Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Brocker Th., Dieck T.T. — Representations of Compact Lie Groups |
Предметный указатель |
Left invariant 11 ff 15 41 46 49
Left translation 14 181
Legendre function 121
Lie algebra 14 ff 19 20
Lie algebra, representation 111
Lie derivative 111
Lie group 1 ff
Lie group, analytic structure 138
Lie group, holomorphic 30
Lie group, homomorphism 2
Lie group, isomorphism 2
Lie product 18 ff
Linear groups 3 ff
Linear groups over 7
Linear groups, standard inclusions 10
Linked 40
Local coordinates 2
localization 249
Locally finite 128
Locally trivial 14 32
LOG 28 f
Long root 213
Lorentz group 9
lower 250
Mapping degree 51 179
Matrix algebra 284 287
Matrix representation 66
Maximal abelian Lie algebra 164
Maximal abelian subgroup 164 f
Maximal compact subgroup 90 153
Maximal torus; tonts, maximal 157
Minkowski space 292
Mod(R) 287
Module 67 72 112
Module over convolution algebra 67 83 140
Monotone (integral) 40
Morphism of G-modules 67
Multiplicity 69 70 257
Naturality of exp 23
Negative root 204
Norm, Clifford 57
Norm, operator 131
Norm, quaternion 6
Norm, symplectic 8
Normal subgroup 35
Normalized 41
Normalizer of maximal torus 158 ff
Normalizer of reflection group 196 201
O(3)-representations 84 ff
O(n): orthogonal group 4
One-parameter group 11 ff 17
Operation of a group on a space 30 ff
Operator 72
Orbit 31 35
Orbit of extended Weyl group 227 232
Orbit of Weyl group 202
Order on LT* 250
Orientation 43 51 52
Orientation, preserving 43
Orthogonal group 4 10 11 36 38 155
Orthogonal group, representation ring 292 297
Orthogonal group, representations 292 ff
Orthogonal representation 93
Orthogonality relation 79 81 83 101 142 245
Partition of unity 44 53
Pauli spin matrix 62
Peter — Weyl theorem 133 ff
Physicists’ convention 21 62
Pin(n) 60
Positive (in R(G)) 103
Positive root 204 252
Positive root, decomposition into 257
Positive weight 257
Positive-definite 11 153
Precompact 130
primitive 116
Product of characters 80 254 259
Product of representative functions 125
Product, direct 3 82 105
Projection, principal bundle 32
Projection, tangent bundle 14
Projective group 4 11 90
Projective representation 90 ff 110
Projective space 11 37 52
Pure quaternion 6 61
Quadratic form 54
Quaternion 5 61
Quaternion group 7 61 84 91 115 185 292
Quaternion, pure 6
Quaternionic representation 93 ff 261
Quaternionic structure 93 102
Quaternionic type 97
Quotient group 35
R(G): representation ring 103
Rank 165 189 197
Rank one 185 199
Rank two, root systems 200 211 227
Real representation 93 ff 136
Real root: root 185
Real structure 93 101 102
Real type 97 261
Real weight 114
Reduced root system 197
Reducible 68
Reducible root system 211
Reflection 192 ff 202
Regular element in Lie group 168 224 226
Regular value 51 52 179
Rep(G, K) 94
Representation 65 ff
Representation group, quaternionic 263
Representation of Lie algebras 111 ff
Representation ring 102 ff 167 255
Representation ring is Noctherian 256
Representation ring, 249
Representation ring, real 263 f
Representation ring, ring structure 255
Representation space 65
Representation, canonical decomposition 70 101
Representation, faithful 66 136
Representation, infinite-dimensional 127
Representative function 78 123
Res: restriction 71
Restriction 71 95 144
Riemann sphere 37 63
Riemannian metric 226
Right action 31
Right invariant 47
RO(G) 105
Root 185 ff 197
Root system 189 ff 197
Root system of classical groups 216 ff
Root system, canonical metric 213
Root system, irreducible 211
Rotation 22
S(n) (symmetric group) 10
Scalar product on function space 79 245
Scalar product, canonical of root system 213 215
| Scalar product, Euclidean 4
