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Burger E.B. — Exploring the Number Jungle: A Journey into Diophantine Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-adic absolute value 107
-adic ball 109
-adic expansion 115
-adic integers 118
-adic numbers 109 113
, addition in 118
, multiplication in 118
A Toyota 51
Absolute value 105
Absolute value, -adic 107
Absolute value, trivial 110
algebraic 56
Almost all 47
Archimedean 108
Aristotle 5
Arithmetic geometry 67
Badly approximable 44
Baker's theorem 66
Baker, A. 66
Basis for the 82
Blichfeldt's Lemma 85
Blichfeldt, H. 85
Brouncker, Lord 49
Calculus student's fantasy 114
Cardinality 12
Cauchy sequence 106
Cauchy, A. - L. 11
Center of gravity 86
Change of variables 84
Channing, William Ellery 130
Characteristic function 84
Complete quotient 30
Completion 106
conjugate 46
Continued fraction expansion 25
Continued fraction expansion, quadratic irrational 45
Convergent 25
Convex 84
Convex Body Theorem 85 86 89
Countable 58
Degree 56
Dense 7
Diophantus 3
Dirichlet's theorem 18 23 26 29 92 115
Dirichlet, J. P. G. L. 17
Discrete 7
Dyson, F. 62
Effective result 65
ellipse 76
Elliptic curve 72 75
Equivalent 37 110
Euler's phi function 12
Euler's theorem 52
Euler, L. 45 49 95
Faltings, G. 72
Farey fractions 19 23
Farey, J. 11
Fermat, P. de 3 95
Fields medal 61 72
Food 114
Ford circles 14 130
Ford, L. R. 11
Fractional part 25
Freiman's number 41
Fundamental parallelepiped 83 84
Fundamental Theorem of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups 78
Galois, E. 50
Gauss, C. F. 1
Genus 71 72
Geometry of numbers 81
Global field 123
Golden ratio 20 35
Hall 138
Hasse - Minkowski theorem 124 125 128
Hasse, H. 124
Height 115 129
Hensel's lemma 120 121
Hensel, K. 107 119
Homogeneous diophantine approximation 101
Hurwitz's theorem 20
Hurwitz, A. 17 35 43
Ineffective result 65
Infinite series 110 113 116
Inhomogeneous approximation 99
Inhomogeneous approximation, diophantine 101
| Integer part 25
Jacobian 84
Kronecker's theorem 101
Kronecker, L. 101
Lagrange's theorem 31 46
Lagrange, J. 30 31 43 95
Lattice 81 82
Legendre's Theorem 32
Legendre, A. 32
Liouville number 60
Liouville numbers 131
Liouville's theorem 57 61 116
Liouville, J. 55 62
Littlewood's Conjecture 93
Littlewood, J. E. 93
Local fields 124
Local-to-global technique 124 126
Markoff constant 36 41
Markoff numbers 38 41
Markoff spectrum 35 37 41
Markoff's Theorem 41
Markoff, A. 35 43
Mathews, Cornelius 130
Mazur's theorem 79
Mazur, B. 75 79
Measurable set 84
Mestre, J. - F. 79
Metrical results 47
Minkowski's Convex Body Theorem 85 86 89
Minkowski's linear forms theorem 89 91
Minkowski, H. 81 85
Mordell's Theorem 79
Mordell, L. G. 72 79
N-dimensional volume 83
Neighbors 39
Newton's method 119 121
Nonarchimedean 108
Nonsingular 69 76
Order 12
Ostrowski, A. 110 128
Palindrome 51
Partial quotient 25
Pell equation 49 53
Pell, J. 49
Pigeonhole Principle 17
Poe, Edgar Allan 130
Point at infinity 70 77
Polynomial ring 118
Polynomial, irreducible 56
Polynomial, minimal 56
Poorten, A. van der 51
primitive 67 68
Product formula 110 128
Projective completion 77
Projective completion, 70
Pythagorean triple 67
Quadratic form 124
Quadratic irrational 45
Rank of an elliptic curve 79
Rational point 67
Riemann surface 69
Roth's lemma 65
Roth's theorem 62
Roth, K. 61 62
Shackles 108
Siegel, C. L. 62
Singularity 69
Stereographic projection 69
Strong triangle inequality 108 133
Superstar 49
Supremum norm 89
Surface, compact 71
Surface, orientable 71
symmetric 84
This very day 49
This very page 49 151
Thue, A. 62
Transcendental 56
Triangle inequality 106
Triumph 58
Uncountable 58
Uniform distribution 99
Uniformly distributed 102
“Think globally, act locally” 128
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