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de Berg M., van Kreveld M., Overmars M. — Computational Geometry : Algorithms and applications |
Предметный указатель |
Isolated vertex 31
Iterated logarithm 60
Jaggies 166
Jarvis's march 13
Joint of robot 267
Joint, prismatic 267
Joint, revolute 267
k-level in arrangement 179
k-set 179
kd-tree 100 115
Layer 79 319
Layered range tree 113
Legal triangulation 187
Level in arrangement 177
Level in data structure 106 327
Line segment intersection 19 40
Line segment intersection computation 20
Line segment intersection lower bound 40
Line segment intersection pseudo code 25
Line segment intersection red-blue 41
Line segment, axis-parallel 212
Linear constraint 65 66 71
Linear interpolation 183
Linear optimization 71
Linear program 72
Linear program, bounded 73
Linear program, dimension of 72
Linear program, infeasible 72
Linear program, unbounded 73 80
Linear programming 71
Linear programming pseudo code 76 77 84
Linear programming, 1-dimensional 75
Linear programming, higher-dimensional 82
Linear programming, low-dimensional 72
Linearity of expectation 79 134 197
Link metric 316
Locally shortest path 309
Locus approach 224
Logarithm iterated 60
Lower bound of auto-partition 262
Lower bound of binary space partition 262
Lower bound, convex hull 13
Lower bound, line segment intersection 40
Lower bound, range tree 116
Lower bound, simplex range searching 336
Lower bound, triangulation 59
Lower bound, Voronoi diagram 162
Lower envelope 245
Lower hull 6 246
Lower vertical extension 124
LP-type problem 91
Manhattan metric 161
Manufacturing 12 15 63 90
Map layer 79 319
Map overlay 1 20
Map overlay computation 33
Map overlay pseudo code 38
Map, point location on 122
Map, trapezoidal 122 124 271
Markov's inequality 141
Maximal planar subdivision 185
Measure, continuous 167
Measure, discrete 167
Medial axis 162
Merge vertex 50
mesh 291
Mesh element 291
Mesh generation 291
Mesh generation pseudo code 301
Mesh requirements 292
Mesh, conforming 292
Mesh, domain of 292
Mesh, non-uniform 292
Mesh, respecting the input 292
Mesh, structured 303
Mesh, triangular 292
Mesh, uniform 293
Mesh, unstructured 303
Metric 161
Metric 148 161 316
Metric 161
Metric link 316
Metric, combined 316
Metric, Euclidean 148 161 316
Metric, Manhattan 161
MiNiDisc 87
Minimum spanning tree, Euclidean 207 209
Minimum weight triangulation 207 210
Minkowski difference 276
Minkowski sum 275 289 314
Minkowski sum computation 279
Minkowski sum of non-convex polygons 280
Minkowski sum pseudo code 279
Minkowski sum, complexity 281
Minkowskisum 279
Mixture 235
Mobile robot 267 307
Molecular modeling 12
Monotone polygon 49
Monotone polygon, strictly 56
Monotone polygon, triangulation of 55
Motion planning 1 15 267 307
Motion planning, exact cell decomposition 287
Motion planning, retraction method 288
Motion planning, road map for 272
Mouse clicking with 5 122
Multi-level data structure 106 230 327
Neighbor finding in quadtree 296
Non-crossing 124
Non-linear optimization 86 91
Non-uniform mesh 292
Objective function 72
Obstacle 267 308
Octree 303
Operations research 72
Optimal vertex 73
Optimization, combinatorial 90
Optimization, linear 71
Optimization, non-linear 86 91
Order preserving 170
Order-k Voronoi diagram 162 180
Ordinary facet 64
Origin of half-edge 31
Orthogonal line segment 212
Orthogonal range query 96
Output-sensitive algorithm 27 99
Overlap, cyclic 253
Overlay 1 20 33
Overlay computation 33
Overlay pseudo code 38
Painter's algorithm 252
Paraboloid 170
Parameter space 224
Partial match query 116
Partition tree 320 322
