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Sylvester J.J. — The Collected Mathematical Papers, Volume II |
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Sextic, binary, concomitants iii 285
Sextic, binary, equation connecting three absolute invariants iii 214
Sextic, binary, generating function for covariants iii 60 113
Sextic, binary, geometrical form of reduction i 176
Sextic, binary, germ table for iii 578
Sign successions ii 615
Signaletic i 584
Sines and cosines of multiple arcs, expansion of ii 294
Six-valued function of six letters i 92 ii
Sorites iii 440
Sources of covariants iv 164
Space of four dimensions ii 716
Spherical Harmonics, Note on iii 37
Square root extractor iii 18
Squares, four, expression of any number by ii 101
Stigmatic multiplier iv 707
Straight lines on a cubic surface ii 243 451
Straight lines on the Hessian of a cubic surface i 195
Sturm’s Theorem i 45 57 59 396 429 513 609 620 637
Subinvariants iii 568
Subinvariants as functions of power sums iv 164
Subresultant i 188
Substitution i 585
Substitution, regular conjugate system ii 623
Substitution, representable by a given number of cycles ii 247 292
Superlinear equations ii 378 401 482
Surd forms, approximate linear evaluation ii 181
Surfaces of second order, contacts and intersections i 227 237
Symmetrical functions, Brioschi’s equation for iv 166
Symmetrical functions, degree in terms of the coefficients i 595
Syntax ii 269
Synthemes i 91 ii 277 286 288
Syrrhizoristic i 585
Syzygetic on a Theory of the Syzygetic relations of two rational integral functions, etc i 429
Syzygetic, equations in terms of the roots i 458
Syzygetic, functions and multipliers i 132 585
Syzygies iii 489 603
Tactic ii 269 277 286
Tactinvariant ii 363
Tamisage, Tamisement iii 59 99
Tangential on a cubic curve iii 352
Taylor’s theorem, generalisation of iii 88
| Tchebycheff, on primes iii 530 iv
Ternary cubic see also “Cubic curve”
Ternary cubic, breaking into linear and quadric factors i 333
Ternary cubic, concomitants of i 192 308 327 331 599 ii 387
Ternary cubic, sextactic points ii 59
Ternary cubic, solution by integers i 107 109 114 ii 107 iii
Ternary denominational system of coinage iii 476
Ternary quadric functions, resultant of three i 415 (see also “Quadratic”)
Ternary system of quadratics compared with binary system of cubics ii 15
Ternary systems of equations, dialytic elimination from i 61 83
Tessellated ii 615
Tetrahedra, metrical relations i 390 404
Theorem of invariants, proof of the fundamental iii 117 232
Three binary forms, concomitants of iii 622
Totitives and Totient ii 225 iii iv 102 589
Transformation of partitions by the cord rule iv 48
Transformation, Memoir on Elimination, Transformation and Canonical forms i 184
Trees, the geometrical forms called iii 640
Triangles inscribed and circumscribed to a cubic curve iii 474
Trigonometry, spherical, Delambre’s theorems ii 564
Trisection and quartisection of the roots of unity iii 381
Tritheme i 175
Tritheme of third degree, has six right lines at every point i 176
Tschirnhausen iv 531
Tschirnhausen transformation iv 531
Types i 585 ii 283
Ueberschiebung, or Alliance iii 132 217
Umbral i 585
Unilateral equations iv 152 169 225
Unity, roots of iii 438 (see also “Cyclotomy”)
Unravelment i 322 360
Vacuity of a Matrix iv 133
Valency iii 28 103 151
Vermicular iv 294
Versors iii 30
Virgins, problem of ii 113
von Staudt’s theorems for polygons and polyhedra i 382
Wave surface i 1
Waves, in calculation of quotity ii 91
Weight i 585
Wilson’s theorem in the Theory of Numbers i 39 ii 249 293
Zeta, for squared product of differences i 59 586 ii
Zeta-ic multiplication i 47 49
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