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Stevens J.P. — Intermediate Statistics: A Modern Approach
Stevens J.P. — Intermediate Statistics: A Modern Approach

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Название: Intermediate Statistics: A Modern Approach

Автор: Stevens J.P.


James Stevens’ best-selling text is written for those who use, rather than develop, statistical techniques. Dr. Stevens focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than on proving the results. Definitional formulas are used on small data sets to provide conceptual insight into what is being measured. The assumptions underlying each analysis are emphasized, and the reader is shown how to test the critical assumptions using SPSS or SAS. Printouts with annotations from SAS or SPSS show how to process the data for each analysis. The annotations highlight what the numbers mean and how to interpret the results. Numerical, conceptual, and computer exercises enhance understanding. Answers are provided for half of the exercises.

The book offers comprehensive coverage of one-way, power, and factorial analysis of variance, repeated measures analysis, simple and multiple regression, analysis of covariance, and HLM. Power analysis is an integral part of the book. A computer example of real data integrates many of the concepts. Highlights of the Third Edition include:*a new chapter on hierarchical linear modeling using HLM6;
*a CD containing all of the book’s data sets;
*new coverage of how to cross validate multiple regression results with SPSS and a new section on model selection (Ch. 6);
*more exercises in each chapter. Intended for intermediate statistics or statistics II courses taught in departments of psychology, education, business, and other social and behavioral sciences, a prerequisite of introductory statistics is required. An Instructor’s Solutions CD is available to adopters.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd Edition

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 460

Добавлена в каталог: 14.05.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
SAS (selected printouts), single group repeated measures      192
SAS (selected printouts), two way (disproportional cell n)      143
SAS (selected printouts), two way (equal cell n) ANOVA      139—140
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), analysis of covariance      295
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), control lines for correlations      19
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), dependent samples t test      11
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), descriptive statistics      19
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), one between and one within repeated measures      196
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), one between and two within repeated measures      204
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), one way ANOVA      63
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), planned comparisons      87
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), single group repeated measures      190
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), t test      19
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), three way ANOVA      154
SAS (Statistical Analysis System), two way ANOVA      137
Scariano, S.      59 323
Scheffe procedure      71
Schutz, W.      258 259
Serlin, R.      73
Shiffler, R.      13 15
Singer, J.D.      2 239 246 358
Smith, H.      232 249 250 254
Smith, S.      40 95
Snijders, T.      323 324 343
Snow, R.      79 111 124
Sphericity      187—193
Spiegel, D.      138
Split file      28
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), analysis of covariance (Sesame Street data)      305
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), analysis of covariance via regression      298
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), analysis of covarinace with 2 covariates      312
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), control lines for correlations      22
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), control lines for univariate nested design      354
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), dependent samples t test      22
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), descriptive statistics      22
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), Helmert contrasts in single group design      212
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), one between and one within repeated measures      196
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), single group repeated measures      190
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), t test      22
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), two way ANOVA (equal cell n)      137
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), analysis of covariance (Sesame Street data)      306
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), ANCOVA with two covariates      313
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), one between and one within repeated measures      198—200
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), one way ANOVA      66
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), planned comparisons      91
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), power analysis (t test and one way ANOVA)      117
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), stepwise and backward selection      241—243
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), three way ANOVA      155—157
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), three-level nested design      355
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), two way ANOVA (equal cell size)      136
SPSS for Windows (selected printouts), two way ANOVA (unequal cell size-computer example)      144
SPSS screens, GLM for disproportional two way ANOVA      143
SPSS screens, GLM options screen for obtaining marginal means      159
SPSS screens, one between and two within repeated measures      210—211
SPSS screens, one way ANOVA and Tukey procedure      65
SPSS screens, planned comparisons      90
Steber, J.      173
Stein, C.      239 253 254 255 256 261 263 265 272 273 277 321 358
Stevens, J.P.      3 96 125 142 145 187 190 195 228 236 256 260
Stoloff, P.H.      189
Stroup, W.W.      358
Summation notation      5—7
t tests, dependent samples      11—12
t tests, independent samples      8—10
Tail probability      67—68
Tau matrix      345
Taylor, C.C.      141
Thorndike, R.L.      307
Three way interaction effect      148—150
TI-30Xa calculator      12 44 94
Timm, N.      144
Tomarkin, J.J.      73
Trend analysis      194
Tuckman, B.      173
Tukey procedure      69—70
Type I error      8 105
Type I sum of squares (sequential)      141
Type II error      105
Type III sum of squares (unique sum of squares)      141
Uniformity      187
Waugh, M.      95
Weisberg, H.I.      303
Weisberg, S.      227 250 261
Welch test statistic      73
Welch, B.L.      73 74
Well, A.      297
Welsch, R.      261
Wichern, D.      164
Wilkinson, L.      258
Willett, J.B.      2 239
Williamson, F.      230
Windows 12.0 (SPSS)      20—21
Wolfinger, R.D.      358
Woodhouse, G.      358
Yang, M.      358
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