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Leng M. (ed.), Paseau A. (ed.), Potter M. (ed.) — Mathematical Knowledge |
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Pryor, Arthur 155 note
Psychologists 7
Publication test 138 140
Putnam, Hilary 9 127 128 134
Quantification 150—162 164—169
Quine, W.V. 6 87 109—113 119 125 127 128 128 130 142 150—155 160 162
Quine, W.V., higher reaches of set theory 115
Quine, W.V., Ockhamist sympathies 109 112 115
Quine, W.V., The Scope of Logic 151
Randomness 34
Rayo, Agustin 153 174
Recreational mathematics see “Mathematical recreation”
Reflection 30
Remond-Besuchet, C. 79
Representing numbers, two systems of 81
Resnik, Michael 119 128 128
Rosen, Gideon 89 90 111 113—115 125 127 128 128 129 129 138 139 149
Rossberg, Marcus 167 note
Rossor, M.N. 79
Russell, Bertrand 22 23 125 151 170
Russell, Bertrand, Russell’s paradox 31
Salmon, Wesley 142
Scepticism 3
Scientific laws 6
Scientific realism 87
Scientific standards 123—128 130 132 135 140 144 146—149
Scientism 127
Second-order logic 31
Semantic dementia 77
Semantics, platonist 145
Semantics, realist 145
Shalkowski, Scott 96 97
Shallice, T. 77 note 78
Shapiro, Stewart 5 note 89 92 94 135 173 174
Simon, O. 78
simplicity 140—142 146
Slonimsky, N. 74
Smiley, Timothy 21
Smith, Peter 149 note
Snowden, J.S. 77
Sober, Elliott 118 118 132 137 141 141 149
Social, mathematical facts as 7 9
Spelke, E.S. 76 note 81
Spencer, Joel 3
| Steiner, Mark 110 note 142
Structuralism 20 135 136 143 148
Structuralism, Lewis 133 134
Taylor, Richard 35
Theories 93 143
Theories, as abstract objects 90
Theories, as collections of propositions 90 91
Theories, as collections of their models 90
Theories, best scientific 111 112 127
Theories, metalevel assertions 90 91
Theories, object level assertions 90 91
Theories, scientific 109 111
Theories, theory choice 111 124
Thioux, M. 78 79
Tsivkin, S. 81
Unapplied mathematics 112 114 116
Understanding and truth 21
Uses of numbers, cardinal, ordinal and nominal 82
van Bendegem, J. 65
van Fraassen, Bas, constructive empiricism 89 90
van Fraassen, Bas, empirical adequacy 89 note
Verificationism 21
Wagner, Steven 132
Wanga, S.H. 76
Warrington, E.K. 78
Water 21
Weir, Alan 27 note 32 173
Whorfian hypothesis 80 81
width 15 49—51 54
Width as a psychological concept 51
Width as a psychological concept, chunking 52
Width, application to proofs 54 56
Wigner, E.P. 117 note
Wiles, Andrew 35
Williamson, Timothy 149 note 155
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 15 17 23
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Games 39
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Middle Period 21
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Philosophical Investigations 39
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 16 22 23 26
Wright, Crispin 4 153 169
Wynn, Karen 12 77
Yablo, Stephen 153
ZFC 18 102—105 114 143
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