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Hahn L.Sh. — Complex Numbers and Geometry ( Spectrum Series) |
Предметный указатель |
Abel, N.H.(1802-1829) 2
Absolute value 7
Apollonius (260-200 B.C.) 183
Apollonius (260-200 B.C.), circle of 148 175 183
Argument 25 127
Aubert 85
Axis, imaginary 19
Axis, real 19 131
Bak, Joseph (1945- ) 14
Barycentric coordinates 48 112 113
Bijective 125
Boas, Ralph P.(1912-1992) 14
Bolym,J.(1802-1860) 156
Cantor line 92 95
Cantor point 94
Cantor, M.B.(1829-1920) 90—92 119
Cauchy, A.L.(1789-1857) 2
Center of gravity 23
Centroid 23 60 74 91 111 117 168
Ceva, G.(1647?-1737?) 173
Ceva, G.(1647?-1737?), theorem of 173 175
Circumcenter 59 71 74 170
circumcircle 68 69 71 84 85 87 90 100 116 171 180
Clifford, W.K.(1845-1879) 67
Clifford, W.K.(1845-1879), Clifford circle 68 70
Clifford, W.K.(1845-1879), Clifford point 68 70
Clifford, W.K.(1845-1879), theorems of 67
Cocyclic 64—67 69 70 117 131 149 155 171 178 180
Collinear 49 56 65 66 131
Complex conjugate 6
Complex plane 19
Concentric 137 140 161
conformal 131 158
Conjugate angle 107
Convex 48
Coolidge, J.L.(1873-1954) 75
Coxeter, H.S.M.(1907-) 152
Cross ratio 65 67 130 158 160
Davis , P.J.(1923- ) 100
DeMoivre, A.(1667-1754) 29
Dilation 127 137 144 147 160
Discriminant 44 140
Echols, W.H. 111
Elliptic function 2
Euler line 74
Euler, L.(1707-1783) 2 65 154
Excenter 98 173 175
Excircle 96 100 102 173
Feuerbach, K.W.(1800-1834) 96
Feuerbach, K.W.(1800-1834), theorem of 96 152
Field 5
Fixed point 143 160
Fundamental theorem of algebra 13 14 33
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) 62
Gauss, C.F.(1777-1855) 2 14
Gaussian plane 19
Golden ratio 67
Greitzer, S.L.(1905-1988) 152
Group 119 126 158 159
Group, subgroup 127
Hadamard, J.S.(1865-1963) vii
Hashimoto, Kay (1976- ) 180
Homomorphic 127
Honsberger, Ross (1929- ) 180
Identity 107 108 126
Imaginary part 6
Imaginary unit 6
Incenter 98 99 172 173
incircle 96 99 100 102 173
Infinity, the point at 122 134
Interior 133
inversion 134 148 163
Inversion, center of 149
Inversion, circle of 149
Isogonal 151
Jacobi, C.G.J.(1804-1851) 2
Katayama, K.(1932- ) 165
Katznelson, Y.(1934- ) 165
Law of Cosines 116
Linear transformation 32
| Lobachevsky, N.I.(1793-1856) 156
Magnification 127
Matrix 8 32
Matrix, invertible 127
Median 23 168
Menelaus of Alexandria (98?) 176
Modulus 7
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868) 125
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation 124 125
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, elliptic 147 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, hyperbolic 147 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, inverse of 125 126
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, loxodromic 147 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, multiplier of 147
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, normal form of 146 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, parabolic 147 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, product of 126
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, similar 146
Morley, Frank (1860-1937) 103
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) 62
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), theorem of 60 112 180
Newman, Donald (1930- ) 14
Nine-point circle 74 75 83 90 96 117
Oriented curve 133
orthocenter 71 74 82 96 117 171
Pappus of Alexandria (ca 320) 151
Parallelogram law 44
Pascal, B.(1623-1662) 119
Pascal, B.(1623-1662), Pascal line 119
Pedal triangle 172
Pencil of circles 141
Pencil of circles, conjugate 141 143 148
Pencil of circles, elliptic 142
Pencil of circles, elliptic, common points of 142
Pencil of circles, hyperbolic 142
Pencil of circles, hyperbolic, limiting point of 142
Pencil of circles, parabolic 142
Petersen, Julius 112
Poincare, H.(1854-1912) 156 163
Poisson, S.D.(1781-1840) 41
Poisson, S.D.(1781-1840), Poisson kernel 41
Poisson, S.D.(1781-1840), Poisson kernel, conjugate 41
Polar coordinates 25
Projective geometry 2
Ptolemy. C.(85?-165?) 65 66
Ptolemy. C.(85?-165?), theorem of 116
Pythagoras (572-492 D.C.) 66
Pythagoras (572-492 D.C.), Pythagorean theorem 66
Pythagoras (572-492 D.C.), Pythagorean triple 43
Real part 6
Reciprocation 128 160
Reflection 134 158
Riemann, G.F.B.(1826-1866) 122
Riemann, G.F.B.(1826-1866), Riemann sphere 122 125 158
Rigid motion 158
Rotation 127 158
Rotation matrix 32
Schoenberg, I.J.(1903-1991) 139
Schoute, Peter H.(1846-1913) 112
Schwerdtfeger, H. 165
Self-conjugate 77
Similar 55 134
Simson, Robert (1687-1768) 77 79
Simson, Robert (1687-1768), Simson line 79 81 87
Steiner, J.(1796-1863) 118 140
Stereographic 121 158
symmetric 134
Symmetry 163
Symmetry principle 135 161
Takagi. T.(1875-1960) 39
Transformation, bilinear 124
Transformation, homographic 124
Transformation, linear fractional 124
Translation 127 137 158 160
Triangle inequality 17 19 24 30 158
Unit circle 27 31
Wallace, William (1768-1843) 79
Wallis, J.(1616-1703) 42
Yano, K.(1912- ) 165
Zero divisor 8
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