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Alexits G., Sneddon I.N. — Convergence Problems of Orthogonal Series |
Предметный указатель |
-continuity modulus 291
-integrable 1
-integrable 2
-integrable 240
-integrable 2
-integrable 2
-lacunary 130
Abel transform 71
Alexits, G. 85 87 107 118 124 133 136 184 191 293 294 300 301 315 319 333
Almost everywhere 2
Approximation system 311
Banach, S. 100 171 249 263
Bernstein, S. 301 307 337
Borgen, S. 112
Cantelli, F.P. 57
Carleman, T. 212 284
Category of a set 244
Cauchy fundamental sequence 12
Chapman, S. 271 283
Chen, K.K. 227
Christoffel — Darboux formula 26
Christoffel, E.B. 29
Coefficient test 228
Complet, space 239
Complet, system of functions 14
Constant-preserving system 263
Continuity modulus 292
Convergence system 155
Covering function 2
Darboux, G. 29
Degree of approximation 286
Degree of approximation in the sens of the -approximation 288
Denjoy, A. 329
Dini — Lipschitz condition 27
Dini, U. 266
Egoroff, D. 8
Equinormed 187
Erdoes, P. 40
Ess. lub. 239
Expansion coefficient 6
Faber, G. 257
Faddeieff, D.K. 283
Fatou's lemma 10
Fatou, P. 10 18 283
Favard, J. 29
Fejer's approximation theorem 18
Fejer, L. 20 75 283
Fekete, M. 170
Fine, N. 271 302
Fischer, E. 17 18
Fourier coefficient 6
Fourier series 6
Franklin, Ph. 50
Freud, G. 40 212 271
Function lying in the plane of an orthogonal system 329
Gal, S. 124
Gram, J. 8
Guter, R.S. 170
Haar, A. 46 50 263
Hahn, H. 282
Hardy, G.H. 112 283 285
Helson, H. 213
Hobson, E.W. 82
Humpbacked majorant 279
Inequality, Bessel's 7
Inequality, Hoelder's 240
Inequality, Minkowski's 240
Integral, singular 252
Integral, Stieltjes — Lebesgue 1
Integral, uniformly singular 252
Intervall of orthogonality 1
Jackson, D. 307
Jacob, M. 301
Jerosch, F. 82 177
Kaczmarz, S. 62 111 124 125 129 176 192 204 213 227 333
Kantorovitch, I. 83
Kernel 171
Khintchine, J. 56
Kolmogoroff, A. 56 124 176 184 193 213 315 326
Korous, J. 43
Kralik, D. 293 294 315
Krein, S.G. 283
Kronecker, L. 72
L-integrable 2
Lacunary 85
Lacunary, strongly 120
Leading coefficient 21
Lebesgue constant 183
Lebesgue function 172
Lebesgue point 271
Lebesgue point of order p 284
Lebesgue, H. 183 250 256 263 283
Levi's theorem 11
Levi, B. 11
Lewin, B.Ya. 283
Linear functional 243
| Linearly independent 4
Lipschitz condition 29
Littlewood, J.E. 112 285
Lorentz, G.G. 87 143 158
Lusin, N. 329
Marcinkiewicz, J. 158 285 325
Menchoff's summation theorem 152
Menchoff, D. 79 82 87 99 107 129 152 158 170 213
Mercer, J. 250
Natanson, I.P. 283
Norm 239
Norm of a linear functional 243
O, o 37
O, o , 38
Orlicz, W. 107 284 328
Orthogonal 3
Orthogonal expansion 6
Orthogonal polynomial 21
Orthogonal polynomial, Chebysheff's 30
Orthogonal polynomial, Jacobi's 30
Orthogonal polynomial, Legendre's 30
Orthogonal polynomial, ultraspherical 30
orthogonal series 6
Orthogonal, multiplicatively 186
Orthogonal, strongly multiplicatively 187
Orthogonalisation 5
Orthonormal 3
Orthonormal systems, complete 14
Orthonormal systems, Haar's 46
Orthonormal systems, polynomial-like 177
Orthonormal systems, Rademacher's 51
Orthonormal systems, Walsh's 60
Pal, J. 170
Paley, R.E.A.C. 56 59 192
Parseval's equation 14
Plancherel, M. 8 82 83
Plessner, A. 176 184 319
Privaloff, A. 283
Product system 186
Rademacher, H. 56 79 82 85 227
Renyi, A. 21 62
Riemann, B. 331
Riesz — Fischer theorem 13
Riesz, F. 3 17
Riesz, M. 271 283
Rodriguez's formula 34
Romanowski, P.I. 283
Rudin, W. 293
Salem, R. 83 184
Schmidt, E. 6 18
Schwarz's inequality 9
Seliverstoff, G. 176 184
Sidon, S. 212 333
Snig 51
Space linear metric 239
Space, 240
Space, Banach 239
Space, C 239
Space, m 239
Steinhaus,H. 59 192 249 263 333
Stekloff, W. 18
Stetchkin, S.B. 319 337
Stochastically independent functions 192
Stochastically independent sets 93
Stone, M.H. 328
Summation process linear 65
Summation process permanent 65
Summation process positive 65
Summation process, Abel — Poisson 70
Summation process, absolutely (C, ) 134
Summation process, Cesaro (C, ) 67
Summation process, Riesz 139
Summation process, strongly 77
Summation process, very strongly 112
Sunouchi, G. 83 130
Szasz, O. 337
Szegoe, G. 40 46 184 250
Szoekefalvi-Nagy, B. 184 293 300
Talalyan, A. 83 170
Tandori, K. 78 88 99 100 118 124 129 134 143 150 176 191 204 212 217 227 228 237 283 284 285
Toeplitz, O. 65
Turan, P. 40 285
Ulianoff, P.L. 170 225 229
Universal series 160
W-system 187
W-system, W-series 187
Walfisz, A. 83
Walsh, J.L. 60 62 186 192 257 263 271 329
Weight function 2
Weyl, H. 82 177
Wilenkin, N.Ya. 192
Yano, S. 83 130
Young, G.H. 283
Zahorski, Z. 283
Zalcwasser, Z. 118
Zygmund, A. 56 59 78 112 124 143 195
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