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Cartier P., Julia B., Moussa P. — Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry II
Cartier P., Julia B., Moussa P. — Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry II

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Название: Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry II

Авторы: Cartier P., Julia B., Moussa P.


The relation between mathematics and physics has a long history, in which the role of number theory and of other more abstract parts of mathematics has recently become more prominent.

More than ten years after a first meeting in 1989 between number theorists and physicists at the Centre de Physique des Houches, a second 2-week event focused on the broader interface of number theory, geometry, and physics.

This book is the result of that exciting meeting, and collects, in 2 volumes, extended versions of the lecture courses, followed by shorter texts on special topics, of eminent mathematicians and physicists.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 789

Добавлена в каталог: 07.05.2008

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Предметный указатель
Lagrangian      625
Landau — Ginsburg Theory      376
Langlands correspondence      404 422
Langlands correspondence, geometric      see “Geometric Langlands correspondence”
Langlands correspondence, local      521
Langlands dual group      389 454 502
Lax equation      705
Legendre transform      628
Levi subgroup      290
Lie algebroid      478
Lie, algebra      144
Lie, algebra of graphs      640
Lie, algebra, exceptional      134 153 155 157
Lie, commutator      144 147
Lie, group      135
Linear algebraic group      252
Linearly compact algebras      569
Local system      424
Local system, irreducible      440
Local system, l-adic      429
Local system, ramified      426
Local system, trivial      441
Lyapunov exponent      363
M-theory      278 297 348
Maass waveform      see “Eisenstein series”
Magic square      154 155
Magic Triangle      154—156
Markov partition      368
Maximal abelian extension      397
Maximal sompact subgroup      279
McKay correspondence      383
Milnor — Moore theorem      635 641
Mirror moonshine      223 235 237 241 242
Mirror Symmetry      223 235—237 347
Miura transformation      497
Mixed Tate motives      683 684
Mock theta functions      28 36
Modular curve      361
Modular curve, geodesic      365
Modular form      42 377 410
Modular form, weak for $SL(2, \mathbb{Z})$      312
Modular function      71
Modular group      70 92
Moduli stack of G-bundles, $Bun_G$      461
Moduli stack of rank n bundles, $Bun_n$      431
Monodromy representation      666
Monster sporadic group      377
Monstrous Moonshine      374 377 381
Monstrous Moonshine, functions      379
Mordell — Weil group      345
Morita equivalence      688
Motivic cohomology      683
Motivic fundamental group      687
Motivic fundamental groupoid      686
Motivic Galois group      690
Motivic Galois Theory      618 683
Multiple logarithm      760
Multiple logarithm, double      26—28 762
Multiple logarithm, triple      772
Multiple polylogarithm      see “Polylogarithm”
Multiple polylogarithms      605
Multiple zeta values      602
Nahm — Fourier — Mukai transform      234
Negative dimension      134 155
Nested sums      743
Nested sums, Hopf algebra      746
Newton’s relations      592
Nikulin involution      237
Nilpotent orbit      284
Non-commutative spaces      368
Noncommutative geometry      361 623 686
Noncommutative geometry, cyclic cohomology      686
Noncommutative symmetric functions      596
Nonperturbative effects      702
Number field      396
Ope      see “Quantum Field Theory”
Oper      392 451 465 490
Oper bundle      493
Orbifold      224 227 230—232 235—240 242
Orbifold construction      205
Orbit method      283
Orientation torsor      763
p-Adic integer      398
p-adic number      397
p-brane      179
Parabolic structure      522
Parabolic subgroup      284 286 287 290
Particle Physics      738
Particle Physics, QCD      738
Particle Physics, Standard Model      739
Penrose tillings      368
Perron — Frobenius operator      367
Perverse sheaf      430
Peter — Weyl’s theorem      561
Physical constants      703
Picar — Vessiot ring      671
Plane tree      763
Plane tree, forest      763
Plane tree, planted      763
Plane tree, R-deco      764
Plane tree, root      763
Poincare disk      361
Poincare duality      548
Poincare isomorphism      549
Poincare polynomial      543
Poincare series for the elliptic genus      312 315
Poincare upper half plane      251 278 361
Polylogarithm functions      603
Polylogarithm, functional equations      12 61
Polylogarithm, harmonic      742 748 756
Polylogarithm, multiple      26 689 706 737 742 749 755 759
Polylogarithm, multiple, iterated integral      751 760
Polylogarithm, Nielsen generalization      742 749
Polylogarithm, one-valued versions      12 59
Polylogarithm, relation to algebraic K-theory      19 60
Polylogarithm, special values      20 61 63
Pontrjagin duality      539
Pontrjagin’s product      550
Power sum      595
Presentation      259 260
primitive      553
Primitive invariant      136 139 141 147
Primitive invariant, $E_6$      148
Primitiveness assumption      140 148 152 155 157
Projective connection      488
Projectively flat connection      391 473 482
Prounipotent group      587
Pure spinors      295 296
Q-hypergeometric series      28 41
Quadratic form      250 257
Quantum field theory      626 715
Quantum Field Theory, action      626
Quantum Field Theory, conformally invariant      68
Quantum Field Theory, current      82
Quantum Field Theory, euclidean      79
Quantum Field Theory, expectation value      626
Quantum Field Theory, holomorphic field      79
Quantum Field Theory, infrared divergences      638
Quantum Field Theory, integrable      68 99
