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Semple J.G., Kneebone G.T. — Algebraic projective geometry |
Предметный указатель |
Reflection 2-dimensional 217
Reflection 3-dimensional 351—352
Reflection, non-euclidean 356
Regulus 274 370
Representations, of conies by points of 106 388 396
Representations, of cubic surface 318
Representations, of lines by points of a quadric in 390 396
Representations, of quadric on a plane 278
Representations, of quartic equations by points of t 395 (Exx. 8 9)
Representations, of quintic equations 396 (Exx. 11 12)
Ruled surfaces 379
Segre, cubic primal 386
Segre, quartic surface 384
Serret's Theorem 190
Similarity euclidean geometry 32 96
Singular points and planes of a complex 372
Singular points and planes of a complex, of a congruence 377
Skew involution 361
Skew perspective 360
Skew polarity see “Null polarity”
Sphere 284
Sphere, envelope equation 346 (Ex. 12)
Star of planes and lines 249
Steiner's Theorem 27 136
Stereographic projection 289
Subordinate projective geometries 76 134 247
Symmetrical correspondences 178
Symmetrical correspondences, (2, 2) and (3, 3) on a twisted cubic 303—304
Symmetrical correspondences, (2, 2) on a conic 179
Tensor 197
Tetrahedra, euclidean properties 260 (Exx. 19 20)
Tetrahedra, in perspective 261
Tetrahedra, inscribed in and circumscribed to a tetrahedron 258 (Ex. 6)
Tetrahedra, reciprocal for a quadric 381 (Ex. 11)
| Tetrahedra, self-polar 272
Tetrahedra, three, with each pair quadruply in perspective 259 (Ex. 11)
Tetrahedral complex 374 395 397
Total points or planes of a complex 372
Translations 216 352
Translations, non-euclidean 355
Triangles, in perspective 81
Triangles, inscribed in one conic, and either circumscribed to another 146
Triangles, inscribed in one conic, and either circumscribed to another, inscribed in one triangle, and either circumscribed to another 100 (Exx. 18 19)
Triangles, inscribed in one conic, and either circumscribed to another, or circumscribed to a triangle 152 (Ex. 9)
Triangles, inscribed in one conic, and either circumscribed to another, or self-polar for a conic 126 (Ex. 9)
Triangles, inscribed in one conic, and either circumscribed to another, or self-polar for another 148
Triangles, inscribed in one conic, and either circumscribed to another, polar (reciprocal) for a conic 149
Triangles, inscribed in one conic, and either circumscribed to another, self-polar 109
Tricuspidal quartic 240 (Ex. 24)
Twisted cubic 295
Twisted cubic, affine properties 313
Twisted cubic, as residual intersection 307
Twisted cubic, associated null polarity 311
Twisted cubic, by related stars 309
Twisted cubic, correspondence of harmonic points, denned by the curve 313
Twisted cubic, generation by related pencils 306
Twisted cubic, self-collineations 303 364
Twisted cubic, the rectangular curve 314 326 18)
Twisted cubic, triangles cut on the curve by a system of parallel planes 314 325 15)
Twisted cubics, numbers which satisfy certain conditions 314
Twisted cubics, with a common associated null polarity 324 (Ex. 6)
Umbilics 285
United points, of a homography 54
United points, of an algebraic correspondence 177
United points, of collineations 210 349
Vectors 10 41
Veronese surface 389 397
Vertex of an involution on a conic 139
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