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Sloane N.J.A. — Handbook of Integer Sequences |
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Primes, dividing n 19 31 51 168 177 222—224 881 1323
Primes, gaps between 30 108 327 565 984 1075 1089 1360 1560
Primes, irregular 2292
Primes, of various types 174 179 181 195 228 232 234 242 269 283 284 311 313—315 332 365 386 387 415 445 446 476 506 592 854 956 958 960 971 991 1034 1039 1045—1047 1051 1076 1131 1161 1199 1206 1310 1324 1331 1426 1537 1541 1558 1566 1817 1819 1842
Primes, pseudo 2365
Primes, quartan 2178 2294
Primes, quintan 1636 2044
Primes, sextan 2100
Primitive roots 83—85 226 246 325
Pronic numbers 616
Pyramidal numbers 1574 1709 1839 1904 1966
Pythagorean triangles 1247 1630
Quadratic fields 72
Quadratic forms, population of 126 134 139 259 264 265 292 382 400 407—409 417 895 913 919 928 1004 1312 1329 1383
Quadratic invariants 819
Quadratic partitions 33 42 43 54 55 57 61 65 74 166 169 219 349 877 894 970 1337 1377 1391 1528 1531 1534
Quadratic sequence 1632 1663 1888 2195
Queens’ problem 68 125 147 502 775 1273 1293 1294 1713
Quotients 22 245 882
Rabbits 255
Radicals 1341
Radon 270 1585 1725 1851
Ramanujan 263 384 398
Ramanujan, tau function 2237
Ramsey numbers 516 998
Random sequence 1959
Reciprocals 844 1678 1680 2124
Recurrence, linear 59 102 136 163 207 236 273 281 512 700 758 764 802 814 839 883 975 983 1064 1160 1231 1278 1284 1308 1309 1420 1434 1479 1598 1659 1731 1760 1834 1869 1936 1949 2030 2043
Recurrence, nonlinear 56 206 279 291 328 331 343 364 469 487 513 573 594 635 704 706 717 718 720 744 751 831 833 901 934 944 953 974 1007 1017 1025 1082 1084 1104 1110 1143 1151 1166 1189 1197 1234 1251 1333 1379 1418 1443 1450 1540 1544 1588 1637 1651 1688 1699 1759 1820 1946
Recurrence, operational 681
Recurrence, square 1184 1844 1974 2045 2102 2139
Reducible numbers 1033
Relational systems 1519 1523 1958
Relations 606 646 699 715 740 763 784 872 875 1153 1229 1662* 2197 2323
remainders 887
Remainders, Wilson 1524
Rencontres numbers 766 1111 1716 2009 2132
Representations of n as a sum 23 37 40 75 77 88 155 161 170 172 1297 1305 1347 1376 1504 1681 1890 1896 1898 2067 2150 2196 2201 2203 2281 2300
Representations of zero 439
Residues 97 160 1074 1099 1183 1824 1843 1991 2176 2271 2274 2299 2332 2348 2356 2364
Roots 930
Roots, primitive see “Primitive roots”
Schroder 1170 1465
Self-generating sequence 21 36 70 71 89 91 201 231 254 416 425 909 965
Semigroups 586 596 661 712 1136 1177 1438
Sequences by increases 1219 1796 2021
Sequences, slow 499 1525
Sequences, special 282 918 1400
Series-parallel networks 466 801 1944
Series-parallel numbers 302 460 636 732 989 1926 2306
Sets 624 855 1497
Shift registers 121 1252
shuffling cards 276
Sieve, defined by 241 377 1035 1048
Sine 501
sinh 501 1373 1493 1973
Snake-in-the-box 373
Sorting numbers 483 498 673 674 705 738 806 954 1154 1463
Spaces, linear 271 304 433 489
Special numbers 842
Specific heat 1271 1520 1777 1963 2055 2066 2187
Sphere packing 617
Spheroidal harmonics 593 1742 1985