Quantum Field Theory, n-point function      78 91 100
Quantum Field Theory, non-perturbative      716
Quantum Field Theory, non-perturbative effects      699 702
Quantum Field Theory, OPE representation      89
Quantum Field Theory, operator product expansion (OPE)      80
Quantum Field Theory, perturbation      96
Quantum Field Theory, perturbative      716
Quantum Field Theory, self energy graph      638
Quantum groups      129
Quasi-conformal      291
Quasi-shuffle algebra      751
Quasi-shuffles      597
Quasi-symmetric functions      597
Rademacher’s formula      314
Radford’s theorem      600
Rational Conformal Fied theoryi, (RCFT)      see “Conformal Field Theory”
Real spectrum      563
Reduced coproduct      575
Reduced dual      569
Reduction theory      250
Regular singular points      666
Renormalizable theories      631
Renormalization group      716
Renormalization, BPHZ scheme      632
Renormalization, Breitenlohner — Maison approach      701
Renormalization, counterterms      630 721
Renormalization, cut-off      630
Renormalization, dimensional regularisation      631
Renormalization, dimensional regularization      618
Renormalization, divergences      629
Renormalization, group      654 655
Renormalization, group, $\beta$-function      208 215
Renormalization, Hochschild cohomology      726
Renormalization, Hopf algebra      715
Renormalization, subdivergences      629 632
Renormalization, ultraviolet divergences      630
Renormalization’t Hooft — Veltman      701
Rep, dual      135
Rep, standard      135
Replicable functions      374 378
Representation      556
Representation space      135
Representative function      557
Representative space      556
Riemann — Hilbert correspondence      426 435
Riemann — Hilbert, correspondence      618 670 690
Riemann — Hilbert, problem      665
Riemann — Hilbert, problem, local      668
Ring of adeles      399 419
Ring of integers      399
Rogers — Ramanujan identities      71 94
S-duality      389 469
Satake isomorphism      453
Satake isomorphism, geometric      460
Scattering matrix      103
SCFT      see “Superconformal field theory”
Schur’s orthogonality relations      559
Schwarz derivative      380
Schwinger parameters      631
Screening operator      497 500
Segal — Sugawara current      487
Self-dual tensor      141 148
Semiclassical expansion      628
Serre duality      315
Shale — Weil theorem      290
Sheaf of coinvariants      479
Shift operator      362
Shimura reciprocity      383
Shimura — Taniyama — Weil conjecture      406 413
Shioda — Inose structure      223 224 232 237 241 242
Shioda — Inose, construction      340
Shioda — Inose, structure      334
Shioda — Inose, surface      340
Shioda — Inose, theorem      347
Shuffle algebra      751 753
Shuffle product      600
Siegel set      252 257
Skeleton diagrams      722 725
Slavnov — Taylor identities      734
Space of coefficients      556
Space, dual      135
Spherical Hecke algebra      411 421
Spherical vector      279 287
Spherical vector, p-adic      294
Spherical vector, real      294
Sporadic group      383 384
Standard Model of particle physics      701 739
Standard rep      135
Standard representation space      135
Stationary phase method      628
Stokes operator      698
Stokes phenomenon      697 702
String cosmology      324
String theory      305
String Theory, dualities      336
String Theory, energy momentum tensor      173
String Theory, Neveu — Schwarz sector      77 165
String Theory, physical state      167
String Theory, Ramond sector      77 165
String Theory, sigma-model      163
String Theory, spectrum      172
String Theory, superconformal ghost      175
String Theory, tree level amplitude      178
String Theory, vertex operator      174
Strong approximation theorem      281
STU relation      see “Lie commutator”
Subdivergences      see “Renormalization”
Superconformal field theory, linear sigma model      233
Superconformal field theory, moduli space      224 225 229 235
Superconformal Field Theory, N = (2, 2) superconformal      308
Superconformal field theory, N = (4, 4) superconformal      223 225 228—233 237 239—242
Superconformal field theory, nonlinear sigma model      225 229
Superconformal Field Theory, spectral flow      309
Superconformal field theory, Zamolodchikov metric      229
Supergravity      180 319
Supergroup      317
Supermembrane      297
Superstring dualities      278 293 297
Symmetric polynomials      595
T-duality      183 292 499 501
Tannaka — Krein duality theorem      540 566
Tannakian categories      622 633 634 684 692
Tannakian category      540
Tensor      136
Tensor, dual      141
Tensor, invariant      137
Tensor, invariant, SO(3)      139
Tensor, invariant, SU(n)      142
Tensor, self-dual      141 148
Theorem of Milnor — Moore      583
Theta functions      42 310
Theta series, adelic representation      295
Theta series, Jacobi      281
Theta series, Siegel      282
Thurston’s program      73
Time ordered exponentional      651
Time ordering      626
Toda hierarchy      385
Topology, analytic      424
Topology, Zariski      424
Torelli theorem      226 227 236
Transformation, infinitesimal      143
TREE      see “Plane tree”
Tree, decorated rooted      745
Tree, decorated rooted, Hopf algebra      724
Tree, decorated rooted, non-planar      730
Triality      293
Triangulated tensor category      684
Twisted cotangent bundle      447 465
Twisted differential operators      467 480
U-duality      278 336
Unipotent      585
Unipotent radical      290
Unitary induction      285
Unitary representation      278
Unitary representation of $Sl(3, \mathbb{R})$      287
Unitary representation, Continuous      282
Unitary representation, Metaplectic      282 285
Unitary representation, Minimal      285 289
Unitary representation, Unipotent      289
Unramified automorphic representation      408 420
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