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Rich B., Schmidt P. — Schaum's Outline of Review of Elementary Mathematics |
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Acute triangle 249
Addends 11 15 16 165 166
Addition 10—17
Addition in inverse operations 186—188
Addition in order of algebraic operations 172
Addition of like fractions 68—70
Addition of signed numbers 146—147
Addition of unlike functions 70
Addition table 12 14 29
Addition with mixed numbers 76—77
Addition, algebraic expression of 169
Addition, decimal 98—99
Addition, equation solving with 196—197
Addition, interchanging addends to simplify 166
Addition, involving pairs of angles 240
Addition, multiplication as repeated, of same number 18
Addition, relating subtraction and 29—30
Addition, transformation requiring 204
Additive identity 11 164
Adjacent angles 238
Algebra 163—215
Algebra, adding signed numbers in 146
Algebra, applied to quadrilaterals 250
Algebra, simplifying ratios 218
Algebra, to find pairs of angles 240
Angle-sums of triangles and quadrilaterals 251—254
angles 232—241
Arc of a circle 245 247
areas 256—263
Arithmetic, relating fundamentals of algebra and 163—165 (see also “Addition” “Division” “Multiplication” “Number” “Subtraction”)
Ascending order of numbers 71
Associative law of addition 13—14 171
Associative law of multiplication 20 21 171
Associative law, verifying, for three and four numbers 172
Average rate of speed 223 225
Averages 39
Bases 175—178
Basic products, multiplication table of 19
Basic sums, addition table of 12
Bisect, defined 231 234
Bisectors, finding 232
Broken line, defined 229
Calculator 44—45 264—265
Carry 14—15 24—25
Chord 247
Circle formulas 257
circles 247—248
Circles, area of 258 259
Circles, circumference of 247 254 256
Circles, length of arc of 254 256
Circumferences of circles 247 254 256
Circumferences, defined 247
Coefficients 174—175 190—191 192 193 194
Coin formulas, deriving 202—203
Common denominator method 67—68 72
Common factors, dividing out or canceling 64
Common factors, multiplying fractions having cancelable 65
Common fractions, as decimals 109 112
Common fractions, as per cent 125—127
Common fractions, defined 58
Common multiples, defined 42
Commutative law of addition 11 12—13 15 165—166
Commutative law of multiplication 17 19 27 167 170
Complementary angles 239
Complex fractions, simplifying 66
cones 244
Congruent angles 234
Congruent segments 231
Constants 163
Continued ratio 252
coordinates 5 6 143 144
Cross product method 72 73
Cubes 244
Cubes as variable bases 176
Curved line 229
Curved surfaces 244
cylinders 244
Decimal fractions 91—95
Decimal places 96 98
Decimal system 3—7
Decimals 91 121
Decimals, addition rule in equations with 196—197
Decimals, defined 91
Decimals, evaluating powers of 177
Decimals, expressing per cents as, and vice versa 123—124
Decimals, per cents and 123 126 128—129 132
Decimals, ratios expressed as 218—219
Decimals, square of 261 262
Decimals, subtraction rule in equations with 194—195
Degree (unit of measure of angles) 233
Denominators 58 70—71
Descending order of numbers 71—72
Diameter, defined 247
Difference, defined 29 (see also “Subtraction”)
Digits, defined 1
Distance 17
Distributive law 23 25
Dividend, defined 32
Division 32—41
Division by zero in algebra 168
Division in inverse operations 186—188
Division in order of algebraic operations 172
Division of signed numbers 153—155
Division to find number when per cent is given 129—131
Division with fractions 58 60 65
Division with mixed numbers 79—81
Division, algebraic expression of 170
Division, decimal 104—109
Division, equation solving by 190—192
Division, transformations requiring 204
divisors 32 39—41 74 193
Endpoints, defined 230
Equal segments 231
Equality, properties of an 184
Equality, rules of, for solving equations 189
Equations, addition to solve 196—197
Equations, division to solve 190—192
Equations, inverse operations to solve simple 186—188
Equations, multiplication to solve 192—194
Equations, rules for solving 188—189
Equations, subtraction to solve 194—196
Equations, translating verbal problems into 185—186
Equations, two or more operations to solve 197—201
Equations, variables and 184—185
Equiangular polygon 246—247
Equilateral polygon 246—247
Equilateral triangle 248
Equivalence rules 61—62
Equivalent equations 189
equivalent expressions 184
Equivalent fractions 61—63 67—68 127
Evaluation of algebraic expressions 173
Evaluation of numerical expressions 172—174
Evaluation, defined 163
Evaluation, expressions, having signed numbers 155—156
Even numbers 1 2
Exact divisions 41
Expanded form of decimals, relating decimals, names and, tables 94
Expanded form, expressing numbers in 4
Exponents 175—178 176
Expression, algebraic, defined 174
Extended ratio 252
Factor(s) of a term, defined 174
Factor(s), defined 17 41 167
Factor(s), highest common 42 43
Factor(s), interchanging, to simplify multiplications 167
Factor(s), rearranging, to obtain preferred order 167
Factor(s), repeated multiplying of 175—178
Figures, expressing parts of, as decimals 94
