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Kitaigorodsky A. — Introduction to Physics |
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Absolute temperature 150 190
Absolute zero 150
Absorptivity 432
Acceleration 20—23
Acceleration, Coriolis 39
Accelerators 464
Adiabatic process 151 168
Adsorption 646
Alpha decay 539—543
Amorphous bodies 612
Ampere's law 262
Angular momentum, conservation of 79
Antenna 320
Anti-ferromagnetic substances 667
Anti-particles 559
Antinodes of standing wave 130
Atomic Radii 509
Auto-phasing 465
Avogadro's number 190 198
Avogadro’s law 158 191
Axes of rotation, free 82
Barometric formula 198
Barrier layers 694
Beams, extraordinary 395—398
Beams, ordinary 395—398
Beat frequency 103
Beta decay 539—543
Betatron 467
Black body 433—440
Block structure 607
Bohr magneton 261 494 545
Boltzmann, law of distribution 196 438
Boltzmann’s constant 190
Bond angles 510
Carnot cycle 181
Cavitation 148
Centre of mass 35 60
Chain reactions 570
Chemical displacement 546
Chladni figures 134
Clausius — Mossotti formula 650
Coefficient, demagnetisation 290
Coefficient, diffusion 210 218 637
Coefficient, linear expansion 607
Coefficient, mutual induction 309
Coefficient, Poisson 173
Coefficient, reflection 125
Coefficient, refraction 125 127
Coefficient, self-induction 305
Coefficient, thermal conductivity 211 219
Coefficient, thermal output 216
Coefficient, thermal pressure 156 157
Coefficient, thermometric dilation 156 157
Coefficient, viscosity 218
Coherence 346
Collisions 61
Colour of sky 372
Compressibility 157
Conduction 679
Conduction of a gas, dependent 446
Conduction of a gas, positive 684
Conduction, negative 684
Conservation of angular momentum 79
Conservation of mechanical energy 53 152
Conservation of momentum 59 79
Contact potential 696
Core of dislocation 603
Counters 528—531
Cross-section, effective of molecule 188
Cross-section, effective of reaction 577
Crystal, cell of 384 582
Crystal, symmetry, elements of 587
Crystallisation 632
Crystals, having homopolar bond 590
Crystals, having ionic bond 590
Crystals, imperfections of 607
Crystals, liquid 616
Crystals, molecular 592
Crystals, negative 395
Crystals, positive 395
Crystals, racemic 407
Crystals, structures of 597
Curie (unit) 540
Cyclical processes 165
Cyclotron 465
Debye (unit) 655
Decay, alpha 539
Decay, beta 539
Deformations, elastic 640
Deformations, homogeneous 657
Degenerate state 482
Degrees of freedom 42 43
Demagnetisation, coefficient of 290
Density of electric energy 241
Density of radial distribution of atoms 611
Diamagnetic substances 283 661
Diffraction 362—366
Diffraction of electrons 469
Diffraction of X-rays 381
Diffraction, grating 373
Diffusion, coefficient of 209 210 218 637
Diffusion, coefficient of, in solids 637
Discharge, arc 448 449
Discharge, glow 449
Discharge, self-perpetuating 448
Discharge, silent 448
Discharge, spark 448
Dislocations 608 635
dispersion 328
Dispersion, anomalous 330
Displacement current 297
Displacement, chemical 546
Displacement, electric 224
Domain 659 665 666 669
Doppler effect 127
Double refraction 391 397 404
Eigenfunction 479
Elastic limit 644
electromotive force (EMF) 228
Electron density 511
Electron gun 449
Electron lens 450
Electron microscope 453
Electron, "radius of 244
Electron-beam tube 459
Electron-volt 48 442
Electrons, free 672
Electrostriction 254
Emission of electrons 689
Emissive power 433—440
Endothermic reactions 565 568
Energy 48
Energy levels in solids 673
Energy levels of hydrogen atom 484
Energy levels of molecules 513
Energy of activation 564
Energy of condenser 240
Energy of field 241
Energy of interaction between charges 242
Energy of interaction between two currents 309
Energy, electric 240
Energy, electromagnetic 312
Energy, free 625
Energy, internal 150
