Авторизация |
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Treil S. — Linear Algebra Done Wrong |
Предметный указатель |
Adjoint of an operator 131
Basis 5
Basis, of subspaces 101
Basis, orthogonal 118
Basis, orthonormal 118
Coordinates of a vector in the basis 5
Counting multiplicities 96
Eigenvalue 94
Eigenvector 94
Entry, entries 3
Frobenius norm 159
Generalized eigenspace 196
Generalized eigenvector 196
Generating system 6
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization 122
Hermitian matrix 143
Hilbert — Schmidt norm 159
Invariant subspace 191
Isometry 135
Jordan canonical, basis 205 208
Jordan canonical, basis for a nilpotent operator 205
Jordan canonical, form 205 208
Jordan canonical, form for a nilpotent operator 205
Jordan decomposition theorem 208
Jordan decomposition theorem for a nilpotent operator 205
Least square solution 126
linear combination 5
| Linear combination, trivial 7
Linearly dependent 7
Linearly independent 7
Matrix 3
Matrix, antisymmetric 10
Matrix, lower triangular 75
Matrix, symmetric 4 10
Matrix, triangular 75
Matrix, upper triangular 28 75
Minor 89
Multiplicities, counting 96
Multiplicity, algebraic 96
Multiplicity, geometric 96
Norm, operator 158
Normal operator 145
Operator norm 158
Orthogonal complement 124
Orthogonal projection 120
Polynomial matrix 88
Projection, orthogonal 120
Self-adjoint operator 143
Spectral theory 93
Spectrum 94
SubMatrix 89
Subspace, invariant 191
Trace 20
Triangular matrix 75
Triangular matrix, eigenvalues of 97
Unitary operator 136
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