Авторизация |
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Hsu D.F. — Cyclic Neofields and Combinatorial Designs |
Предметный указатель |
Adams, W.W. 112 224
Admissible pair 18
Admissible pair, LXP 24
Admissible pair, XIP 32 50
Admissible pair, XMP 18
Admissible partition of 18
Admissible partition of , LXP 1 18 25
Admissible partition of , type a) XIP 36
Admissible partition of , type b) XIP 36 80 91
Admissible partition of , XIP 1 31 361 51
Admissible partition of , XMP 1 18 20
Admissible permutation 116
Admissible set 146
Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) 4 142
Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD), admissible hyper semi-cyclic 149
Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD), admissible semi-cyclic 146
Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD), block of 142
Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD), hyper semi cyclic 146
Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD), semi-cyclic 143
Bruck, R.H. 1 4 224
CIP-neofield 10
CMP-neofield 9
Cyclic neofield 7
Cyclic triples 188
Cyclotomy 5
Derangement 18 176
Directed graph 4 169
Doner, J.R. 1 2 3 4 17 56 58 71 75 142 224
Euler phi-function 116
Even-parity element 36 50
Fermat's little theorem 113
Goldstein, L.J. 112
Group difference set 1
Hall, M., Jr. 1 169 224
Harary, F. 169 224
Hsu, D.F. 189 224
Hughes, D.R. 1 224
I-matrix 4 169 171
I-matrix, DCP 182
I-matrix, DRP 182
I-matrix, HP 182
I-matrix, SP 182
I-matrix, TRP 182
Johnsen, E. 1 2 3 4 142 224 225
Kirkman, T.P. 1 225
Knuth, D.E. 1 225
Koenig decomposition 176
Koenig decomposition, 3-dimensional 178
| Koenig's Theorem 176
Koenig, D. 225
Latin square 6 11
Lehmer's criterion 2
Lehmer, E. 225
Loop 1 6
Loop difference set 2
LXP-neofield 9
LXP-neofield, proper 1 24
LXP-neofield, totally proper 4 158
Mendelsohn, N.S. 188 189 225
n-graph 4 169 172
N-permutation 16 9
Neofield 6
Neofield, commutative property 7
Neofield, exchange inverse property 7
Neofield, inverse property 7
Neofield, right inverse property 1 7
Odd-parity element 36 50
Paige, L.J. 1 7 226
Presentation function 9
Principal block partial design 1
Proper neofield 14
RXP-neofield 9
Singer, J. 1 226
SIP-neofield 58 59
SP-neofield 58
Special diagonal 170
Square tactical configuration 1
Storer, T.F. 1 2 3 4 224 225 226
Symmetric block design 1
Symmetric group 116
Tannenbaum, P. 226
Transformation 10
Transformation, CD 10
Transformation, RD 10
Transformation, T 10
Transformation, T* 58
Triple systems 142
Triple systems, cyclic 188
Triple systems, pure cyclic 188
Triple systems, Steiner 4
XIP-neofield 9
XIP-neofield, proper 1 24
XIP-neofield, pure proper 72
XIP-neofield, totally proper 4 143
XMP-neofield 9
XMP-neofield, proper 1 24
XMP-neofield, totally proper 4 161
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