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Fermi E. — Nuclear Physics |
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, energy diagram 151
in atmosphere 220
source 179 191
-functions 106
-functions, rays 219
-meson 131 230 223
-meson 131 221
Abraham, M. 41 44 46 54
Absorption coefficients 39
Absorption thickness for cosmic rays 220
Accelerator, betatron 23
Accelerator, Cockroft — Walton 24
Accelerator, cyclotron 24
Adiabatic invariance 29
Allen, J.S. 84
Allowed regions (cosmic rays) 227
Allowed regions (cosmic rays), cones 229
alpha-alpha scattering 149
alpha-particles 55—69
alpha-particles, lifetimes 58
alpha-particles, long range 67
alpha-particles, semi-classical theory 58
alpha-particles, spectra of 66
alpha-particles, virtual level theory 59
Angular correlation, 85
Angular momentum, electronic 10
Angular momentum, isomers 106
Angular momentum, nuclear 10
Angular momentum, nuclear models 169
Angular momentum, selection rules 96; see also “spin”
Angular momentum, total 11
anti-neutrino 85 86
Argonne graphite pile 213
Artificial production of s 1
Atmospheric data 215
Atmospheric depth 215
Atomic mass, mass formula 6
Atomic mass, physical scale and chemical scale 2
Auger electrons 101 141
Avogadro's number 2 240
Axial vector 99
Barriers, arbitrary 56
Barriers, coulomb 57 58
Barriers, factor in nuclear reactions 142 163
Barriers, rectangular 55
Bartlett force 112
Becker, R. 41 44 46 54
Berkeley cyclotron, -mesons 131
Berkeley cyclotron, deuteron beams 177 178
Berkeley cyclotron, neutron beams 121
Beta-decay 69—87
Beta-decay and gamma-decay 89 105
Beta-decay rate 76
Beta-decay spectra 76 78
Beta-decay theory 72
Betatron 23
Bethe, H. 257 30 31 32 54
Beyer 237
Binding energy 2 3
Bloch 31
Bohr 27 148 166
Bohr orbits for -mesons 133
Bohr, formula 27
Breit — Wigner formula 152 157
Bremsstrahlung 43
Bursts 219
Carbon, gamma absorption resonance 175
Chadwick, J. 34 54
Chain reactions 208—213
Chemical binding effect on neutron scattering 194
Cockroft — Walton accelerator 24
Coherent scattering 196—203
Cold neutrons 180 199 203
Collision thickness in air 220
Commutation relations for I 16
Compound nucleus 147
Compton effect 38 40
Compton effect, wavelength 41 240
Conservation of energy 69
Conservation of energy in meson theory 156
Constants, physical 240
Conversion, internal 101
Coryell 32
Cosmic rays 215—235
Cosmic Rays, absorption thickness 220
Cosmic Rays, allowed cones 229
Cosmic Rays, allowed regions 227
Cosmic Rays, bursts 219
Cosmic Rays, collision thickness 220
Cosmic Rays, east-west asymmetry 243
Cosmic Rays, electronic component 221 222
Cosmic Rays, forbidden regions 237
Cosmic Rays, hard component 221
Cosmic Rays, intensity 215 222
Cosmic Rays, latitude effect 233
Cosmic Rays, Liouville theorem 232
Cosmic Rays, mesons in 221 222
Cosmic Rays, motion of, in earth's field 225
Cosmic Rays, motion of, in sun's field 215
Cosmic Rays, N-component 217 222
Cosmic Rays, primary 215
Cosmic Rays, protons in primary radiation 216
Cosmic Rays, references 257
Cosmic Rays, secondary radiation 217 223
Cosmic Rays, shadow effect 232
Cosmic Rays, showers 49 219
Cosmic Rays, soft component 221 223
Cosmic Rays, stars 217
Cosmic Rays, trajectory of 225
Coulomb scattering 125—127
Crane, H.R. 84
Cross section for nuclear reactions 141 143
Cu, gamma absorption resonance 175
Curie 18 240
Cyclotron 25; also see “Berkeley”
Decay constant. 1
Density of nuclear levels 158 161
Density of states in a box 76
Detailed balance 145
Deuteron 113—121 169
Deuteron, nuclear potential 115 116
Deuteron, stripping 177
Deuteron, virtual state 120 121 175 199
Deuteron, wave function 115—116
Diffraction of neutrons 200—201
Diffusion length (neutrons) 195
Diffusion theory (neutrons) 187—194
Dipole see “Electric” “Magnetic”
Dirac theory of the electron 48
Disintegration of s, s 132 221
Double -decay 86
east-west assymetry 253
Einstein mass energy relation 2
Elastic scattering of neutrons 181—185
Electric Dipole 92
Electric Dipole, absorption at high energy 100
Electric Dipole, emission 94 96 106
Electric Dipole, radiation forbidden 99
Electric Dipole, static moment forbidden 15
