization      81 83 88
Preiss — Zajicek theorem      22
Preiss' theorem      71
Proper convex function      40
Proper saddle function      61
Rademacher's Theorem      11
Radon — Nikodym property      72 75 87
Right-hand derivative      2
Rockafellar's theorems      59 60
Rotund norm      35
Saddle function      61
Selection      19
Semicontinuous function, lower      42
Semicontinuous function, upper      82
Semicontinuous map, upper      18
Slice      24 72
Slice, small diameter      25
Slice, weak*      25 72
Smooth norm      35
Smooth space      36
Smooth variational principle      64
Stegall's theorem      82
Strictly convex norm      35
Strictly convex space      36
Strong $w*-H_{\delta}$ set      88
Strong maximum      82
Strong minimum      88
Strongly exposed point      26 87
Subderivative      65
Subdifferential      6 43 61
Subdifferential, saddle function      61
Sublinear functional      1 77
Support function      41
Support point      44
Supporting functional      44
Taylor's theorem, P.D.      57
TREE      73
Upper semicontinuous function      82
Upper semicontinuous map      18 97
Usco map      97
Variational Principle      47 64
WCG      38
Weak Asplund space      14 34 37 70
Weak* dentable      72
Weak* exposed point      76 90
Weak* slice      25 72
Weak* strongly exposed point      76
Weak* usco map      97
Weakly compactly generated      38
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