-B-space 8
-center 79
-center, topological 157
-function module see "Function module"
-ideal see "Ideal"
-morphism 60
-space 8 60
-space, fibred 10 17
-space, topological 8 14 60
-subbundle 80
-subspace 13
-n-continuous 30ff
-n-thin 29ff
-tubes see "Tubes"
3-ball-property 147ff
Adjoint of a multiplier 152
Approximation property 131
automatically 8
Banach algebra 8
Banach algebra, controid of a 77
Banach algebra, topological center of a 158
Banach bundle see "Bundle of Banach spaces"
Banach lattice, center of a 78
Banach lattice, topological center of a 158
Base space 12 17 18
Base space of a function module 45
Base space, Borel subsets of the 268
Bilinear map 253
Bilinear map between C(X)-modules 253ff
Bilinear map, compatible with the C(X)-module structure 253ff
Bounded convergence 144
Bundle of -spaces 12
Bundle of Banach spaces 21
Bundle of C(S)-module homomorphisms see "Bundle representation"
Bundle of compact operators 127ff
Bundle of finite dimensional vector spaces 188 208 215 231 247
Bundle of operators 112ff
Bundle representation of a C*-algebra 158
Bundle representation of C(X)-module homomorphisms 106ff 133ff 209ff 249
Bundle representation of compact operators 127ff
Bundle representation of operators 122ff
Bundle space 12 see
Bundle with complete stalks 19 42 100 186
Bundle with continuous norms 166ff 202 229 242 250
Bundle with Hausdorff bundle space 185 188 204 208 214 215 247
Bundle, full 22 54 97 100f 210 232
Bundle, locally full 22 27
Bundle, locally trivial 56 200 202 208 242 246
Bundle, reduced 76
Bundle, separable 215 217ff 242 280 234
Bundle, stalk of a 9
Bundle, trivial 12 215
C(X)- -module 62ff
C(X)- -morphisms 95
C(X)-convex 16 65 69ff
C(X)-module 13 62ff 115 150ff 253ff
C(X)-module homomorphisms 95ff 196 210 232
C(X)-module, bundle representations see also "Bundle representation of C(X)—module"
C(X)-module, bundle representations, existence of" 218 225ff
C(X)-module, reduced 76
C(X)-morphism 95
C(X)-submodules 80ff 180 182
C*-algebra, bundle representation 158
Center of a Banach lattice see also "Banach lattice center
Center of a Banach lattice, topological 152ff
Centroid of a Banach algebra 77
Closure of the unit ball of a bundle 190ff
Compact convergence 114
Compact convex sets as a lattice 137ff
Compact operators 112 see
Compact, convex circled convergence 114
Continuous lattice 136ff
Continuous norm of a bundle see "Bundles with continuous norm"
Countable family of seminorms 42 186
Cunningham algebra 145ff 262ff
Dauns — Hofmann — Kaplansky multiplier theorem 150ff 155
Dimension is lower semicontinuous 204
Directed family of seminorms 11
Directed set in a lattice 136
Dominated linear operator 281ff
Dual space of 252ff
Dual, internal 252 232 196
Duality between subsets of the unit ball of a bundle and 159ff 193ff
Equivalent norms of a bundle 234 250
Evaluation map 19 24ff 42f 97
Extreme points of an L-ideal 146
Fibred -space 10
Fibred vector space 10
| Fully additive 39 82ff
Function module 45ff
Function uniform -function module 51
Hull-kernel-topology 142
Hypocontinuous 253ff
Ideal, -ideal 60f 63
Ideal, -ideal, stalkwise 86
Ideal, L-ideal 146ff
Ideal, M- -ideal 154
Ideal, M- -ideal, primitive 154
Ideal, M-ideal, primitive 149ff
Ideal, M-ideal, stalkwise 182
Ideal, M-ided 146ff 164 182
Integral representation of linear functionals 159 252 260ff 278 280
Internal Mackey space 232
Isometrical isomorphy of bundles 103
Isometry of bundles 103
Isomorphy of bundles 100
Isomorphy, locally 200
Klein's bottle 56
L-ideal see "Ideal"
L-projection 145ff 262ff
Lattice of closed linear subspaces 140ff
Lattice of closed sets 137f
Lattice of compact convex sets 137ff
Lattice of open sets 137f
Lawson-continuous 138ff
Lawson-topology 138ff
Lifting 271ff
Lifting, strong 272ff
Limit of a net in a continuous lattice 140
Limit of an ultrafilter in a continuous lattice 145
Local linear independence 201ff
Locally C(X)-convex 69 75 115
Locally countable family of seminorms 25 29 100
Locally finite 39
Locally isomorphic see "Isomorphy of bundles"
Locally paracompact space 28
M- -ideal see "Ideal"
m-bounded 152ff
M-ideal see "Ideal"
Mackey — Arens-theorem 232 238
Mackey-bundle 247ff 257ff
Moebius strip 55
Morphism between bundles 95ff 102
Morphism between trivial bundles 106ff
Multiplier 152ff
Norm of a bundle morphism 102
Pointwise convergence 114
Precompact convergence 114
Prime element 140
Prime lemma 140
Primitive M-ideal see "Ideal"
Projection 145
Quotients of bundles 86ff
Quotients of C(X)-modules 86ff
Radon — Nikodym theorem 261f 274f
Restriction of a bundle 18
Scott-continuous 136 162f
Scott-open 137
Scott-topology 137
Section 11
Section, local 12 42f
Selection 10 42f
Selection, bounded 11
Seminorm of a boundle 11
Spectrum of a lattice 142
Stalk of a bundle 9
Stalk of a function module 45
Stalk of a locally trivial bundle 200
Stalkwise -ideal see "Ideal"
Stalkwise closed 80ff
Stalkwise dense 39
Stalkwise product 9
Standard construction of bundles 45ff
Stone — Cech-compactification 63
Stone — Weierstrass theorem for bundles 39 41
Subbundle 80ff 179ff
Subbundle, stalkwise closed 86ff
Submodule see "C(X)-submodule"
Tensor product of C(X)-modules 258ff
Total family 113
Tube 12ff
Uniform -function module see "function—module"
Varela's lemma 66
Vector space, fibred 10
Way below 136