| Square root 92 105 1239 1291 1812 1814 1892
Squared rectangles 650 1969
squares see “Powers”
Stamps 972 1340 1351 1559 1568 1706 1707 1831 1836
Steiner triple systems 393 2268
Steinhaus sorting problem 954
Stirling numbers, first kind 789 1165 1762 1779 2022 2142 2216 2239 2264
Stirling numbers, generalized 1179 1445 1625 1634 1735 1758 1772 1873 1876 1988 1990 2052 2076 2077 2119 2143 2190 2191 2206 2222 2234 2252 2256 2259 2266 2282
Stirling numbers, second kind 1077 1734 1845 2018 2136 2141 2215 2263 2272
Stirling numbers, various 841 1141 1248 1797 2028 2138 2145 2244 2254 2309 2338
Stormer 1366 1942
Subfactorials 766
Suitable numbers see “Euler”
Sums of higher powers 1020 1315 1375 1584 1639 1723 1850 1914 1932 1972 1977 2014 2179 2221 2262 2280 2322 2327 2343 2354 2358
Sums of squares 197 252 361 564 1320 2152
Sums, other 968 1790 2172
susceptibility 149 1012 1290 1401 1429 1730 1740 1750 1753 1778 1928 1933 1943 2061 2064 2081 2090 2151 2230
Switching networks 682 719 722 752 753 774 786 795 813 1112 1196 1198 1238 1259 1389 1390 1425 1433 1441 1442 1448 1451 1452 1470 1474 1488 1494 1498 1506 1511 1605 1627 1650 1658 1840 1863 1872 1925 1947 1948 1951 1953 2007 2011 2015 2020 2023 2103 2106 2110 2153 2159 2205 2209 2285 2286 2290 2319 2321
Symmetric functions 5 6 62 96 158 876
Tangent numbers 352 737 791 828 829* 864 1487 1517 1521 1805 1950 2059 2166 2167 2361
Tetrahedral numbers 1363* 2172
Tetranacci numbers 301 410 423 1332
Theta numbers, mock 164 230 904
Threshold functions 48 49 142 272 306 308 324 485 492 741 1138 1503
Thresholds of completeness 2342
topologies 648 663 1133 1245 1476
Totient function see “Euler”
Tournaments 211 297 345 353 459 484 510 902
Transformations 933
Trees, asymmetric 1022
Trees, binary 571
Trees, boron 122 133 366 411
Trees, by degree 436
Trees, by diameter 518 527 690 1158 1201 1440 1774 2070 2312
Trees, by height 379 422 449 453 822 850 1097 1102 1148 1408 1466 1594 1736 1764 1862 1918 1940 2241 2335
Trees, carbon 448
Trees, centered 316 936
Trees, Husimi 461 1107 1480
Trees, oriented 701 1108
Trees, planar 481
Trees, rooted 454* 553 570 761 1126 1393 1414 1601 1739 1965 2202
Trees, series-reduced 118 123 293 531 558 1171 2099
Trees, signed 340
Trees, unlabeled 299*
Trees, various 660 1128 1220 1268 1984 2156 2317 2340
Triangular numbers 27 1002* 1718 1924 2291
Triangulations 559 580 662 1103 1173 1187 1431 1609 1618
Tribonacci numbers 296 357 406
Two-way classifications 187 1685
Van der Waerden numbers 614
Walks, on cubic lattice 1210 1254 1404 1472 1482 1489 1749 1754 1787 1791 1917 1929 1952 2068 2074 2082 2157 2162 2238 2302 2320 2330
Walks, on diamond lattice 782 1403 1461 1471 1473 1930
Walks, on honeycomb 1013 1214
Walks, on Kagome lattice 1399
Walks, on square lattice 634 703 1394 1402 1490 1903
Walks, on triangular lattice 1209 1701 1711 1751 2065
Waring’s problem 1353
Weber functions 1032 1732 2098
Wedderburn — Etherington numbers 298
Weights, balancing 556
Wythoff see “Game”
Zarankiewicz 104 233 389 977 1052 1330 1962
Zeta function 2113
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