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Kitaigorodsky A. — Introduction to Physics |
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Momentum, conservation of 59 79
Moseley’s law 504
Motion, circular 32
Motion, rectilinearly accelerated 29
Motion, rotational 72 73
Mutual induction, coefficient of 309
Neutrino 541
Neutron 535
Newton’s laws 26
Nicol 399
Nodes of standing wave 129
Normal coordinates 521
Nuclear forces, range of 549
Nuclear magneton 261 545
Nuclear reaction 566 568
Nuclear reactor 572
Nutation 85 0
Ohm’s Law 303
Ohm’s law, differential form of 303 304
Optical activity 406
Optical activity of radioactive substance 539
Optical activity, basic theory of 408
Optical isomers 406
Optical path of wave 351
Order of spectrum 374
Order, long-range 614
Order, short-range 610
Paramagnetic substances 282 283 661 664
Parameters of state 40
Path difference 121
Pauli’s exclusion principle 490 496 673
Peltier effect 701
Pendulum, ballistic 66 179
Pendulum, mathematical 89
Pendulum, physical 90
Period of lattice spacings 582
Period, half-life 540
Period, natural (characteristic) 87
Permeability, magnetic 269 286
Permittivity 225
Permittivity meter 652
Perrin experiments 198 199
Phase diagrams 620
Phase transformations 622
photoelectric effect 428 692
Photoelectric effect, extrinsic 692
Photoelectric effect, intrinsic 694
Photoelectric effect, “red” limit of 693
Photon 425
Photoplates 533
Piezoelectric effect, inverse 138 255
Piezoelectric materials 657
Planck’s constant 155 326
Planck’s formula 440
plasma 445
Pleochroism 400
Poise 212
Poisson’s coefficient 173
Polarisability of molecules 513
Polarisability, anisotropic 391—393
Polarisation of dielectric 251 252
Polarisation of light 334 335
Polarisation of molecules 652
Polarisation, molecular 650
Polarised (bound) charge 252
Polarisers 399
Polaroid 400
Polymers 618
Positron 559
Potential 228
Potential curve 55
Potential function 689
Potential of ionisation 486 499
Potential well 58 477
Potential, thermodynamic 625
Precession 84
Pressure of electromagnetic field 316
Pressure of gas 188
Probability of State 205
Protons 535
Pyroelectric materials 657
Quadrupole 249
Quanta 326 425
Quantum numbers 479 487 496
Racemic mixture 407
Radar 341
Radiation damage 648
Radioactive decay, law of 539—543
Radioactive series 539
Radioactivity 539
Raman scattering of light 522
Rayleigh — Jeans formula 438
Reaction, nuclear 566 568
Reactor, nuclear 572
Recoil 68
rectifiers 695
Reflection, coefficient of 125
Refraction, coefficient of 125 127
Refractometers 656
Relativity of motion 27
Relativity of motion, principle of 28 412
Relaxation time 163
Replica method 457
Resistance, inertial 30
Resistance, wave (acoustic) 116
Resolving power 376
Resolving power of grating 375
Resolving power of microscope 453
Resonance 95
Resonance, nuclear 546
| Resonance, quadrupole 547
Reverberation time 144
Reversible process 162
Reynolds’ number 217
Richardson formula 691
Rotation of body 72
Rutherford (unit) 540
Rydberg’s constant 485
Saturated vapour 628
Scattering 361
Scattering, molecular 372
Schrodinger’s equation 472
Seignettoelectric materials 254 659
Self-diffusion 219
Self-energy of electric charge 242
Self-sustained vibrations 98
Semiconductors 684
Slippage 641
Spectra of molecules 513—518
Spectra, atomic 500—502
Spectrum of vibration 103
Spectrum, electromagnetic 324
Spectrum, electron 525
Spin, electron 493
Spin, nuclear 543
Statistical distribution 194
Statistical law 195
Stefan — Boltzmann’s law 435
Stokes’ formula 218
Strength 642
Sublimation 631
Superconductivity 682
Surface of maximum energy (Fermi) 676
Surface, equipotential 229
Surface-active substances 645
Susceptibility, magnetic 284 285
Synchrocyclotron, electron 466
Synchrocyclotron, proton 466
System, closed 54
System, inertial 27
Systems of units 44
Temperature, absolute 150
Temperature, Transition 623
Texture 645
Theorem, Fourier 104
Theorem, Gauss — Ostrogradsky 227
Thermal capacity at constant pressure 167
Thermal capacity at constant volume 166
Thermal conductivity, coefficient of 211 219
Thermal expansion 605
Thermal output, coefficient of 216
Thermal pressure, coefficient of 156 157
Thermal vibrations 600
Thermal waves 602
Thermodynamics, first law of 152
Thermodynamics, second law of 179 183 206
Thermometric dilation, coefficient of 156 157
Thermonuclear reactions 578
Thermopiles 703
Thomson balance 246
Thomson effect 702
Threshold of audibility 143
Time, proper 418
Time, relaxation 163 654
Time, reverberation 144
Top 84
Translation 583
Triple point 622
Tsiolkovsky’s formula 69
Tunnelling through a barrier 482
Ultimate strength 644
Ultrasonics 137—139 148
Umov — Poynting vector 313
Uncertainty principle 473
Vaporisation 628
Vavilov’s experiments 430
Velocity of light, principle of constancy 412
Velocity, angular 72
Velocity, average 18
Velocity, instantaneous 19
Velocity, linear 72
Velocity, most probable 201
Velocity, root-mean-square 191
Vibrations 86
Vibrations, damped 90
Vibrations, forced 94
Vibrations, self-sustained 98
viscosity 211 218
Viscosity, kinematic 215
Volta series 698
Wave equation 113 337 338
Wave front 117
Wave function 337
Wave intensity 117
Wave interference 120
wave number 515
waveguide 515
Waves, standing 129
Waves, travelling 109
Weight 38
Wiedemann — Franz formula 682
Wien’s formula 438 440
Wien’s law of displacement 434 435
Wilson cloud chamber 528
Work 45 164
Work function of electron 689
Work, rotational 76
X-ray analysis 387
Yoffe — Dobronravov experiment 429 2
Zone, crystallographic 581
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