Electric quadrupole 95
Electric quadrupole, emission 100 108
Electronic component of cosmic rays 221 222
Electrons, existence in nucleus 73
| Electrons, negative energy 71
Ellis 34 54
Endothermic reactions 141 144
Energy diagrams, (compound nucleus) 151
Energy diagrams, beta decay 70
Energy diagrams, isomeric states 106
Entropy of nucleus 161
Equilibrium, radioactive, secular 17
Evaporation from nucleus 162
Exchange forces, experimental evidence 121—125 178
Exchange forces, mesons 134
Exchange forces, saturation 115
Exchange forces, types 112
Exothermic reactions 144
F tables 82
Feather rule 52
Fermi age equation 187—188
Fermi, E., ionization loss 52
Fermi, E., paper on pile theory 208—215
Fireman 87
Fission 164—208
Fission, asymmetry in 165
Fission, delayed neutrons 167
Fission, fragments 166 167
Fission, in chain reactions 208
Fission, neutrons emitted 167
Fission, stability against 164
Fission, triple 167
Forbidden cones and regions 228
Forbidden cones and regions, strictly forbidden transitions 104
Forbidden cones and regions, transitions 100
Form factor 200—201
Fourier analysis of 107—109
Furry 87
Gamma, energy of 89
Gamma, half-life 96
Gamma, multipole expansion 92
Gamma, radiation 89—106
Gamow factor 5
Gamow — Teller selection rule 81
Gamow, G. 55
Gas model of nucleus 159
Geiger — Nuttall law 66
Geometric nuclear 220
Gerenkov radiation 32
Glendenin 32
Goldberger 177
Goldhaber 175
Goodman 7
Graphite filters 203
Greisen, K. 56 49 54
Gyromagnetic ratio, anomalous 20
Half life, alpha radiation 5&
Half life, beta radiation 82
Half life, defined 1
Half life, gamma radiation 96
Hamilton 85
Hard component of cosmic rays 221 222
Hayakawa 221
Heat of condensation 4 7
Heisenberg, W. 137
Heisenberg, W., force 112
Heitler 240 39 45 47 48 50 54
High-energy scattering 121 122
Hydrogen, ortho- and para- 199—200
Index of refraction for neutrons 201—202
Induced emission 95
Induction, nuclear magnetic 13
Inghram 87
Intensity of primary cosmic ray 216
Intensity of secondary cosmic ray 222
Internal conversion 101—105
Internal conversion (cont.), experimental 104—105
Internal conversion (cont.), relativistic treatment 104
Internal conversion (cont.), selection rules 104 105
Internal conversion (cont.), theory 101
Internal conversion coefficient 101 103
Inverse processes 145
Inverse processes, beta-decay 85
Ionization of a gas 33
Ionization of a gas, chamber 55
Ionization of a gas, loss by heavy particles 27
Ionization of a gas, loss by heavy particles, electrons 50
Isobar, behavior of 8
Isobar, defined 1
Isobar, stability of 71
Isomerism 106
Isotone, defined 1
Janossy 237 37 53 54 137
K-capture 70 71 84
K-conversion 101
Kennard, E.H. 41
Klein — Gordon equation 134
Klein — Nishina formula 41
Klein — Nishina formula, plotted 42
Konopinski 81
Korff, S.A. 55
Kurie plot 80
la 24 255 257
Lagrangian, relativistic electro-dynamic 226
Larmor's Theorem 13
Latitude effect 233
Lattes 131
Lead, absorption of photons in 50
Lifetimes see “Half Lives”
Lindsay 35 37
Liquid Drop model 5
Liquid Drop model, applied to fission 164
Livingston, M.S. 237 31 54
Low energy scattering 194—195
Low energy scattering, cross section 119 120
magic numbers 170
Magnetic Dipole, defined 95
Magnetic Dipole, emission 95 100 109
Magnetic Moment, deuteron 13 171
Magnetic Moment, earth 228
Magnetic Moment, nucleons 13
Magnetic Moment, sun 215
Magnetic rigidity 225
Magneton, Bohr and Nuclear 13
Majorana 86
Majorana force 112
Mas, atomic mas formula 6
Mass (amu) 2
Mass defect 2
Mass number 2
Mass of mesons 133
Mass reduced 5
Mass relativistic 4
Matrix element, in beta-decay 75 81
Matrix element, in gamma-decay 92—96
Mattauch, 7
Mayer, M.G. 87
Mean free path for neutrons 185—186 189 221
Mean life see Half life
Meson, and , and 131—132
Meson, decay of and 132
Meson, heavy 133
Meson, in cosmic rays 220
Meson, neutral 133 221
Meson, pseudo-scalar, vector, tensor 135
Meson, theory 13 23 133—137
Minimum ionization 131 133
Mirror elements 83
Mn, (n,n) resonance 158
Model, liquid drop 5
Model, orbit 167
Model, statistical gas 159
moment see “Magnetic” “Electric” etc.
Morrish 84
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