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Russel B. — Principles of Mathematics |
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Referent 24 96 99 263
Regress, endless 50 99 223 348
Regression 291 300 320
Relation 95 107
Relation in itself and as relating 49 100
Relation of a relation to its terms 99
Relation of a term to itself 86 96 97 105
Relation, converse domain of 97 98
Relation, definable as a class of couples? 99 512
Relation, domain of 26 97 98
Relation, field of 97 98
Relation, finite 262
Relation, fundamental 112
Relation, particularized by its terms 51n. 52 211
Relation, peculiar to two terms 25 99 268
Relation, when analyzable 163
Relation-number see "Number relation"
Relations, as functions of two variables 507 521
Relations, asymmetrical 25 200 203n. 218—226
Relations, converse of 25 95 97 201n.
Relations, difference from numbers 95
Relations, extensional view of 99 523 526
Relations, intensional view of 24 523 526
Relations, intransitive 218
Relations, many-one 114 246n.
Relations, monistic and monadistic theories of 221ff.
Relations, non-repeating 232n.
Relations, not-symmetrical 26 96 218
Relations, not-transitive 218
Relations, one-one 113 130 305
Relations, propositional 510
Relations, reality of? viii 99 221 224 446ff.
Relations, reflexive 114 159ff. 219 220
Relations, sense of 86 95 99 107 225 227
Relations, serial 242
Relations, symmetrical 26 96 114 203n. 218
Relations, transitive 114 203 218
Relations, triangular 204 211 471 472 see
Relations, types of 8 23 403 436
Relations, with assigned domains 26 268
Relatum 24 96 99 263
Representation, of a system 245
Resemblance, immediate 171
Rest 265
Reye 403n.
Riemanrf 266
Rigidity 405
Rotation, absolute 489ff.
Schroeder 10n. 12n. 13 22 24 26 142 201n. 221n. 232 306n. 320n. 367n.
segments 271 359
Segments and limits 292
Segments in descriptive geometry 394 397
Segments in projective geometry 385ff.
Segments of compact series 299—302
Segments of well-ordered series 314n.
Segments, completed 289 303
Segments, infinitesimal 334 353 368
Semi-continuum 320
Separation see "Couples"
Series 199
Series and distance 204
Series and triangular relations 204
Series by correlation 262 363
Series, closed 202 204 205 234—238 297 381 387
Series, coherent 274 283 297
Series, cohesive 288
Series, compact 193n. 203 259 271 277 287 289 299—303
Series, complete 269 303
Series, continuous 205 271 287
Series, denumerable 296 298
Series, fundamental 283 297
Series, independent 262
Series, infinite 204 239
Series, perfect 273 288 290 292 297
Series, simple and multiple 372
Series, well-ordered 310 319 322 363
Sheaves 400
Sign, difference of 227—233
Similarity of classes 113 249 261 305 356
Similarity of null-classes 521
Similarity of whole and part see "Part"
simplification 16
Some, distinguished from a 56n. 59
Space 372 436 442
Space and existence vii 458 461
Space, a priori? 454
Space, absolute 227 445ff.
Space, an infinite aggregate 143 443 455
Space, continuity of 437—444
Space, empty 446 449 465
Space, finite and infinite 403
Space, subjective? 446
Spaces, Clifford's, defined 434
Spaces, Euclidean, defined 432
Spaces, projective, defined 430
SPINOZA 221 448
Stolz 90 282n. 283n. 334 336 378n. 379
Straight lines and distance 410 492
Straight lines, descriptive 394—398
Straight lines, elliptic 205
Straight lines, ideal 400 402
Straight lines, kinds of 382 391
| Straight lines, metrical 410
Straight lines, projective 382ff. 387 391
Straight lines, segments of descriptive 394 397
Straight lines, segments of projective 385
Streintz 491
Stretch 181 182n. 230 254 288 342 353 408ff. 425
Sub-classes, number contained in a given class 366 527
Subject, and predicate 47 54 77 95 211 221 448 451 471
Subject, and predicate, logical, can it be plural? 69 76 132 136 516
Substance 43 471
Substantives 42
Such that 3 11 19 20 28 79 82
Sum, logical 21
Sum, relative 26
Superposition 161 405
Syllogism 10 16 21 30 457
System, singly infinite 245 247
Tautology, law of 23
Terms 43 55n. 152 211 448 471 522
Terms of a proposition 45 95 211
Terms of a whole 143
Terms, cardinal number of 362 366
Terms, combinations of 55 56
Terms, four classes of 465
Terms, principal, in a series 297
Terms, simple and complex 137
Tetrahedra 387 399
Than 100
the 62
Therefore 35 504
Things 44 106 466 505
Things and change 471
Time, an infinite aggregate 144
Time, Kant's theory of 456 458
Time, relational theory of 265
Totality 362 368 528
Transcendental Aesthetic 259
Transcendental Aesthetic, Dialectic 259
Triangles 387 398
Trios 525
Tristram Shandy, paradox of 358
Truth 3 35 48 504
truth-values 502 519
two 135
Two, not mental 451
Types, logical 103 104 107 131 139n. 367 368 521 523—528
Types, logical of infinite order 525
Types, logical, minimum 524 525
Types, logical, mixed 524 526
Types, logical, number of 525
Types, ordinal 261 321
Unequal 160n.
UNIT 136 140
Unit, material 468
Unities 139 442
Unities, infinite 144 223n.
Unities, organic 466
Vaihinger 44 64 56
Vailati 205 215 235 393n. 394 395 413
Validity 450
Variable 5 6 19 89—94 107 264
Variable and generality 90
Variable as concept 86
Variable in Arithmetic 90
Variable, apparent and real 13
Variable, conjunctive and disjunctive 92
Variable, does not vary 90 344 351
Variable, independent 263
Variable, individuality of 94
Variable, range of 36 518
Variable, restricted 90
Vectors 432
Velocity 473 482
verbs 20n. 42 47—52 106
Verbs and relations 49 526
Vieta 157
Vivanti 203n. 288 307n. 308
volumes 231 333 417 440 443
Von Staudt 199 216 333 384 385n. 421 427n.
Ward 474 489
Weierstrass 111 157 259 326 347 473
Weierstrass on irrationals 282
Whitehead vi viii 119 253n. 299n. 307 308 311n. 322 376n. 377 424n. 426
Wholes 77 137
Wholes and enumeration 360
Wholes and logical priority 137 147
Wholes, always either aggregates or unities? 146 440 460
Wholes, collective and distributive 348
Wholes, distinct from all their parts 140 141 225
Wholes, distinct from classes as many 69 132 134n.
Wholes, infinite 143—148 333 349
Wholes, two kinds of 138
Zeno 347ff. 355 358
Zermelo 306n.
Zero 168 195 356
Zero and existence 187
Zero and negation 186 187
Zero as minimum 185
Zero as null-segment 186 273
Zero of distance 186
Zero, Meinong's theory of 184 187
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