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Lozansky E., Rousseau C. — Winning Solutions |
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Abel, Niels Henrik 92 164
Al-Khowarizmi 73
Algebraic equations 106—11
Alon, Noga 206
Andre, Antoine Desire 146
Archimedes 64
Argand, Jean Robert 37
Arithmetic progression 47
Ballot problem 145
Basics of counting 142—148
Beatty’s Theorem 34
Bell numbers 211
Bernoulli, Jakob, inequality 17 125
Bernoulli, Jakob, polynomial 51
Bernoulli, Johann 35
Binet’s formula 151
Binomial theorem 40—41
Catalan numbers 146
Chebyshev, Pafnuty L., inequality 130—131
Chebyshev, Pafnuty L., polynomials 95
Chebyshev, Pafnuty L., theorem 8
Chinese remainder theorem 23—24
Classical inequalities 113—136
Combinatorial averaging 195—202
Combinatorial proof 143—144
complex numbers 35—44
Compositions 164
Conditional inequalities 111—112
Congruence 18—27
Convex functions 119—120
Convex sets 154
Cramer’s Rule 90
De Moivre, Abraham 35
De Moivre, Abraham, theorem 36—37
Derangements 152
Descartes, Rene 35
Determinant 89
Determinant of a random matrix 198—199
Determinant, Laplace expansion for 89
Diophantine equations 56—64
Diophantus 56
Dirichlet, P. G. Lejeune 188
Division algorithm 74
Durfee square 169
Dyson, Freeman 92
Euclid 2
Euclid, algorithm 4
Euclid, lemma 2—3
Euler, Leonhard 35
Euler, Leonhard, phi function 10
Euler, Leonhard, theorem 21
Extremal problems 202—210
Factor Theorem 74—75
Factorial falling 181
Factorial rising 160
Fermat, Pierre de, last theorem 56—57 61
Fermat, Pierre de, little theorem 20
Ferrari, Ludovico 92
Ferrari, Ludovico, method 96—97
Ferrers diagram 167
Ferro, Scipione del 92
Feynman, Richard 92
Fibonacci sequence 17
Fundamental theorem, algebra 39—40
Fundamental theorem, arithmetic 3
Fundamental theorem, symmetric functions 100—101
Galois, Evariste 92
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 17-gon construction 39
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, as a student 46
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, complex plane 37
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, congruence 18—19
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, elimination method 84—85
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, fundamental theorem of algebra 39—40
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, quadratic reciprocity 65
Generating functions 156—178
Geometric progression 49
Gleason, Andrew 129
Goldbach, Christian 3
Graph 203
Graph, bipartite 203
Graph, complete 203
Greatest common divisor 2
Hadamard, Jacques 8
Hardy, Godfrey Harold 165
Harmonic number 11
Hilbert matrix 90
Inclusion-exclusion 178—186
Inequalities, AM-GM 114
| Inequalities, Bernoulli 125
Inequalities, Cauchy 115
Inequalities, Chebyshev 130—131
Inequalities, Holder 124 126
Inequalities, Jensen 120
Inequalities, Minkowski 124—125
Inequalities, power mean 114
Inequalities, rearrangement 128
Inequalities, triangle 115
Inequalities, weighted AM-GM 121
Infinite descent 61
Interpolation 80—84
Interpolation, Lagrange’s formula 83
Interpolation, Newton’s method 83—84
Irrational numbers 29—33
Ivory, James 21
Kedlaya, Kiran 127—128
Legendre, Adrien Marie, formula 6
Legendre, Adrien Marie, symbol 65
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm 141
Lubell, David 200
Lurie, Jacob 176
Mantel, W. 205
Mathematical induction 11—18
Matrix 84
Multiplicative function 9
Multisection formula 43
Newton, Sir Isaac, binomial expansion 163—164
Newton, Sir Isaac, divided differences 84
Newton, Sir Isaac, sum formulas 102—103
Numbers, complex 35
Numbers, irrational 29
Numbers, natural 1
Numbers, transcendental 29—30
Oldenberg, Henry 164
Partial fractions 87
Partitions of a set 143
Partitions of an integer 165
Pascal’s triangle 53
Peano, Giuseppe 1
Pell’s equation 62
Permutations, cycles in 152
Permutations, fixed points 152
Permutations, inversions 160—161
Permutations, left-to-right maxima 160
Pigeonhole Principle 188—194
Plimpton 322 360
Polya, George 106
Polynomials, Bernoulli 51
Polynomials, Chebyshev 95
Polynomials, degree of 74
Polynomials, division algorithm for 74
Polynomials, factor theorem for 74—75
Polynomials, uniqueness theorem for 74
Prime number theorem 8
Principle, inclusion-exclusion 178
Principle, mathematical induction 11—12
Principle, pigeonhole 188
Principle, well-ordering 12
Product rule 142 163
Progressions and sums 46—54
Quadratic reciprocity 65—71
Ramanujan, Srinivasa 165
Rational root theorem 30
Recurrence relations 149—156
Remainder theorem 74—75
Schwinger, Julian 92
Spencer, Joel 206
Sperner, Emanuel 200
Sperner, Emanuel, theorem 200—201
Stanley, Richard 200
Stirling numbers, first kind 159
Stirling numbers, second kind 158
Sum rule 142 163
Sylvester, James 167
Symmetric functions 99—104
Synthetic division 75
Tartaglia 92
Tartaglia, method 96
Tbmonaga, Sinichiro 92
Telescoping sums 52
Terquem’s problem 151
Turan, Paul 15
Turan, Paul, theorem 209
Vallee Poussin, C. J. de la 8
Vandermonde, Alexandre, determinant 149
Vandermonde, Alexandre, identity 177
Wiles, Andrew 57
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