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Murray J.D. — Asymptotic Analysis |
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Airy, G.B. 54
Airy, G.B., equation 54 70 115 133
Airy, G.B., function asymptotic expansions 60 61 69 70 134
Airy, G.B., functions 54 133
Airy, G.B., integral 57
Asymptotic, equivalence 4
Asymptotic, expansion 5
Asymptotic, expansion (definition) 12
Asymptotic, expansion (uniqueness) 12
Asymptotic, matching process 133
Asymptotic, power series 13
Asymptotic, sequence 11
Bessel, equation 55 105 133
Bessel, function asymptotic forms 65 78 105 137
Bessel, functions 61
Bleistein, N. 51
Burkill, J.C. 101
Carrier, G.F. 51 161
Cauchy — Riemann equations 43
Chester, C. 51
Cohen, D.S. 138 150 161
Cole, J.D. 2 138 159 161
Composite expansion 149
Contour integral solutions 55
Convergent power series 4
Copson, E.T. 19 161
de Bruijn, N.G. 16 161
de Laplace, integral 21
de Laplace, method 28
de Laplace, P.S. 29
Debye, P. 40
Differential equations 99
Differential equations, asymptotic solutions involving a parameter 111
Differentiation of asymptotic series 16
Dingle, R.B. 161
dispersion relation 80
Divergent series 8
Dominant Term 13
Erdelyi, A. 99 161
Error function 20 27
Exponential function, complex argument 9
Exponential function, real argument 6 20
Fourier transform 86
Fourier transform, asymptotic expansions 90 91
Friedman, B. 51
Frobenius method 101
Gamma function, analytic continuation 54
Gamma function, complex argument 51
Gamma function, real argument 19 37
Garabedian, P.R. 127
Gauge function 3
Green, G. 111
Group velocity 84
Handelsman, R.A. 51
Hankel function 62
Hankel function, asymptotic forms 65
Hankel integral 68
Horn, J. 111
Ince, E.L. 101
Inner solution 145
Integration, by parts method 19
Integration, of asymptotic series 15
Intermediate, region 141
Intermediate, variable 148
Jeffreys, B.S. 81
Jeffreys, H. 51 81 161
| Kelvin, Lord 72
Kevorkian, J. 138 159 161
Krook, M. 51 161
Lamb, H. 84
Laplace transform 86 96
Laplace transform, asymptotic expansion 97
Lighthill, M.J. 81
Limit cycle 158
Liouville equation 111
Liouville equation, asymptotic solutions 114
Liouville, J. 111
Matched asymptotic procedure 118
Murray, J.D 138 161
Nayfeh, A.H. 138 159 161
Nayfeh, nonlinear 138 159
Nayfeh, nonsingular solution 138 159
O-order 3
Ockendon, J.R. 121
Order notation 2
Outer solution 145
O’Malley, R.E. 138 159 161
Parabolic cylinder functions 108
Parabolic cylinder functions, asymptotic forms 109
Pearson, C. 51 161
Poincare, H. 2 12 159
Power series 5
Power series, differentiation 16
Power series, integration 15
Regular perturbation 141
Riemann, B. 40
Saddle point 43
Saddle point, method 40
Schroedinger equation 127
Schroedinger equation, short wave length solutions 127
Schroedinger equation, spherically symmetric form 131
Secular terms 121 152
Singular, perturbation theory 99 122 138
Singular, region 141
Singular, solution 145
Singularity 100
Singularity, irregular 101
Singularity, regular 100
Sneddon, I.N. 86
Stationary phase 72
Steepest descents 40
Stirling’s formula 38
Stokes, G.G. 72
Stretching transformation 143
Transition point 128 131
Two time method 153
Ursell, F. 51
van der Pol equation 156 160
Van Dyke, M. 2 138
Wasow, W. 99 161
Watson, G.N. 16 21 161
Watson, lemma 19
Wave, frequency 80
Wave, group velocity 84
Wave, high frequency oscillations 125
Wave, motion 79
Wave, number 80
Wave, slowly varying wave train 82
Wave, speed 80
Whitham, G.B. 84
Whittaker, E.T. 16
WKB method 111
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