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Young R.M. — Excursions in Calculus: An Interplay of the Continuous and the Discrete
Young R.M. — Excursions in Calculus: An Interplay of the Continuous and the Discrete

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Íàçâàíèå: Excursions in Calculus: An Interplay of the Continuous and the Discrete

Àâòîð: Young R.M.


he purpose of this book is to explore the rich and elegant interplay that exists between the two main currents of mathematics, the continuous and the discrete. Such fundamental notions in discrete mathematics as induction, recursion, combinatorics, number theory, discrete probability, and the algorithmic point of view as a unifying principle are continually explored as they interact with traditional calculus.

As the topics and applications will show, much of the material has never been presented in this level. The book is addressed primarily to well-trained calculus students and those who teach them, but it can also serve as a supplement in a traditional calculus course for anyone who wants to see more. The problems, taken for the most part from probability, analysis, and number theory, are an integral part of the text. There are over 400 problems presented in this book.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.04.2008

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Harmonic triangle      340—341
Hartt, F.      147
Hawking, S.W.      3
Heath, T.L.      310
Heaviside, O.      355
Heptagonal numbers      94
Hermite's identity      22
Heron of Alexandria      19
Heron's formula      191
Hersh, R.      219 225 304
Hexagonal numbers      94
Higher parabolas, quadrature of      83—85
Hilbert's tenth problem      51 69 124 137
Hilbert, D.      x 34 51
Hilton, P.      78
Hobson, E.W      311
Huntley, H.E.      151
Huygens, C.      114 238 316 339 344
Hyperbola      196 245 289—290 310
icosahedron      156
Inclusion and exclusion, principle of      30—33 36 300
Incompleteness theorem      51
Independent      210 226 292
Induction, backward      189
Induction, failure of      22 249
Induction, mathematical      3—53
Induction, Principle of      15
Inequality arithmetic and geometric mean      186—195
Inequality Bernoulli's      22
Inequality Cauchy — Schwarz      202
Inequality Chebyshev's      204
Infinite descent      38—40
Infinite ladder      10 40 96
Infinite product      29 169 259 364
Infinite product for $\pi$      29—30 250—254
Infinite product for the Riemann zeta function      353—354
Infinite product for the sine      347
Infinitesimal      85 195—197
Integer-valued polynomial      65
Integers, complex      112—113
Integral elliptic      231 263
Integral Fresnel      273
Integral logarithmic      305
Integral probability      267—272
Integration by parts      253 305
Intermediate value property      157
Introductio in anafysin infinitorum      x 195—196
Irrational numbers      39—41 205
Isoperimetric problem      189
Isoperimetric theorem      191
Iterated functions      170—184
Ivory, J.      104
Jackson, D.      281
Jacobi C.G.J.      306 316
Jeu de rencontre      see “Matching game”
Joyce, J.      197
Julia, G.      172
Kac, M.      248 292
Kazarinoff, N.D.      190 275—276
Keisler, H.J.      197
Kepler, J.      140
Kernel      278—279
Kiefer, J.      138
Klein, F.      195 311
Kline, M.      41 52 197 225 325
Knopp, K.      40 224
Knuth, D.E.      27 29
Koch curve      323—325 336
Koch, H. von      323
Kronecker, L.      4
Kummer, E.E.      50 94
L'Hopital, G.F.A. de      343
Ladies'Diary      95
Lagrange polynomial      285
Lagrange, J.L.      107 138 231—232
Lame, G.      35 125 128—129
Landau, E.      281
Lander, L.J.      42
Landry, F.      62
Laplac's problem      243
