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Gruenberg K.W. — Linear Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
Matrix, orthogonal 79 143
Matrix, rational canonical 166
Matrix, similarity of 79 101
Matrix, skew-symmetric 79 101
Matrix, symmetric 77 101
Matrix, transposed 77
Matrix, triangular 108 109 140 147
Matrix, unitary 146
Matrix, zero 72
Metric 125
Mid-point 29
Minimum polynomial of linear mapping 151
Minimum polynomial of matrix 168 169
Minkowski's inequality 129
Module 150
Module, cyclic 153
Module, finitely generated 153
Module, torsion 152 155 165
Module, torsion-free 152 163 165
n-tuple 2
n-tuple, ordered 2
Nilpotent matrix 74
Non-Desarguesian projective plane 39 48
Norm (length) in euclidean space 125
Norm (length) in Hilbert space 146
Normal mapping 147
Normal to a plane 134
Null-polarity 110
Order of (commutative) group 153
Order of general linear group 62
Orientation 144
Origin of affine frame of reference 43
Orthogonality 51 93 126 137 146
Orthosymmetry 97 101 122
Pappus' Theorem, (affine) 25
Pappus' Theorem, (projective) 39 40 51 88
Paraboloid 119
parallel 18
Parallelogram 37 64
Parallelogram law 125
Pencil of lines 86 87
Pencil of planes 86 87
Permutation 4
Perpendicular 133 134
Perspective, axis of 38
Perspective, center of 23
Perspective, triangles in, from a point 23
Perspectivity 48 49 65
Plane in affine geometry 16
Plane, projective 30
Point at infinity 36
Point in affine geometry 16
Point, projective 30
Polarity 110 113
Polarity, affine 111 120
Polarity, definite 132
Polynomials, vector space of 6
Positive definite, hermitian form 123
Positive definite, symmetric bilinear form 106
Principal ideal 152
Principal ideal, domain 160 151
Projection 70 71
Projective geometry see “Geometry”
Projective space 30
Projectivity 45 88
Projectivity, degenerate 70
Pythagoras' theorem 100
Quadrangle 40 84
Quadratic, form 100 101
Quadratic, polynomial 100 108 111 117
Quadric, affine 116
Quadric, euclidean 134
Quadric, projective 111
Quadrilateral 84
Quaternion algebra (over R) 75 101
Radius of sphere 133
Range of points 86 87
Rank of affine quadric 119
Rank of bilinear form 91
Rank of linear mapping 76 94
Rank of matrix (including row and column) 77
Rank of projective quadric 112
Rank of sesquilinear form 122
Rank of torsion-free F[X]-module 163
Rational canonical matrix 166
Reflexion 143 145
| Relativity 107
Representative cone 115
Ring 149
Rotation 143 145
Rotation group 4 144
scalar 5
Schwarz's inequality 126
Segre symbol 170
Self-polar simplex 115
Semi-linear isomorphism 56
Semi-linear mapping 120
Sequence, ordered 2
Sesquilinear form 121
Sesquilinear form, orthosymmetric 122
Sets 1
Sets, equality of 2
Signature 106 108
Similarity of distances 131
Similarity of linear mappings 154
Similarity of matrices 79 166
Simplex of reference 46
Skew, elements in projective geometry 30
Skew, linen in affine geometry 20
Space of cosets 67 154
Space time 107
Space, alternating (symplectic) 99 102
Space, bilinear 89
Space, coefficient 50
Space, dual 80
Space, eigen 71 135
Space, Euclidean 107 125
Space, metric 125
Space, normed 125
Space, orthogonal (symmetric) 98 105
Space, projective 30
Space, skew-symmetric 99
Space, symmetric (orthogonal) 98 105
Space, symplectic (alternating) 99 102
Space, vector 5
Sphere 133
Split product of groups 60 144
Standard basis of 168
Standard basis of 74
Standard basis of 12 13
Subgeometry of affine geometry 16
Subgeometry of euclidean geometry 127
Subgeometry of projective geometry 30
Subgeometry of similarity euclidean geometry 131
Subgroup 4 59 144
Subgroup, Sylow 163
Submodule 153
Subring 149
subspace 6
Subspace, belonging to a coset 16
Subspace, direct sum of 7
Subspace, invariant 153
Subspace, spanned (generated) by a set 7
Subspace, sum (join) of 7
Subspace, translated “Coset”
Sylvester's law of inertia 106
Tangent to a projective quadric 114
Torsion element 152 155
Torsion module see “Module”
Torsion-free F[X]-module 163 165
Trace mapping 75 83
Translation group (in A and in V) 59
Translation in affine geometry 42 49 54 63 70
Translation in vector space 42
Transpose of linear mapping see “Linear mapping”
Transpose of matrix 77
Transvection 70
triangle 23
Triangle diagonal point 40
Triangle inequality 125
Union of sets 3
Unique factorization domain 160 161
Unit point of a projective frame of reference 46
Vector 5
Vector space 5
Vector space, dimension of 10
Vector space, finite dimensional 9
Vector, eigen see “Eigenvector”
Vector, homogeneous 22 30
Wedderburn's Theorem 39
Zorn's lemma 178
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