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Anderson D.R., Munkholm H.J. — Boundedly Controlled Topology: Foundations of Algebraic Topology and Simple Homotopy Theory |

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Название: Boundedly Controlled Topology: Foundations of Algebraic Topology and Simple Homotopy Theory
Авторы: Anderson D.R., Munkholm H.J.
Рубрика: Математика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1988
Количество страниц: 309
Добавлена в каталог: 26.04.2008
Операции: Положить на полку |
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module 22
Algebraic Subdivision Theorem 181
Amalgamation functor 150
Amalgamation homomorphism 150
Attaching a bc n-cell 100
Attaching an r-handle 218
Attaching homeomorphism 218
Attaching map 100
Basing 177
Basis 125
Bass — Heller — Swan inclusion 286
bc adjunction space 107
bc collar 215
bc h-cobordism 212
bc map 42
BFG 139
Bounded collection of sets 42
Bounded life 287
Bounded map 44
Boundedly controlled CW complex 42
Boundedly controlled disk 219
Boundedly controlled handle 217
Boundedly controlled homeomorphism 46
Boundedly controlled homology 89
Boundedly controlled homotopy 90
Boundedly controlled map 42
Boundedly controlled pair 43
Boundedly Controlled s-Cobordism theorem 213
Boundedly controlled space 42
Boundedly finitely generated 139
Boundedly generated 139
Boundedness control functor 42
Boundedness control space 42
Boundedness control structure 41
Boundedness control structure, cubical 45
Boundedness control structure, halo 44
Boundedness control structure, indiscrete 43
Boundedness control structure, metric 44
Boundedness control structure, simplicial 45
Boundedness control structure, star enlargement 46
Bumpy homotopy equivalence 210
Canonical natural equivalence 16
Category of bc pairs 43
Category of bc spaces 42
Category of be CW complexes 43
Category of fragmented objects 48
Category of fragmented spaces 47
Category of functors 20
Category of left modules 22
Category with endomorphism 3
Cellular approximation theorem 93
Cellular chain complex 59
Characteristic homeomorphism 218
Characteristic map 100
Coextensive fragmented spaces 70
Coextensive functors 68
Coextensive spaces 91
Coextensive with 69
Collapses 102
Combinatorial invariance of Whitehead torsion 205
connected fragmented space 69
| Duality theorem 213
Elementary automorphism 145
Elementary collapse 102
Elementary expansion 101
Equivalence of categories 34
Essential submodule 290
Eventual equivalence of categories 34
Eventual equivalence of categories, strong 34
Eventual pseudoinverse 34
Eventual pseudoinverse, strong 34
Expands 102
Finite bc CW complex 43
Finite bc n-cell 100
Formal deformation 102
Fragment 47
Fragmentation 48
Fragmentation, equivalent 50
Fragmentation, inverse image 48
Fragmentation, smallest subcomplex 48
Fragmented CW complex 48
Fragmented pair 48
Fragmented space 47
Free module 125
Full over A 290
Functor category 20
Functor, almost endomorphism preserving 13
Functor, endomorphism preserving 27
Functor, eventually equal 16
Functor, eventually faithful 35
Functor, eventually full 34
Functor, eventually onto 34
Fundamental groupoid 49
Geometric basis 239
Geometric Stiefel — Whitney class 256
Geometrically prescribed basis 183
Handle cancellation 231
Handle decomposition 223
Handle rearrangement 230
Homology of a bc pair 89
Homology of a bc space 89
Homology of a fragmented pair 55
Homology of a fragmented space 55
Homotopy of a bc pair 90
Homotopy of a bc space 90
Homotopy of a fragmented pair 63
Homotopy of a fragmented space 60
Hurewicz Theorem transformation 75
Hurewicz Theorem, Absolute 75
Hurewicz Theorem, Relative 81
Hurewicz Theorem, variations on 85
Infinite direct sums 137
Involution 168
Left cokernel 291
Left fringe 290
Locally finitely generated 139
Morphism eventually epimorphic 23
Morphism eventually equal 16
Morphism eventually monomorphic 23
Morphism eventually zero 23
Morphism, eventual 6
Preferred basing 177
Preferred basis 177
Preferred isomorphism 177
Proper metric 43
Pseudo inverse 34
Realization Theorem 213
Right fringe 290
Simplified form 112
Simply connected bc space 91
Simply connected fragmented space 69
Singular chain group functor 59
Stiefel — Whitney class 168
Sum Theorem 118—119
Supported over B 290
Tame boundedness control structure 212
TYPE 218
U-small 4
Unbounded life 288
Uniformly locally presented 261
Universal cover 50
Universe 3
Weakly bounded function 156
Weakly coextensive 159
Weakly eventually epimorphic 159
Weakly eventually faithful 156—157
Weakly eventually full 156—157
Weakly eventually monomorphic 159
Whitehead theorem 93
Whitehead torsion of a bc h-cobordism 251
Whitehead torsion of a bc homotopy equivalence 117
Whitehead torsion of a chain complex 178
Whitehead torsion of an isomorphism 179
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