Scalar product, Hermitian 4
Scalar product, symplectic 8 11
Schur’s lemma 69 72
Self-adjoint 21 131
Self-conjugate 98 261
Semisimple 71 ff 201 214 229 237 249 256
Separation of points 132
Short root 213
Similar 67
Simple module 72 287
Simple reflection 205
Simple root 204
Singular element in Lie group 168 189 224 226
Skew field 5 7 74
Smooth 2
SO(3)-representations 84 ff 115
SO(n): special orthogonal group 4
Sp(n): symplectic group 8
Special 168 181
Special -ring 104
Special linear group 4
Special orthogonal group 4 36
Special orthogonal group, complextfication 155
Special orthogonal group, maximal torus 171
Special orthogonal group, representation ring of SO(2n) 282
Special orthogonal group, representations 272 ff
Special orthogonal group, root system 219 f 222
Special orthogonal group, Weyl group 171
Special unitary group 5 36
Special unitary group, complexification 155
Special unitary group, maximal torus 170
Special unitary group, representations 265
Special unitary group, root system 218
Special unitary group, Weyl group 170
Spectral theorem 132
Sphere 36
Spherical coordinates 120
Spherical harmonic 88 ff
Spin(n): spinor group 54 ff
Spinor group 54 ff 91
Spinor group, maximal torus 173 ff
Spinor group, representation ring 279 f
Spinor group, representations 278 ff
Spinor group, root system 222
Spinor group, types of representations 290
Spinor group, Weyl group 173 ff
Splitting principle 106
Standard basis of quaternions over 5
Standard basis of quaternions over 6
Standard isomorphism 6
Standard isomorphism 6
Standard representation 69 71
Star operator 274
Steinberg’s Formula 259
Stiefel diagram 223
Stiefel manifold 37
Stokes’ Theorem 50
Stone — Weierstrass 132
String of roots 201
Structure group 32
SU(2)-representations 84 ff
SU(n): special unitary group 5
Subgroup 27
Subgroup, closed 28
Submanifold 27 28
Submodule 68 72
Subreprescntation 68
Sum of characters 80
Sum of representations 69
Sum of representative functions 125
Sum of root systems 211
Supp(f): support 43
Support 43 257
Symmetric character 240
Symmetric group 10
Symmetric operator 131 ff
Symmetric power 75
Symmetric sum 252
Symmetric tensor 77
Symmetry 197
Symplectic 7 ff
Symplectic bilinear form J 9
Symplectic group 8 11 37 155
Symplectic group, complex 9 155
Symplectic group, maximal torus 173
Symplectic group, representations 269 ff
Symplectic group, root system 221
Symplectic group, Weyl group 173
Symplectic representation 93
System of generators 254
Tangent bundle 14
Tangent map 12
Tangent space 4 ff
Tannaka — Krein duality 146 ff
Tensor product 74 80 84 87 137
Tensor product, graded 56
Tensor product, multiplicities of weights 259
Topological group 29
Topologically cyclic 38 190
Torus 3 25 38
Torus, maximal 157 ff 223
Total space of tangent bundle 14
Tr(A), trace 76
Transformation of integrals 41 51
Transitive group action 31 35
Triangular matrix 11
Trigonometric polynomial 125 136
Trivial representation 69 137
Twisted 293
TYPE 93 ff 261
Type I, type II 293
U(2)-representations 84 ff
U(n): unitary group 4
Unitary group 4 11 36 153
Unitary group, maximal torus 170
Unitary group, representation ring 175
Unitary group, representations 267
Unitary group, root system 217 f
Unitary group, Weyl group 170
Unitary representation 68
Vector bundle 14
Vector field 11 ff 15
Vector product 11 22 118
Velocity vector 11
Virtual character: representation ring 103
Volume form 43 49
wall 192 202 226
Wedge product 42
Weight 108 ff 116 184 239
Weight space 108 112
Weight vector 114
Weyl chamber 192 202
Weyl character formula 239 ff
Weyl group 158 165 177 193 198
Weyl group, extended 226
Weyl integral formula 163
Z(H): centralizer 165
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