| Finite sets 1 2
Finite sets, listing 3
Formula(s), defined 163
Formula(s), deriving 201—203
Formula(s), law of Pythagoras to derive 267
Formula(s), transforming 203—205
Formula(s), value of variable in 205—206
Four-digit numbers, multiplying 27 28
Fourth proportionals 219 220
Fraction multiplication principle 63—65
Fractional coefficients 192 194
Fractions 58—90
Fractions, addition rule in equations with 197
Fractions, algebraic division by zero, with single or more than one variable in denominator of 168
Fractions, decimal 91—95
Fractions, evaluating powers of 177
Fractions, expressing per cents as, and vice versa 125—127
Fractions, finding number when per cent of it is given, using 128
Fractions, finding per cent of given numbers using 128
Fractions, meanings of 58
Fractions, ratios expressed as 60—61 218—219
Fractions, square of 261—262
Fractions, subtraction rule in equations with 195
Fundamental operations 10 163
Geometric figures, per cents as 122
Geometry 229—282
Graph(s) of a signed number 143
Graph(s) of number 5
Graph(s), naming, of given coordinates 6
Graph(s), set of numbers 7
Graph(s), set of numbers, on number line 6
Greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) 42
Higher terms, fractions in 67—68
Highest common factor (H.C.F.) 42 43
Hundreds digit 4
Identity (unconditional) equations 184
Improper fractions, defined 59
Improper fractions, expressed as whole or mixed fractions 74—76
Improper fractions, expressing whole or mixed numbers as 73—74
Improper fractions, selecting 61
Inequality symbols 145
Infinite sets of numbers 1—2
Infinite sets, listing 3
Interior point 230
Intersection (two lines) 229
Inverse operations 186—188 198
Isosceles trapezoids 249
Isosceles triangles 248
Isosceles triangles, law of Pythagoras applied to 268
Isosceles triangles, perimeter of 255
Least common denominator (L.C.D.) 70—71
Least common multiple (l.c.m.) 42 43
Length formulas, deriving 203
Length of line segment, defined 231
Letter to represent number 10
Like fractions 68
Line segments (segment, “straight line segments”) 230—231
Line, defined 229
Literal addends 166
Literal coefficients 174—175
Literal factor 167
Long division 36—38
Lowest terms 62 63
Major arc 247
Measures of angles 233 234 236
Midpoints 231 232
Mileage charts 17
Minor arc 247
Minuend 29
Mixed decimals 110—111
Mixed numbers, adding with 76—77
Mixed numbers, defined 59
Mixed numbers, expressed as improper fractions 73—74
Mixed numbers, expressing improper fractions 74—76
Mixed numbers, expressing in decimal form 91
Mixed numbers, expressing quantities as 59
Mixed numbers, selecting 61
Mixed numbers, square of 261 262
Mixed numbers, subtracting with 77—79
Models of number line 6
Multiple(s) 41—43
multiplicand 17
Multiplication 10 17—34
Multiplication in inverse operations 186—188
Multiplication in order of algebraic operations 172
Multiplication of decimals 101—104
Multiplication of fractions 63—65
Multiplication of signed numbers 150
Multiplication sign 10
Multiplication table 19 21 33
Multiplication to find per cent of number 128—129
Multiplication with mixed numbers 79—81
Multiplication, algebraic expression of 170
Multiplication, equation solving with 192—194
Multiplication, relating division and 32—34
Multiplication, repeated factor 175—178
Multiplication, sets of related facts in division and 34
Multiplication, transformation requiring 204
Multiplicative identity 18 20 164
Multiplicative inverses 65
Multiplicative property of zero 18 20
Multiplier 17
Natural number coefficient 190
Natural number divisors 193
Natural numbers, addition rule in equations with 196—197
Natural numbers, defined 1
Natural numbers, factors, multiples, divisors, primes and 41
Natural numbers, naming successors of 3
Natural numbers, simple tests of divisibility of 42
Natural numbers, subtraction rule in equations with 195
negative numbers 142—144
Number line 5—7
Number line of signed numbers 143
Number line, fractions and 72
Number line, reading decimals on, in tenths and hundredths 93
Number line, to divide with fractions 65
Number line, to perform addition 11 13
Number line, to perform multiplication 18 21
Number line, to round decimals 97
Number problems involving ratios 221
Numeration, decimal system of 3—7
Numerators 58
Numerical addends 165
Numerical coefficient 174—175
Numerical expressions 172—173
Numerical factors 167
Obtuse angles 237
Obtuse triangles 248
Odd numbers 1
One-digit number 24 25
Order of algebraic operations 172—174
Ordering decimals 95 96
Ordering numbers 71—73
Parallel lines 240—244
parallelograms 250
Parallelograms, area of 257
Parentheses 173 174
Per cents 122 141
Per cents, as coefficients 191 194
Per cents, decimals and 123 126 128—129 132
Per cents, ratios expressed as 218—219
Perimeters 254
Perimeters of regular polygon 255
Perimeters, problems involving ratios 222
Perpendicular lines 241
Place values table 3
Place values, dividing decimals by any 104—105 107
Place values, multiplying a decimal by any 103
Place values, multiplying by or a multiple of 22
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