Авторизация |
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Titchmarsh E.C. — Introduction to the theory of Fourier integrals |
Предметный указатель |
-class 94
Abel 331
Allied integral 119 147
Analytic functions 44 252 259
Barnes 194 195
Bateman 216 297 328 349
Bernstein, F. 210
Bernstein, S. 115
Bessel functions 64 65 121 178 182—184 190 196—210 212 214—220 231—232 240—244 264 269 274 279 288 297—298 314 329—331 334 339 352—358
Bochner 73 307
Bosanquet 332 359
Bromwich 275
Browne 311
Busbridge 222 225 248 335
Cahen 7
Campbell and Foster 177
Cantor 160
Carlson 9
Carslaw 281 289
Cauchy 1—4 30 124 128
Constant in Fourier's formula 24
Cooke 216
de la Valine-Poussin 153
Dini's test 13—14
Dirichlet series 7 43
Dixon, A.C 309 342
Dixon, A.L. 217
Doetsch 312
Fatou 89 134
Fejer 29 38
Ferrar 61 62
Fock 312 314
Fourier kernel 212 229
Fourier transforms 3 69—118 148 169 174
Fourier's single-integral formula 3 25 83
Fowler, R.H. 367
Fox 215 332
Generalized integrals 4 43 257 282 293 299—302 306—307 340—343 347
Goldstein 287 329
Goursat 313
Hahn 14 20
hankel 214 240 242 245 266 335
Hardy 29 30 31 36 43 47 51 54 56 93 96 102 107 110 113 114 122 174 180 208 210 212 216 217 227 229 232 248 265 267 271
Hausdorff 100
Hermite polynomials 76—82 261
Hille 148
Hobson 25 31 238
Hopf 339 344 346
Humbert 210
Ingham 174
Integrated form of Fourier's formula 41
Jacob 157
Jeffreys 277 286 296
Jordan's test 13
Kapteyn 352 355
King 337
KolmogorofY 143
Kuttner 217
L-class 10
L-function 66 262—263 265
Lamb 296
Landau 265 267
Laplace 6 48 206 316
Lattice-points 265
Lebesgue 31
| Linfoot 61
Lipschitz condition 115 145
Littlewood 96 102 107 110 113 132 143
Macphail 36
Mehrotra 248 264 267 272
mellin 7 46 52 60 94 118 190 196 222
Miine, A. 261
Milne, E.A. 344 346 367
Mitra 262
Monotonic functions 15
Mordell 61 266
Morgan 174 227
Neumann series 352
Nicholson 243 287
Notation 9
Offord 157 165 166
Oppenheim 267
Oscillating functions 22
Paley 174 218 313 317 318 323 339
Parseval formula 50 54 56 58 94 105 110 150 166 180
Periodic factors 17
Perron 43
Phillips, E.G. 267
Phragmen and Lindelof 175 325
Picard 309
Plancherel 69 84—86 223
Plessner 87 122 132
poisson 60
Pollard 157
Polya 96 363
Potter 266
Prasad, B.N. 25
Pringsheim 15 17 25
Privaloff 145
Ramanujan 51 62 184 186
Rayleigh 51
Resultant 51 52 59 90 106
Riemann 7
Riemann — Lebesgue theorem 11
Riemann — Weber 281 284 294 334
Riesz, F. 75 102
Riesz, M. 43 105 133 138
Schmidt 300
Sommerfeld 30
Sonine 242 260
Steen 217
Stieltjes 317 320
Struve's function Hv 121 179 182 197 212 215
Summability 26—41 45 83—84
Szasz 115
Szidon 170
Tamarkin 148
Titchmarsh 36 56 70 96 111 115 121 133 143 145 172 212 215 216 217 223 227 232 243 248 265 267 310 323 325 346 349 352 358
van der Corput 22
Varma 262
Verblunsky 167
Walfisz 267
Watson 77 184 212 222 262 274
Weierstrass 31 76 282
Whittaker and Watson 42 194
Whittaker, E.T. 313
Widder 317
Wiener, N. 76 174 218 313 317 318 323 339
Wilson, B.M. 261
Young, W.H. 97 98 100
Zeta-function 63 65 262 265 273
Zygmund 98 105 109 118 143 145
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