Laplace, P.S.      160 209 213—214 216 357
Laplace, P.S., Theorie analytique des probabilites      160
Lattice points      36 221 245
Law of errors      206—216
Le Corbusier      145
Least squares, method of      212 217 245
Lebesgue, H.      275 282
Lee, E.J.      28
Legendre, A.M.      209 212 231 304
Legendre, A.M., Nouvelle methode pour la determination des orbites des cometes      212
Lehmer, D.H.      105
Lehmer, D.N.      59 238
Leibniz's series      314—318 331 334 352
Leibniz, G.W.      8 107 118 223 256 313 316 333 338—345
Leibniz, G.W., Historia et Origo Calculi Differentialis      316 339
Lemniscate      231
Lemniscate constant      234
Leonardo of Pisa      see “Fibonacci”
Lindemann, C.L.F.      314
Lippmann, G.      206
Lobachevsky, N.I.      306
Logarithmic integral      305
Logarithmic spiral      148—153
Logistic function      181 184
Lucas sequence      131 134
Lucas — Lehmer test      105
Lucas, E.      24 35 117 125 136 335
Lucas, E., Recreations Mathimatiques      25
Maclaurin, C.      186 198
Madachy, J.S.      28
Madeleine — Perdrillat, A.      146
Maistrov, L.E.      214
Mandelbrot set      173—179
Mandelbrot, B.B.      173 175 318 320 323 326—327
Mann, H.B.      69
Matching game      32 242
Matijasevich, Y.      52 125
Maugham, W.S.      9
Maurolico, F.      15
Maurolico, F., Arithmetica      15
May, K.O.      231
Mazur's game      157
Mead, D.G.      269
Mean and extreme ratio      see “Golden ratio”
Mean arithmetic      20 186—195
Mean arithmetic-geometric      231—238
Mean geometric      20 186—195
Mean harmonic      187 201
Mean proportional      see “Geometric mean”
Mean quadratic      202
Menger sponge      321—322
Menger, K.      322
Mengoli, P.      338
Mersenne numbers      104—106 115—116 125 135
Mersenne primes      104—106 125 245
Mersenne, M.      104 148
Method of bisection      157
Method of exhaustion      85 311
Method of least squares      212 217 245
Method of undetermined coefficients      161 355
Mills, W.H      69
Minkowski's theorem      119
Modular arithmetic      369—377
Modulus      369
Modulus of precision      213
Moments      287
Mondrian, P.      145 147
Monte Carlo method      230
Montmort, P.R.      32
Mordell, L.J.      55
Moritz, R.E.      318
Moroney, M.J.      186
Muntz — Szasz theorem      287
Needham, J.      8
Nested interval principle      141
Nested radicals      10 21 29 171 184
Neugebauer, O.      43
Newton's forward difference formula      73
Newton's method      192
Newton's series      330
Newton, I.      73 251 256 313 316
Nicomachus      9 76
Nilakantha      316
Nonstandard analysis      197
Norm      113
Normal curve      213 327
Normal law      209—216
Numbers amicable      28
Numbers Bell      167
Numbers Bernoulli      87—94 99 160—161 352 355
Numbers binomial      20—21 95 98—99 135 283—284 335—336 351
Numbers Carmichael      116
Numbers Catalan      259
Numbers complex      112 170
Numbers composite      7
Numbers congruent      369—377
Numbers factorial      265—267
Numbers Fermat      34 62 71 116
Numbers Fibonacci      35 71 123—135 138 154
Numbers figurate      74 342
Numbers Gaussian      112—113
Numbers harmonic      165 296
Numbers heptagonal      94
Numbers hexagonal      94
Numbers irrational      39—41 205
Numbers Lucas      131 134
Numbers Mersenne      104—106 115—116 125 135
Numbers octagonal      94
Numbers pentagonal      see also “Pentagonal number theorem” 75 94
Numbers perfect      100—101
Numbers polygonal      74
Numbers prime      see “Prime numbers”
Numbers pseudoprime      116
Numbers pyramidal      76
Numbers rational      39
Numbers relatively prime      34 63 136
Numbers square      74 94
Numbers Stirling      73 166
Numbers tangent      170
Numbers tetrahedral      76 342
