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Chevalley C. — Theory of Lie Group, Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
Adjoint representation 123
Alternate functions 141
Analytic groups 100
Associated algebraic group 197
Automorphism group 135
BessePs inequality 209
Canonical coordinates 118
Cartan, differential forms of 146
Character of a representation 186
Clifford numbers 61
Compact abelian groups 212
COMPLEX 23 203
Coordinate systems 70
Countability axioms 94
Covering group 53
Covering spaces 40
Derived algebra 125
Derived group 125
Differentials 78
Exponential mapping 115
Exponential of a matrix 5
Giassmann algebra 145
Hermitian product 9
Homogeneous spaces 29
Homomorphism, analytic 111
Homomorphism, local 48
Ideals of Lie algebras 114
Infinitesimal transformations 82
Integration of differential forms 161
Invariant integration on a group 167
Involutive distribution 86
Isomorphism, local 37
Kronecker product 179
Lie algebras 101
Lie groups 129
Lie groups, compact, representations of 171 ff.
| Linear groups, general 3 101
Linear groups, special 4 119
Manifolds, analytic 68—98
Manifolds, integral 87
Manifolds, oriented 158
Manifolds, products of 75
Matrices 2
Matrices, Hermitian 11
Matrices, skew-hermitian 8
Matrices, skew-symmetric 8
Matrices, unitary 4 10
Maurer — Cartan, forms of 152
Monodromy, principle of 46
Multilinear functions 139
Orthogonal groups 4 32 36 60 65 203
Orthogonal groups, complex 4
Orthogonal groups, special 119 203
Peter — Weyl, theorem of 203
Pfaffian forms 146
Poincare group 52
Quaternions 16
Representative ring 188
Schur's lemma 182
Spinor group 65
Star representation 178
Submanifolds 85
Sympiectic groups 21 33 36 60 203
Symplectic geometry 18
Tangent vectors 76
Tannaka, theorem of 211
Topological groups 26
Topological groups, connectedness of 35
Topological groups, local characterization of 28
Topological groups, products of 27
Unitary groups 4 33 36 60 119 202
Unitary groups, special 119 203
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