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Harold Hilton — Mathematical crystallography and the theory of groups of movements |
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Amorphous matter 8 113.
Anharmonic ratio of four tautozonal faces 14.
Anorthic system 73.
Assemblage 127.
Asymmetric system 73.
Asymmorphous groups 259
Axial ratios 9 94—97.
Axis, crystallographic 9 94—97.
Axis, of rotation 22.
Axis, of symmetry of the first sort 32.
Axis, of symmetry of the second sort 33.
Axis, zonal 13.
Barlow iii iv 257 259.
Bate of growth of crystals 108.
Becke 110.
Biaxial crystals 102.
Bravais, iii 142 254 258
British Association report 259.
Capillarity 105.
cell 241.
Centre of crystal 37
Centre of inversion 32.
Centre of symmetry 82.
Class of crystals 90.
Class of space-groups 167.
Cleavage 104.
Composition plane 111.
Congruent figures 22.
Contact twins 111.
Cross ratio of four tautozonal faces 14.
Crystal 8 36.
Crystalline matter 8
Crystallographic axis 9 94—97.
Cubic system 74.
Dana 97.
Determinant of transformation 76.
Digonal axis 34.
Digonal axis, system 73.
Edge of a crystal 8.
Einseitig 49.
Elements of symmetry 33.
Elliott 124.
Enantiomorphous figures 26.
Enantiomorphous figures, forms 92.
Enantiomorphous figures, groups 92.
Enantiomorphous figures, molecules 144 251.
Enantiomorphy 92.
Enantiomorphy, hexagonal 231 232.
Enantiomorphy, orthorhombic 188—193.
Enantiomorphy, regular 236 237.
Enantiomorphy, rhombohedral 220—223.
Enantiomorphy, tetragonal 209—212.
Equal operations 46.
Equilateral net 130.
Equivalent faces, indices of 97.
Equivalent faces, operations 46.
Equivalent faces, points, coordinates of 84—87 166.
Equivalent faces, points, lines, or planes 47 241.
Equivalent faces, symmetry-elements 48.
Etched-figures 110.
Euler's construction 24.
Face of a crystal 8.
Fedorow iii iv 171 256 259.
Fedorow coordinates 74.
figure 22.
Finite group 45.
FORM 90.
Fundamental cell 241.
Fundamentalbereich 241.
Gleichwerthig 47.
Gliding-plane 150.
Gliding-reflexion 150.
Goniometer 16.
Groth 97.
Group 45 159.
Growth of crystals 105—112.
Hemi-symmorphous groups 259.
Hemihedry 92.
Hemihedry, monoclinic 169—171.
Hemihedry, tetragonal of the second sort 199—202.
Hemihedry, triclinic 168.
Hemimorphy 92.
Hemimorphy, hexagonal 229 230.
Hemimorphy, monoclinic 171—174.
Hemimorphy, orthorhombic 176—188.
Hemimorphy, regular 285 236
Hemimorphy, rhombohedral 220.
Hemimorphy, tetragonal 206—209.
Hexagonal axis 34.
Hexagonal axis, lattice 139.
Hexagonal axis, system 73 74 85 95 225—232.
History of structure-theories 258 259.
Holoaxial groups 52.
Holohedry 92.
Holohedry, hexagonal 232.
Holohedry, monoclinic 174 175.
Holohedry, orthorhombic 193—197.
Holohedry, regular 238 239.
Holohedry, rhombohedral 223 224.
Holohedry, tetragonal 212—214.
Holohedry, triclinic 168.
Holohedry, trigonal 225 226.
Homogeneity 8 113.
Identical operation 29.
Indices of a face 9 12.
Indices of an edge 12.
Infinite groups 45.
interval 115.
Inverse about a point 25.
Inversion with respect to a point 1.
Isomorphism 158.
Isotropic crystals 102.
JORDAN iii iv 258.
Juxtaposition twins 112.
Kelvin 248 256
Klein 55.
Lattice 115 127.
Law of rational indices 11 144 256.
Liebisch iii 104 110.