Numbers triangular      18 74 94 118—119 308 342
Octagonal numbers      94
octahedron      156
Oldenbeig, H.      316
Orbit      171
Order      103
Palindrome conjecture      9
Papadimitriou, I.      348
Parabola, quadrature of      310—314
Parkin, T.R.      42
Partial fractions      339 352
Partial products      29 289
Partial sums      224 289 296
Partition of a number      169
Partition of a set      166
Pascal's triangle      see also “Binominal coefficients” 15 20 69 77 99 216
Pascal's triangle modulo 2      334—336
Pascal, B.      15 343—344
Pascal, B., Traite du triangle arithmitique      see also “Binominal coefficients” 15 78
Peaking kernel      278—281
Peano, G.      325
Pedersen, J.      78
Pentagonal number theorem      357—367
Pentagonal numbers      75
Pentagram      154
Perfect numbers      100—101
Phyllotaxis      1247
Picard kernel      279
Pisani, R.      207
Plutarch      95
Poincare, H.      94 123 207 214 325 356
Polygon-triangulation problem      260
Polygonal numbers      74
Polynomial      see also “Binomial functions; Weierstrass approximation theorem”
Polynomial Bernoulli      87—93 99
Polynomial Bernstein      283—284
Polynomial Bezier      284—286
Polynomial Euler      64
Polynomial Lagrange      285
Pomerance, C.      116
Power series      159—169 255—264 314—316 338
Prime number theorem      247 296—306
Prime numbers      see also “Fermat's great theorem; Fermat's little theorem; Prime number theorem; Wilson's theorem”
Prime numbers counting function for      297
Prime numbers definition of      5
Prime numbers density of      296—300
Prime numbers factorization into      see “Fundamental theorem of arithmetic”
Prime numbers Fermat      62
Prime numbers formulas for      64 69
Prime numbers in arithmetical progressions      see “Dirichlet's theorem”
Prime numbers largest of the known      61
Prime numbers Mersenne      104—106 125
Prime numbers proofs of infinitude of      60 63 137 287
Prime numbers regular      94
Prime numbers table of      59
Prime numbers twin      62
Principle of the arithmetic mean      207
probability      see “Bertrand's paradox; Buffon's needle problem; Coin tossing; Gambler's ruin; Laplace's problem; Law of errors; Matching game; Probleme de parties; Random walk
Probleme de parties      168
Pryce, J.D.      275
Pseudoprimes      116
Public key cryptography      119
Purves, R.      207
Pyramidal numbers      76
Pythagoras      4 28
Pythagorean Theorem      39
Pythagorean triangle      see also “Pythagorean triple” 11 43 53
Pythagorean triangle primitive      43 241
Pythagorean triple      43—47
Quadratic convergence      194
Quadratic mean      202
Quadrature      see “Circle; Higher parabolas; Parabola”
Quartic convergence      237
Quetelet, L.A.J.      214
Quincunx, Galton's      214—216
Rademacher, H.      60
Rajagopal, C.T.      316
Ramanujan, S.      10 237
Random      243—244 353
Random walk      261—263
Rational numbers      39
Rational points      44—46 49 55—56
Recursion algorithms for $\pi$      236—238 243—244
Recursion arithmetic-geometric mean iteration      232—234
Recursion Babylonian algorithm for square roots      192—194
Recursion Fermat numbers      63
Recursion Fibonacci numbers      124
Recursion fractals      170—179 318—325
Recursion gambler's ruin      162—164
Recursion Lucas — Lehmer test      105
Recursion pentagonal number theorem      357—367
Recursion polygon-triangulation problem      260
Recursion polynomial approximation      282
Recursion quadrature of the parabola      310—313
Recursion Stirling numbers      166—167
Recursion subfactorials      37
Recursion tower of Hanoi      24—26
Regular prime      94
Reichardt, H.      247
Relatively prime numbers      34 63 136
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