Energy, internal of gases 192
Energy, ionisation 486 499
Energy, kinetic 47
Energy, magnetic 308
Energy, potential 486
Energy, potential of elasticity 48 49
| Energy, potential of gravitation 50 51
Energy, total mechanical 54
Enthalpy 174
entropy 175
Entropy, principle of existence of 175
Entropy, principle of increasing 177
Equation of state 155
Equations of state of actual gases 159
Equipotential surface 229
Escape energy of electron 428
Exothermic reactions 565 568
Expansion diagram 606 607
Fabry — Perot interferometer 359
Feedback 100
Fermat’s principle 336
Fermi sphere 677
Fermi — Dirac function 678
Ferrites 667
Ferroelectric substances 659
Ferromagnetic substances 282 661 666
Field, potential 274
Field, rotational 274
Field, self-consistent 491
Fluctuations 186 206
Fluctuations in luminous flux 430
Flux, electric 225
Flux, energy 116
Flux, magnetic 265
force 24
Force, centrifugal 33
Force, centripetal 32
Force, coercive 291
Force, electric 245
Force, electric lines of 224
Force, electromotive (emf) 228
Force, Lorentz 264
Force, magnetomotive (mmf) 274
Force, restoring 87
Force, thermoelectromotive 699
Forces, inertial 28 422
Forces, intermolecular 592
Fourier theorem 104
Fringes of equal inclination 354
Fringes of equal thickness 352
Fusion 632
Gas equation 158
Gas state 158
Gas, electron 676
Gas, ideal 158 159 185
Gas, ultra-rarefied 220
Gauss — Ostrogradsky theorem 227
Generalised law of induction 295
Gravitation, Newton’s law of 24
Gyroscope 84
Hall effect 685
Harmonics (overtones) 104
heat engine 179
Heat exchange 149
Heat flow 211
Heat of transition 623
Heat, reduced 175
Homopolar bond 507
Hooke’s law 49
Huy gens — Fresnel principle 122
Images, electrical 239
Impact, absolutely nonelastic 62
Impact, ideally elastic 62
Impulse of force 62
Index of refraction 328
Indexes of line 583
Indexes of node 582
Indexes of plane 584
Induced EMF 279
Inductance 305
Induction, electric 226
Induction, electromagnetic 278
Induction, generalised law of 295
Induction, magnetic 260
Intensity, electric field 223
Intensity, magnetic field 267
Intensity, wave 117
Interference of waves 120
Interferometer, Fabry — Perot 359
Interferometer, Michelson 357
Inversion temperature 174
Inversion, point of 174
ionic bond 505
Ions, dimensions of 508
Irreversible processes 205
Isobaric process 163 167
Isochoric process 163 165
Isomers, optical 406
Isothermal process 163 167
Isotopes 536
Joule — Thomson process 173
Kerr constant 405
Kerr effect 404 405
Kirchhoff’s law 431
Laws, Ampere 262
Laws, Avogadro 158 191
Laws, Boltzmann 196
Laws, conservation of angular momentum 79
Laws, conservation of mechanical energy 53 152
Laws, conservation of momentum 59 79
Laws, Hooke 49
Laws, KirchhofT 431
Laws, Lenz 297
Laws, Maxwell 201
Laws, Moseley 504
Laws, Newton 26
Laws, Ohm 303
Laws, statistical 195
Laws, Stefan — Boltzmann 435
Lebedev experiments 317
Lens, electrostatic 451
Lens, magnetostatic 453
Lenz’s law 297
Linear expansion, coefficient of 607
Linnik’s microinterferometer 358
Liquefaction of gases 630
Lissajous figures 108
Logarithmic decrement 92
Loschmidt’s number 191
Loudness of sound 142
Magnetic substances 661
Magnetisation 283
Magnetisation, residual 291
Magnetomotive force (mmf) 274
Magneton, Bohr 261 494 545
Magneton, nuclear 261 545
Mass defect 421 537
Mass number 536
Mass spectrograph 461
Maxwell’s equations 301
Maxwell’s law of distribution 201
Mean free path 187
Mechanical energy, conservation of 53 152
Mesons 555
Metastable states 626
Michelson experiment 414
Michelson interferometer 357
Molecular refraction 651 655
Moment of electromagnetic field 316
Moment of force 77
Moment of inertia 74
Moment of momentum 79
Moment of nucleus 543
Moment of permanent magnet 266
Moment, dipole 248
Moment, magnetic 259
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