Member of a group or series 45.
Merohedry 92 258.
Miers iv 97 109 110.
Miller 9.
| Mimetic twinning 112.
Molecule 113 142 251.
Monoclinic lattices 132—135.
Monoclinic lattices, system 73 84 94 169—175.
Monogonal system 73.
Monosymmetric system 73.
Morrice 55.
Movement 28.
n-al symmetry-axis of the first or second sort 34.
Net 115 127.
Number of faces in a form 90 93 97.
Number of noints in an equivalent system 47—51
Ogdohedry 92.
One-sided axis 49.
Operation 28.
Orthorhombic lattices 135—137.
Orthorhombic system 73 84 94 176—197.
Parallel grouping 111.
Parametral face 9.
Paramorphy 92.
Paramorphy, hexagonal 228 229.
Paramorphy, regular 235.
Paramorphy, tetragonal 205 206.
Paramorphy, trigonal 225.
Penetration twins 112.
Permutable operations 29.
Physical properties of crystals 98- 104.
Plane of symmetry 32.
Point-group 48.
Pole of a face 19.
Positive angles 23.
Possible edge or face 13.
Primitive pair of translations 118.
Primitive pair of translations, translation 116.
Primitive pair of translations, triplet of translations 122.
Principal axes and planes 198 215 225.
Product of operations 28.
Projection 1.
Punkt, Puhktnetz, Punktreihe 127.
Quadratic group 55.
Rangee 127.
Rational indices, law of 11 144 256.
Raumgitter 127.
Reciprocal transformations 76.
Rectangular net 129.
Reduced movement 160 161.
Reflexion of a figure 25.
Regular system 73 74 87 96 233—239.
Repeated twinning 112.
Reseau 127.
Resultant of operations 28
Rhombie net 129.
Rhombohedral lattice 140.
Rhombohedral lattice system 74 85 95 215—224.
Rodrigues' construction 24.
Rohn 250.
Rotation 22.
Rotation of plane of polarization 256.
Rotation-axis 32.
Rotatory-reflexion 28.
Row of points 115.
Scalar phenomena 98.
Schoenflies iii iv 72 97 167 213 250 258 259.
Screw 146.
Screw-axis 146.
Set of lines or planes 115.
Sohncke iii 145 258.
Sollas 257.
Sommet 127.
Space-group 159.
Space-lattice 115 127.
Space-partitioning 241—249.
Sphenoidal subdivisions 73 74.
Square net 130.
Stereographic projection 3—7.
Structure of crystals 250.
Subgroup 46.
Sublimation 105.
Supplementary twinning 144.
Symbol of a face 9.
Symbol of an edge 12.
Symmetrical lattices 131—141.
Symmetrical lattices, nets 128—131.
Symmetry 32.
Symmetry-axis of rotatory-reflexion 33.
Symmetry-axis of the second sort 33.
Symmetry-element 33.
Symmetry-operation 32.
Symmetry-plane 32.
Symmorphous groups 259.
system 73 167.
Table of classes 97.
Table of groups 239.
Tensorial phenomena 98.
Tetartohedry 92.
Tetartohedry, hexagonal 226—228.
Tetartohedry, hexagonal of the second sort 219 220.
Tetartohedry, regular 233 234.
Tetartohedry, rhombohedral 215—219.
Tetartohedry, tetragonal 202—205.
Tetartohedry, tetragonal of the second sort 198 199.
Tetragonal axis 34
Tetragonal axis, lattices 137—139.
Tetragonal axis, system 73 84 95 198—214.
Transformation 76 156.
Translation 22.
Translation-group 128.
Triclinic lattice 132.
Triclinic lattice, system 73 84 94 168.
Trigonal axis 34
Trigonal system 73.
Twinning 111.
Two-sided axis 49.
Uniaxial crystals 102.
Vectorial phenomena 98.
Vicinal faces 109.
Vierergruppe 55.
Viola 110 256.
Voigt 104.
Wulff 109 110.
Zonal axis 13.
Zone 13.
Zweiseitig 49.
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