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Kneale M. — Development of Logic |
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, in Stoic theory 141
, 1 ff. 7
arguments 296 511
arguments, Theophrastus on 106 ff.
18 21 45
= oratio in Boethius 194
in Stoic theory 139
Stoic definition 143
-consistency 719
-incompleteness 722
A fortiori argument 42 106
Abbo of Fleury 199
Abelard, on copula 207
Abelard, on negation 210
Abelard, on propositions 205
Abelard, on proprietates nominum 209
Abelard, on square of opposition 210
Abelard, Peter 48 n. 200 202 203
abstract entities 591
Abstract entities, in Abelard 206
Abstract entities, in Plato 20
Abstract entities, Ockham on 270
Abstract entities, Stoic lekta as 156
Accident 35 36 39 82
Ackermann, on decision problem 725 727
Ackermann, W. 515 535 546
Ackrill, J. L. 22 n.
Adam of Balsham (Parvipontanus) 227 440
Adelard of Bath 225
Adjunction, rule of 550
Agrippa, Rudolphus 300
al-Khowarazmi 225 733
Albert of Saxony 244 270
Albert of Saxony, on consequentiae 294
Albert the Great 229 235—236
Alcuin 198
Aldrich, H. 298
Alexander of Aphrodisias 7 23 70 77 81 87 100 102 105 107 110 111 119 154 158 164 167 169 175 177 185 191
Algebra 309
Algebra of logic 404 ff. 431
Algorithms 733
Alternative logics 568 ff.
Ammonius 107 198
Ampliatio 261
Analytic and synthetic statements, Bolzano on 365 ff.
Analytic and synthetic statements, Frege on 445 ff.
Analytic and synthetic statements, Kant on 356 ff.
Analytic and synthetic statements, Quine on 644
Ancestral relation 468 493
Anscombe, G.E.M. 48 n.
Anselm 200
Anselm and the ontological argument 201
Antepraedicamenta 204
Antilogism 278
Antipater 143 163
Antisyllogism 314
Apollonius Cronus 113
Appellatio 144
Appellatio in Peter of Spain 264
Appellatio in William of Shyreswood 247
Apuleius 116 159 160 169 178 181
Archytas 6
Argall, J. 299
Argand, J.R. 393
Aristotle 1 6 7 10 12 13 15 21 22 23—100 115 133 134 139 158 159 173 185 187 188 196 198 206 228 257 291 478 530 557 566 588 737
Arithmetization of syntax 714 ff.
Arnauld, A. 315
Ars Combinatoria 162 242 321
Assertion sign 478 519
Augustine, St. 174 188 239 599
Aulus Gellius 145 148
Ausdehnungslehre 337
Austin, J.L. 435 n.
Averroes 183 229
Avicenna 229 266
Axiom schemata 529
Axioma 126 145
Axioma, truth of 152
Axiomatics 379 ff.
Ayer, A.J. 637
Bacon, F. 309
Bacon, on suppositio 251
Bacon, R. 234 241
Barbara Celarent 232
Barcan, R. 614 n.
Barnes, W. 299
Basilides 142
Baudry, L. 238 n.
Becker, A. 91 n.
Becker, O. 170 n. 551
Bednarowski, W. 353 n.
Behmann, H. 726
Bernard of Chartres 239
Bernays, P. 515 526 527 535 595 683 684 685 686 689 690 692 703 705 726—727
Berry’s paradox 656 660—661 665
Bidez, J. 191 n.
Bivalence, applicability of, to conditionals 136
Bivalence, principle of 47 48 52 161 214
Black, M. 437 n. 670
Bochenski, I.M. 91 n. 256 288
Bodemann, E. 321 n.
Boehner, Ph. 238 n. 271
Boethius 48 n. 80 105 117 122 123 125 160 161 177 186 189 198 239
Boethius on conditionals 192
Boethius on the nature of logic 194
Boethius on universals 196 ff.
Boethus 182
Bolzano, B. 358 ff. 400 407 440 592 596 641 742
Bonaventura, St. 239
Boole, G. 337 404 435 445 530 738
Bowden, B.V. 421 n.
Brentano, F. 411 n.
Brouwer, L.E.J. 574 672 686 739
Burali-Forti, C. 652
Burgersdyck, F. 305
Buridan, J. 244 288
Burkhart, W. 421
Burleigh, on contraposition 278
Burleigh, on suppositio and significatio 270
Burleigh, W. 227 244 295
Callimachus 128
Cantor, Frege on 443
Cantor, G. 402 458 459 466 476 652 673 739
Cantor, his definition of infinity 440
Cantor, his diagonal procedure 438
Cantor, his theory of sets 438 ff.
Cardan, G. 346 f.
Carnap, on thesis of extensionality 605
Carnap, R. 495 n. 512 516 534 541 603 614 634
Carneades 177
Carroll, L. 421 695
Categories 21 23 25 628 671
Cauchy, A.L. 400
characteristica universalis 242
Characteristica universalis in Leibniz 327
Charlemagne 198
Choice, axiom of 682
Chrysippus 115 116 177 178 181 188 296 347 427 510 535 539 739
Chrysippus on axiomata 145
Chrysippus on conditionals 129 161
Chrysippus on disjunctive statements 161
Chrysippus on indemonstrables 163—164 530
Chrysippus on pans of speech 143
Chrysippus on temporal expressions 153—154
Chrysippus on the Master Argument 126—127
| Chrysippus on universal statements 146
Chrysippus theory of inference schemata 158 ff. 558
Chrysippus theory of modality 123 ff.
Church, A. 396 n. 495 512 566 576 602 607 617 725 728 729
Church, his thesis and theorem 733
Cicero 116 117 123 124 129 145 161 164 177
Cicero on indemonstrables 179
Cicero Topica 179
Class-calculus 407 ff.