Partition, auto 255
Partition, binary space 251
Partition, simplicial 321
Path free 289
Path, locally shortest 309
Path, semi-free 289
| Persistency 143
Perturbation, symbolic 9 14
Pixel 165 251
Placement of robot 268
Planar point location 122
Planar subdivision 30 121
Planar subdivision, maximal 185
Plane sweep 22 34 51 68 152 312
Plane sweep, rotational 312
Pocket 61
Point location 121
Point location query 121
Point location, dynamic 143
Point location, higher dimensional 144
Point location, implicit 144
Point location, planar 121
Point robot 270 308
Point, infeasible 72
Point, Steiner 293
Polygon, monotone 49
Polygon, rectilinear 60
Polygon, simple 46
Polygon, star-shaped 93 145
Polygon, strictly monotone 56
Polygon, triangulation of 45
Polygon, y-monotone 49
Polyhedral terrain 184
Polyhedron 64
Polytope 237
Polytope, simplicial 237
Polytope, tetrahedralization of 60
Potential field method 288
Power diagram 161
Preprocessing 122
Primal plane 170
Primitive operation 4
Printed circuit board 291
Priority search tree 218 229
Prismatic joint 267
Pseudodisc 277
Pseudodisc property 277
Pseudodiscs complexity of union 278
Quadtree 115 291 294
Quadtree subdivision 294
Quadtree, balanced 297
Quadtree, higher-dimensional 303
Quadtree, neighbor finding 296
Query, database 95
Query, exact match 116
Query, partial match 116
Query, point location 121 128
Query, range 96
Query, simplex range 336
Query, stabbing 229
Query, stabbing counting 229
Query, triangular range 320
Query, windowing 211 319
Random number generator 78
Random permutation computation 78
Randomized algorithm 76—78 84 128 191 200 238 257
Randomized algorithm analysis 76 78 89 197 202 242 257
Range query 212 302
Range query, 1-dimensional 96
Range query, 2-dimensional 99
Range query, counting 119
Range query, orthogonal 96
Range query, rectangular 96
Range query, simplex 336
Range query, triangular 320
Range tree 99 105 109 212
Range tree lower bound 116
Range tree, 1-dimensional 99
Range tree, 2-dimensional 106
Range tree, d-dimensional 109
Range tree, layered 113
Ray shooting 146 316
Ray tracing 165
Record of 32
Rectangular range query 96
Rectangular subdivision, point location in 144
Rectilinear polygon 60
Red-blue line segment intersection 41
Redundant half-plane 93
Reference point 268
Region, feasible 72
Regular vertex 50
Relative neighborhood graph 207 209
Rendering 165 251
Retraction method 288
Revolute joint 267
Road map 272 308
Robot arm 86 267
Robot point 270 308
Robot, articulated 267
Robot, autonomous 267
Robot, car-like 268
Robot, configuration of 268
Robot, configuration space of 269
Robot, degree of freedom 268
Robot, mobile 267
Robot, motion planning for 267
Robot, open or closed 270
Robot, parameter space of 269
Robot, placement of 268
Robot, reference point of 268
Robot, road map for 272
Robot, work space of 268
Robotics 1 11 15 267
Robustness 5 8 9
Rotational plane sweep 312
Rounding error 5
Running time average 78
Running time expected 78
Sample points 166
Scan-conversion 252
Search structure for point location 128
Search tree, binary 96
Second-level tree 106 328
see 309
Segment tree 223 225 229
Segment, axis-parallel 212
Semi-free path 289
Shear transformation 138
Shortest path 307
Shortest path for polygonal robot 314
Shortest path in graph 315
Side in trapezoidal map 125
Simple arrangement 172
Simple polygon 46
Simplex algorithm 72 90
Simplex range query 336
Simplex range query lower bound 336
Simplicial partition 321
Simplicial polytope 237
Single cell 288
Site 147
Site event 153
Skeleton of polygon 162
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