Class-relationships 39 189 350
Classes, Frege on 505 ff. 624—625 652
Classes, Quine on 625—626
Classes, Russell on 625 659
Clavius, C. 346
Cleanthes 115
Clement of Alexandria 116
Clifford, W.K. 382
Combinatory logic 522 ff.
Completeness of calculus of propositions in Principia Mathematica 696 ff.
Completeness of general logic 703
Completeness of Stoic system 174
Completeness of system of rules of development 701
Complexe significabilia 231
Composition, fallacy of 93
Comprehension (of general ideas) 318
Conceptualism, in Ockham 266
conditional statements 99 115
Conditional statements, Abelard on 217
Conditional statements, as defective truth-functions 135 f.
Conditional statements, Megarian debate on 128 ff. 161
Conditional statements, Peter of Spain on 235
Conditional statements, Stoic account of 149 159
Conditional statements, used to express logical necessity 137
Conditional statements, William of Shyreswood on 231
Conditionalization, principle of, in Gentzen’s system 540
Conditionalization, principle of, in Port Royal Logic 320
Conditionalization, principle of, in Stoic system 170
Conditionalization, principle of, in the theory of development 544
Condorcet, M.J.A.N.C. 350
Conjunctive statement, Stoics on 148 160
Conjunctive statement, William of Shyreswood on 231
Connotation 373
Consequence-relation, Tarski’s account of 641
Consequentia mirabilis 97 n. 173—174 380 525
Consequentia mirabilis in Anselm 202
Consequentia mirabilis in Cardan 347
Consequentia mirabilis in Saccheri 346
Consequentiae 44 274
Consequentiae in Abelard 215
Consequentiae in Aldrich 298
Consequentiae in Boethius 192
Consequentiae in Ockham 289 ff.
Consequentiae in Paul of Pergolae 292
Consequentiae in Pseudo-Scot 278 ff.
Consequentiae in Strode and Ferrybridge 292
Consistency, of axiom-sets 386 ff.
Consistency, of general logic 702
Consistency, of primary logic 689 ff. 699
Constructive proof 675 ff.
Contradiction, in theory of development 543
Contradiction, Kant on 357
Contradiction, law of 11 46 168
Contradiction, Mill on 357 375
Contradictories 33 56
Contraposition 136
Contraposition in Aristotle’s Topics 41
Contraposition in his Analytics 96
Contraposition, Burleigh on 278
Contraposition, Pseudo-Scot on 284
Contraries, Aristotle’s doctrine of 56
Contrasted instances, rejection by 75
Conventionalism 19 629
Conventionalism Frege on 452 ff.
Conventionalism in Berkeley 312
Conventionalism in Hobbes 311
Conventionalism Leibniz on 334
Conventionalism Mill on 377
Conversion 57—58 66 81 235
Conversion complementary c. 87
Conversion in Port Royal Logic 319
Conversion of modal statements 87
Conversion, Abelard on 209 223
Copula 63
Copula, Abelard on 207
Copula, Bolzano on 371
Copulatio in Abelard 209
Copulatio in William of Shyreswood 248
Cousin, V. 204
Couturat, L. 322 n. 330 412
Curry, H. 522 n.
Dalgarno, G. 327
de Fermat, P. 333
de Morgan on logic of relations 427—428
De Morgan, A. 354 398 404 407 408 510
de Morgan’s rules 295 314 697
de Spinoza, B. 4 300 335
Decision problem 724 ff.
Decision procedures 532 741
Dedekind, J.W.R. 388 403 430 438 440 476 662 677
Dedekind, on the number-series 469 ff.
Deduction Theorem 320 (see also “Principle of conditionalization”)
Deduction, theory of 175
Deductive system 3 80 689
Definite propositions, in Stoic theory 127
Definition 6
Definition, Aristotle’s views on 94
Definition, creative d., Frege on 449
Definition, Frege’s rules for d. 509
Definition, implicit d. in Gergonne 385
Definition, implicit d. in Hilbert 683
Definition, in Port Royal Logic 316
Definition, Leibniz on 334
Definition, Mill on 373
Definition, Plato’s views on 21
Definition, Saccheri on 348
Denotation and connotation, in Mill 373 (see also “Sinn und Bedeutung”)
Derivability, in Bolzano 368 ff.
Desargues, G. 388
Descartes, R. 174 310 316 329 386 393 599
Descriptions, Russell on 595 ff.
Descriptions, theory of 593 ff.
Designation 496 593
Designation of a proposition 50
Deteriorem rule 102 ff.
Development 538 ff.
Development in Boole’s system 415
Dewey, J. 388
Diagonal function 717 734
Diagonal procedure, Cantor’s 438 442 653
Diagrams, logical, Euler’s 349
Diagrams, logical, Venn’s 421
Dialectic = logic 7
Dialectic = method of division and collection 10
Dialectic = reductio ad impossibile in metaphysics 9
Dialectic in Aristotle 10
Dialectic in Plato 9
Dialectic invention of d. attributed to Zeno 7
Dialectic medieval 203
Dialectic name of Stoic logic 113 139
Dialectic, opp. demonstration 1 23
Dicibile 188
Dictum de omni 79 272
Diels, H. 16 n.
Differentia 35
Dilemma 178
Diocles of Magnesia 117
Diodorus Cronus 15 113 115 127 154 161 194
Diodorus Cronus on conditionals 128 ff.
Diodorus Cronus, his theory of modality 117 125
Diogenes Laertius 7 15 113 116 117 123 124 129 139 140 143 144 146 147 148 149 152 153 161 162 164 169
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